What are you currently reading..

Nicholas Evans - The Smoke Jumper. I'm loving it so far.
Alastair said:
Beware, the Discworld series are addictive.. and they get better as they go along.

I've learnt that already. Bought the next 5 in the series last night, can't believe it's taken me 29 years to discover these!!
viv1969 said:
Oooooh good book. Good Author. Have you read The Loop?

Yeah, it makes me cry!! Awesome author - I started with the Horse Whisperer (but who doesn't!) then read the Loop, now I'm on this one and I have one other to get through...
Have you read the first one - 'the dark house' if not you may be slightly lost at times - I've read them both and they are good, but the lewis man doesnt stand alone particularly well
Have you read the first one - 'the dark house' if not you may be slightly lost at times - I've read them both and they are good, but the lewis man doesnt stand alone particularly well

I haven't, hmm, maybe I'll stick this one on the back burner and read the other one first. Only started it late last night (while 'er indoors was watching some cookery programme :LOL:)

Cheers for the advice..... off to Amazon now!

Edit: I assume you meant "The Blackhouse" ;)
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Yeah sorry my mistake- Dark House is by John Hart - the guy who wrote "Down river" and "the Last Child" - those are worth a look too ;)
:LOL: no worries, I've purchased "The Blackhouse" now (you're not his publicist are you ;)) and have made a not of the others. Cheers!
I'm about halfway through the first Hunger Games book

Absolutely gripped by it. I hoped that my coach would get stuck in a Blackwall Tunnel closure this morning on the way to work just so I could have more reading time :LOL:
Miles - The Autobiography, just starting but it's looking like a good read so far.

Also got Magnum Stories on the go at the moment, have to have a photography book to pick up when the urge strikes.
Just done a marathon two day reading session while off work ill. Finally read The Godfather which has been sat on my shelf for years unread.

Loved the films, the book was even better.
11.59 by David Williams on my Kindle.
Little bit confused by it and the plot is somewhat random, now just reading it to see what happens next not because its very exciting!
Not sure whether to start The Greek View Of Life (first published 1896, 19th edition 1945)or Chris Moyles's The Difficult Second Book.
I thought I'd revive this.

I stopped reading for a couple of months but, last Sunday, I finally started reading Frankenstein: Prodigal Son by Dean Koontz and I finished it yesterday. I'm already 1/4 way though book 2 in the series and, if you're a fan of the genre, I can't recommend it enough.

I also downloaded Ash by James Herbert for 20p and the Sherlock Holmes Collection for 79p today. With the next 3 Frankenstein books to go, should keep be out of mischief for a while. ;)

Another revival. I know there's another thread on books running but that one is for a specific genre.

I've just passed book 5 of the Frankenstein series which, despite book 6 being announced, is actually the last in the series. Sadly, books 4 & 5 appear to more to do with contractual obligation and appear to be a little contrived.

If anyone is thinking of reading the series, might be best to just stick with 1-3, the original trilogy.

Anyway, I'll still finish book 5 and then start on Ash.
Currently reading. Lord of Chaos. Book 6 of Robert Jordan's the wheel of time series.

Really enjoying the whole series so far.
Jeffrey Archer's False Impressions. I'm loving it, its a little slow to start, but it's getting really juicy now!
Marcus Bridgestocke - God Collar.

It's better and less annoying than I feared it might be.
Yeah, it makes me cry!! Awesome author - I started with the Horse Whisperer (but who doesn't!) then read the Loop, now I'm on this one and I have one other to get through...

The Divide....Weakest of them all, I would say. Love the Loop.
Currently reading Pantheon of the Dead - Jon Rosenberg, on the Kindle.
Derren Brown - Tricks of the mind.

First book I have picked up in around 10 years. Hopefully it will be worth it if I can pick up a little on the power of suggestion, got a few uses in mind...........
metamorphosis by Kafka - wondering why I haven't read any of his stuff before :)
Inspired by the current TV programs, I'm reading Tricks Of The Mind by Derren Brown.

Very interesting, and clears up a lot of misconceptions about his act and hypnotism in general, which (considering this book is a few years old) helps explain how some people couldn't accept what was happening in Apocolypse without it being staged.
Picked up a few biographies/autobiographies from a street market vendor a couple of weeks ago (50p each). Just finished Lewis Hamilton's My Story and now on Jools Holland's Barefaced Lies and Boogie Woogie Boasts.

Next up will be Alan Clarke's diaries. No interest in the politics but as the vendor said, "The story of a man who was not only knocking off a High Court judge's wife but the daughters as well has to be a good read!" The other one I got at the same time was Ian Dury's biog by Jim Drury, although rather than a biog, it's more the story of the Blockheads' journey through (and a little beyond) the Dury years as well as a brief look at the Kilburn and the High Roads years. Quite entertaining and revealing.

"I come awake..." Might have to dig out Do it Yourself in a bit!
viv1969 said:
The Divide....Weakest of them all, I would say. Love the Loop.

I didn't actually mind it too much :LOL:
A thousand splendid suns - Khaled Hosseini, its a re read, really enjoyed it the last time
I usually read factual stuff, but at the moment I cannot put down Peter Kaye's (Bolton comedian) "Sound of Laughter". The last time I kept giggling out loud whilst reading a book was Spike Milligan's "Puckoon".
Just started reading the new camera manual - just realised it'll match the car I may well be purchasing soon!!! (All will be revealed elsewhere, in a thread that those who know WTF I'm on about will possibly soon refer!)
Daewoo make cameras? :p
Probably but not mine (Well, I don't think so!)
DorsetDude said:
Not too heavy on the christianity in it or not?

I had to read that sentence three times to understand it!

He makes reference to his beliefs several times throughout the book and explains the reasons behind them. He doesn't force them on the reader, infact, I found it really interesting to reads about his faith and how it has helped him though his life.