What do you have for breakfast?

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The older I get the more inclined I am to agree that breakfast is indeed "the most important meal of the day". My current favourite (time permitting etc) is two scrambled eggs with tomato and basil, two or three grilled portobello mushrooms served with a couple of slices of granary bread, brown sauce and coffee. Sometimes I have cereal and sometimes it's a quick Greggs sausage and bean 'melt' if all else has failed!

I'm looking for new ideas for breakfast here, what do you have as your first meal of the day?
Black coffee. Some fruit or plain yoghurt occasionally.
Porridge with Raisins.
Protein shake and then porridge with blueberries. Or a smoothy consisting of porridge oats, protein powder, spinach, blueberries.
Breakfast very much depends on what I've had the night before as well as what I'm likely to be up to that day.

1. Nothing - sometimes I just can't face eating breakfast, particularly if I've had a large or late meal the night before
2. porridge - I try and keep it plain
3. Yoghurt with muesli and berries. I go for either Danio, Fruyo or Skyr yoghurt.
4. Protein breakfast shake - milk, yoghurt, (frozen) berries, banana or oats, and protein powder
5. Toast with peanut butter
6. Eggs in some form - boiled, scrambled, in heuvos rancheros, with avocado and tomato, or just with bread or toast.
Buttered toast and a glass of milk.
Varies but it is usually one of the following -

Porridge (IMO great stuff - easy to make in the microwave, really cheap and keeps me feeling well fed)
Toast and Marmite
Toast with a banana mashed on it, and sometimes
Bacon, fried egg, sausage, tinned tomatoes, black pudding and fried bread or toast.

I tend to have the porridge sachets you can get from the supermarkets - just the plain ones. I then add sultanas, chopped pecan nuts, and mashed banana(banana all mixed in) which results in a fantastic tasting, energy boosting meal to last me all day. If I get chance, I get some blueberries on the way in to work to "sprinkle" on. I wholeheartedly recommend this for breakfast, in my opinion it is far better and long lasting for you than the traditional "fry up". If time is of the essence or running low on supplies, it's Jordans fruit and nut mueseli or shredded wheat &a hot milk.
I mix my own organic "muesli" - porridge oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds and raisins with cold skimmed milk. No added sugar, salt, preservatives or chemistry sets.
I do have a mid-morning slice of toasted home made organic bread with olive oil though.
4 ounces of mixed hard and soft oats porridge with added grain mixe by yours truly, soaked fot an hour in a milk/water mix and cooked on the hob, topped with fresh choped seasonal fruit and fresh brewed tea (no tea bags here).
Ever tried putting fruit & porridge oats into the protein shake?
That was mentioned in the second half of my post, the smoothy. It saves time but as the blender is a bit noisy, I don't have it at 5:30 in the morning before an early shift.
Just had another one as a pre workout meal/drink.(y)
Buttered (real stuff not scrape) toast with jam/marmalade or porridge depending on how hungry I feel, always Tea to drink. Occasionally it can be a danish pastry or egg and bacon, but prefer that a bit later on in the morning.

My favourite was frosties, sugar puffs or ricicles with 50/50 milk and double cream, guts are not so keen on all that fat these days. Same with Kippers, very nice, but repeat on me all day long.
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Depends on whether I am at work or not.

At work, Porridge with a little Jam.

At home, either Crumpets or Poached Eggs....depending on whether we remembered to get Eggs :)
actually, when I'm working, which is most of the time, I just go to greggs for a bacon butty and latte, for 2 quid I can't be arsed to boil eggs
A cup of tea, to wash down a big bowl of:
1 weetabix
some all bran
bran flakes on top
skimmed milk
no sugar
It'll keep me going 'til mid-afternoon.
Buttered (real stuff not scrape) toast with jam/marmalade or porridge depending on how hungry I feel, always Tea to drink. Occasionally it can be a danish pastry or egg and bacon, but prefer that a bit later on in the morning.

My favourite was frosties, sugar puffs or ricicles with 50/50 milk and double cream, guts are not so keen on all that fat these days. Same with Kippers, very nice, but repeat on me all day long.

Ohhhh I used to love Frosties!
Ohhhh I used to love Frosties!

They are my favourites, do have a box in the cupboard, but they are my daughters and she eats them dry. With the 50/50 mix they got all stuck together in creamy sugary clusters, everyone I told about it were hooked after giving it a go. (small pot of single cream wasn't bad either)

Paying a bit now digestion wise for my indulgences, only ever had real milk and butter, no evil oven chips either, good old fashioned chip pan with the basket. Roast spuds in beef dripping, yorkshire puds too and who really prefers grilled sausages over plump juicy fried ones, same applies with bacon.

Did pack up smoking though!!
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only ever had real milk and butter, no evil oven chips either, good old fashioned chip pan with the basket. Roast spuds in beef dripping, yorkshire puds too and who really prefers grilled sausages over plump juicy fried ones, same applies with bacon.

Did pack up smoking though!!

You had me until the last line!!

(Well done though :D )
This place gets more like face book every day...

As I said to my step nieces ( if there is such a thing) during Christmas dinner.
"Are you not enjoying that"?
"Why"? they asked..

I said "because neither of you has their phone out taking pictures of it to update your status"

I'll give you one guess what happened next :rolleyes:
Usually one weetabix like thing (IIRC, Lidl's Bixie) with a small handful of walnuts and another of chopped dried figs and dates, a vanilla latté coffee and an orange flavoured Fibogel (Dr's orders!) Would love to have bacon, sausage etc. but only have it once in a blue moon.
Question....are the "Oat so Simple" sachets really palatable?
Like a Muckdonalds burger, they fill a gap but they're not a first choice. (Although I'd pick one over the aforementioned carp!)
I have a mug of Yorkshire tea, a slice of raw toast and marmalade and an orange. That keeps me going until lunch which is Tesco brand beans on two slices of toast, no butter.
Bircher mix for me, soaked overnight in apple juice then Greek yoghourt added in the morning before serving.
Mug of tea as soon as l get up and then porridge with a spoonful of honey and a banana.
2 slice of toast & butter.:banana: