What is it with Parents scowling at photographers?

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I just don't get why this subject keeps cropping up. It's real simple - there is no assumption of privacy in a public place, and therefore no photography limits (aside from a few location and anti-terror restrictions). Just get out and shoot away. If anyone challenges you just keep your cool, educate them or call the police (accordingly), and stop letting the uneducated masses spoiling your hobby.

Simples... :D
I just mentioned earlier today on a thread about kids football that I wouldnt mind taking my camera to my lads training to practice some photography but probably wont bother for this exact reaction.
I just don't get why this subject keeps cropping up. It's real simple - there is no assumption of privacy in a public place, and therefore no photography limits (aside from a few location and anti-terror restrictions). Just get out and shoot away. If anyone challenges you just keep your cool, educate them or call the police (accordingly), and stop letting the uneducated masses spoiling your hobby.

Simples... :D

Its not really as simple as that, plus some people dont want to have to explain them self to every moron thats read the Sun and thinks males over the age of 30 with a camera likes to touch kids.
I fully understand my rights as a photographer thanks, as an amateur and professional.

Not everybody else understands though.
I don't have kids, BUT if I did, I wouldn't really want people taking photos of them if i'm completely honest.

If you were the 'official photographer' for this parade event thing, then I would understand and it's more acceptable, but if you're just a random tog then I don't think its cool.

Thats my thoughts anyway...
i agree
It's not the blokes with cameras photgraphing your kids you should be worried about it's all those CCTV operators stuck away in their dark little rooms surrounded by screens full of children! Ooooh creepy.
I think it has become a sad world when people give you looks if their children are possibly in a shot.

As a mother of a 7 year old I live in the real world and when you are out at an event or in a tourist part of say London she may be snapped.

It upsets me that since she started school at 4 every assembly/play/xmas play the headmaster stands up at the beginning and makes a speech about no photos or video. We then have no photos of these memorable events and a terrible bad quality video with maybe 2 mins of our child for £6 :(
It upsets me that since she started school at 4 every assembly/play/xmas play the headmaster stands up at the beginning and makes a speech about no photos or video. We then have no photos of these memorable events and a terrible bad quality video with maybe 2 mins of our child for £6 :(

That brings us onto the next part of the discussion, people using other peoples irrational fears as a means to make a profit. it's pathetic!
It is not right i agree. They sent a request in a newsletter asking for volunteers before the xmas play in December. Guess What....noone offered! The headmaster ended up doing it himself and left it running in one spot for 40mins plus the fact the kids were intimidated by him standing there.

The world has gone mad when it comes to this subject.
can you explain why - please?
:agree: Please explain...

For the reverse point of view, I *do* have kids, three of them, and I do not mind if they are photographed while playing for their footy team, attending award ceremonies, parades etc. Equally, I will be there with my camera recording the event.
For the reverse point of view, I *do* have kids, three of them, and I do not mind if they are photographed while playing for their footy team, attending award ceremonies, parades etc. Equally, I will be there with my camera recording the event.

at the risk of turning this into a love fest :D I agree again, but I've only the one kid though

can you explain why - please?

Yes come on we hear a lot for togs as to why we should be able to photograph anything we like in a public place.

It's about time some of the others actually laid down the reasons why it isn't right instead of just agreeing with a statement.

Please justify it
Q. How do you confuse a Daily Mail reader?

A. Tell them that assylum seakers eat paedophiles

:thinking: So maybe assylum seakers aren't as bad as we all thought....does that include people from Poland? What about assylum seakers who are paedophiles? I might buy the Daily Mail or the Sun, the truth must be in there!
Yes come on we hear a lot for togs as to why we should be able to photograph anything we like in a public place.

No we dont.. we read a lot about the laws and how we are allowed. not why. I dont recall anyone explaining why they would want to single out someone elses kids and take loads of pictures.. perhaps you would like to enlighten me and tell me why you want to take pictures of other people little girls on the beech ?

It's about time some of the others actually laid down the reasons why it isn't right instead of just agreeing with a statement.

Please justify it

:thinking: So maybe assylum seakers aren't as bad as we all thought....does that include people from Poland? What about assylum seakers who are paedophiles? I might buy the Daily Mail or the Sunthe truth must be in there!,

I wouldn't count on it! :LOL:
perhaps you would like to enlighten me and tell me why you want to take pictures of other people little girls on the beech ?

Who's talking about taking pictures of little girls on the beech (sic) ?

I'm taking about taking pictures of kids fully clad in a street.
But these people can't explain why, because they don't know. They are just told to think that way by the tabloids. So thats what they do!:

Tell me why you wouldnt barge to the front of the que next time you go to the post office or the bank.. just barge strauight in front of the pensioners and the kids.. straight to the front... its not illegal so why not?

If your answer is bad manners as I suspect it will be... exactly how far away is that from "not cool" as the poster your now getting at said ?
I never mentioned a beach in fact last weekend I was at a parade and took quite a few images of children playing games on some of the stalls there. Parents even asked for copies.
Who's talking about taking pictures of little girls on the beech (sic) ?

I'm taking about taking pictures of kids fully clad in a street.

so you wouldnt take pics of little girls on the beech would you not.. some guy takes his child.. gets her ready and she goes paddling.. you wouldnt run up and start snapping away at her... why not? its in a public place.. your allowed... so why wouldnt you?... I know I certainly wouldnt.. but why wouldn't YOU! ?

maybe for exactly the same reason as the poster your now having a go at.. just that your bar is raised higher than his thats all :)
perhaps you would like to enlighten me and tell me why you want to take pictures of other people little girls on the beech ?

I dont recall anyone wanting to take photos of little girls on a beach. People are talking about wanting to take photos teams, carnivals, parties. Things that their children are playing a part in and would be nothing without the other attendees/players or what ever it is. Walking up on a beach and taking a photo of anyone is a bit weird, let alone a child. Even if a stunning woman came up and took a photo of me on a beach without saying anything Id wonder what she was up to.
I dont recall anyone wanting to take photos of little girls on a beach. People are talking about wanting to take photos teams, carnivals, parties. Things that their children are playing a part in and would be nothing without the other attendees/players or what ever it is. Walking up on a beach and taking a photo of anyone is a bit weird, let alone a child. Even if a stunning woman came up and took a photo of me on a beach without saying anything Id wonder what she was up to.

see the post above yours and explain what the difference is :) you draw the line at kids on the beech.. others draw exactly the same line as you but at a different level.. no one attacks you but look out if anyone has a different level to you.. is that it?

my level is far different to many peoples level on here.. i can live wiht that.. others get so annoyed :)
so you wouldnt take pics of little girls on the beech would you not.. some guy takes his child.. gets her ready and she goes paddling.. you wouldnt run up and start snapping away at her... why not? its in a public place.. your allowed... so why wouldnt you?... I know I certainly wouldnt.. but why wouldn't YOU! ?

maybe for exactly the same reason as the poster your now having a go at.. just that your bar is raised higher than his thats all :)

I didn't say I would, or wouldn't take pictures of children at a beach. I've taken pictures of kids at the beach building sandcastles. You see the subject of the picture was the kids smiling and building the sandcastle. Is there something the matter with recording children having fun?

However that is not the point at all. These children were walking down the street in a village parade with all their clothes on.
However that is not the point at all. These children were walking down the street in a village parade with all their clothes on.

and I am trying to explain that its boundaries.. some peoples boundaries stop at kids on the beech.. some dont.. some peopels stop at taking pics of kids full stop.... people in this thread are now having a pop at people who just happen to ahve different boundaries... thats not right imho
I'd like to take pics of little kids (either sex) on a beach having fun - cos they make great pics

Why wouldn't I though - because some mothers & fathers wouldn't like it. But if the kiddy/venue/etc. had everything going for it I'd most likely ask and hand then my business card too - I guess I'd be trying to justify why I think their kid would make a great photo and reassure them that I'm not a Perv

My problem is - I now feel like I have to do that, as me being a 'Perv' is their default thought these days, rather than...

'Hell yes, little Lucy is gorgeous so of course a photographer would want to take her photo'

Very :(

We ARE a nation of paranoids these days, no doubt about it... I don't think I'd snap anyone's kid without asking them first. To much chance of the long of arm of the law grasping you by the shoulder.
I'd like to take pics of little kids (either sex) on a beach having fun - cos they make great pics

Why wouldn't I though - because some mothers & fathers wouldn't like it.

So whats the difference? some parents draw the line at any pics of there kids by strangers even at a carnival.. might be ok with scene pics or official pics.. but not keen on jack the lad zooming in on little tinkerbelle... just different levels thats all..

just wondering why anyone who agrees with the scowling parents in this thread gets jumped on when we all have the same thoughts and boundaries.. just different levels :)
and I am trying to explain that its boundaries.. some peoples boundaries stop at kids on the beech.. some dont.. some peopels stop at taking pics of kids full stop.... people in this thread are now having a pop at people who just happen to ahve different boundaries... thats not right imho

I'm not having a pop - I'd just like an explanation - I'm interested thats all :shrug: for the record - I won't take pictures of other peoples children for this very reaction - but I will take photos of a scene and if children are part of that scene so be it - on a beach or in a parade I have an issue with being treated like a perv cause I have a camera and I'd like to understand why some people think that. :bang::bang: Is it too much to ask??
We ARE a nation of paranoids these days, no doubt about it... I don't think I'd snap anyone's kid without asking them first. To much chance of the long of arm of the law grasping you by the shoulder.

or a dad with a baseball bat :) thats why you should always carry a little blue laminated card with your rights on.. to repel him :)
I'm not having a pop - I'd just like an explanation - I'm interested thats all :shrug: for the record - I won't take pictures of other peoples children for this very reaction - but I will take photos of a scene and if children are part of that scene so be it - on a beach or in a parade I have an issue with being treated like a perv cause I have a camera and I'd like to understand why some people think that. :bang::bang: Is it too much to ask??

thats my point.. you already know the answer.. its the same answer you would give as to why you wont do certain things that are within the law.. like que jumping or taking pics of half naked kids on the beech.. its legal so why wouldnt you... your asking someone who says its "not cool" for an explanation.. you know the answer.. just move the goalposts :)
So whats the difference? some parents draw the line at any pics of there kids by strangers even at a carnival.. might be ok with scene pics or official pics.. but not keen on jack the lad zooming in on little tinkerbelle... just different levels thats all..

just wondering why anyone who agrees with the scowling parents in this thread gets jumped on when we all have the same thoughts and boundaries.. just different levels :)

I'm in agreement with you Kip - and I fully get your point, just explaining mine that I have no issue with photographing others' kids, but I respect that THEY may have an issue with it

thats my point.. you already know the answer.. its the same answer you would give as to why you wont do certain things that are within the law.. like que jumping or taking pics of half naked kids on the beech.. its legal so why wouldnt you... your asking someone who says its "not cool" for an explanation.. you know the answer.. just move the goalposts :)

no - its not - why can't I take a photo of a parade without being labelled a perv - please explain?

just wondering why anyone who agrees with the scowling parents in this thread gets jumped on when we all have the same thoughts and boundaries.. just different levels

We don't all have the same thoughts though do we?

If anyone wants to take a picture of my clad children they are more than welcome.

There is no harm done is there?
No we dont.. we read a lot about the laws and how we are allowed. not why. I dont recall anyone explaining why they would want to single out someone elses kids and take loads of pictures.. perhaps you would like to enlighten me and tell me why you want to take pictures of other people little girls on the beech ?


Perhaps because his / her kids are playing with the little girls on the beach, and they want a photo for their holiday album? Who knows, it's a far too hypothetical question.

In the context of the thread, the kids are appearing in an organized parade. It's a community celebration, but there are those on here who believe it is inappropriate for any photographer to capture images of this event, simply because "it's not cool", but without explanation.

It sets a dangerous precedent. Limiting freedom and perpetuating the myth that every bloke with a camera is some form of sexual predator when near children. It's just total boll*cks, and panders to the Daily Mail mentality. The problem is the more people who say this, the more will start to believe it, and pretty soon, given the ridiculously PC culture we live in, there will start to be very real curbs on our freedoms.

You just try to photograph your kid in a school play now - banned. School sports day? What's next.
We don't all have the same thoughts though do we?

If anyone wants to take a picture of my clad children they are more than welcome.

There is no harm done is there?

I'm guessing Kip's point will be - but what if they are in swimsuits, or even just pants at play as you forgot their swimsuits

If you say 'No' now - then that's your boundary level

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