What would you do??................

Haha, this thread is like a big photography lesson :D

I don't know where the idea of the free wedding photographers got to... But I'll throw my name in the ring :D I've not done anything like it before, but what d'you expect for free? :p If you paid for my travel both ways and there was food involved, I'd be well happy :)

I also think if you wanted prints it would only be fair to get them through whichever photographer took the photos, it's not going to cost you an awful lot more :)

Anyways, let me know if you're still looking :D
what does the order status say on the website?
i payed by debit card....
the order just gives me detauils of what ive bought...nothing else to say its been sent etc.
I e-mailed them and they said it will be available to dispatch either this week or next week and then it will be 3-10 days after that for delivery!!
on the website it gives you the impression that its in stock...and will be delivered within 3-10 days......
since it hasnt been dispatched, tell them to cancel and order from jessops or jacobs, only £10 more, and will be uk stock
Haha, this thread is like a big photography lesson :D

I don't know where the idea of the free wedding photographers got to... But I'll throw my name in the ring :D I've not done anything like it before, but what d'you expect for free? :p If you paid for my travel both ways and there was food involved, I'd be well happy :)

I also think if you wanted prints it would only be fair to get them through whichever photographer took the photos, it's not going to cost you an awful lot more :)

Anyways, let me know if you're still looking :D


im not too bothered about prints to be honest...just want them on a disk. i can print them out myself if i needed to. it will be a few years off yet...i was just wondering what everyones thoughts were on it, and wondered if there were actually people out there willing to do it!! ive had 2 PM's and ** message so far so it looks promising for the future!!!

I read it that fletch said if it doesn't have a popup flash it will be wortt a lot more, which is what you just said, but then fletchs example is different ... eh?:thinking:

I read it the other way around.. due to whats in the brackets.. one of us is wrong.. i dont mind if its me.. it usually is :)
since it hasnt been dispatched, tell them to cancel and order from jessops or jacobs, only £10 more, and will be uk stock

I would 100% agree with this :)
yep, its u kipax, the brackets were to tell her where the flash would be;)
since it hasnt been dispatched, tell them to cancel and order from jessops or jacobs, only £10 more, and will be uk stock

OMG!!!! totally gutted! just checked the jessops site n its come down in price!! it was almost £800 when i ordered it from the other place!!
what happens if i dont get a refund straight away?
ok ive asked for a refund.....**** what they guna say coz i said they were ridiculous lol.
ive read a thread on here about them n they said some people have had to wait 5 weeks!! im just hoping i get the refund quick enough to buy the camera at jessops....its usually my luck that the price goes back up just before i get my refund!! i NEVER have any luck!
When's your wedding? If it's this year and before October, I'll come shoot it for nowt.
Good move with the refund, let us know how you get on!

If you do get the refund soon (and I hope you do) try ordering from Camerbox;


The 500D with kit lens is £669. They are currently out of stock but keep an eye on the page as they'll be back in soon. I've used them plenty of times and got my lenses within 2 days of ordering!
hiya, just checked that site out...but it says its £699.99 and in stock? unless im looking at the wrong thing!!!

OK so ive asked for my refund......now i have the dilemma of what camera to actually get?
i want a canon.....it will be my first dslr...what do u recommend? :LOL: do i stick with the 500D?
I had a look at the shots you like and only 2 of those are candid. The rest are posed/staged. That's what i meant first time round :) The main pic of the whole bridal party walking towards the camera is meant to look natural, that's just because it was well staged though :) It's that kind of organisational skills that you need to get the shots so make sure at least on of your chosen togs has that.

And good luck with the camera. When you get your hands on it, pop into Borders or Waterstones and get yourself a book or two to help get your head round it. (That's another problem area though, I now have shelves full of photography books and more under the bed that won't fit!) lol
Genius Idea!

I'd do it - for a cheese butty, and the right to use the photos in a portfolio!
I would also edit the photos that were going into the album,
I only live a five minute walk from Chester Zoo too!
stew....u can have 10 cheese butties lol and u can use the photos however u wish!
i just love chester zoo :)

rjl....i dont have a credit card........come on...im a woman can u imagine the damage to that card!! :LOL: maybe i should think about getting one though for all this camera stuff...i can see it costing me a fortune! lol
Get along to jessops or similar and have a feel if you havent already, if it feels good and intuitive, then it is the right one. if the budget allows, have a look at the 40d(y)
immm soooo confused!!! at first i chose to buy the 50D....but the fact that it didnt take SD card put my off...and also that it was heavier than the other models. THEN i found out the 500d was coming out and read up on it, and it seemed good....especially for a beginner!! coz it has pre-set things in it...like portrait, sports, landscape etc. so i thought it would be good for me to learn.
is the 40D better even though its older?
you would need to see and feel them, although the 40d/50d are heavier it helps with balance i find, and feel better in my hands. as for sd or CF cards, there isnt anything wrong with CF and they are larger so less easy to lose. i think they are slightly faster as well, but could be wrong on that
to be honest ive never even heard of CF!!! and my laptop will only take sd cards....my dads printer take something like 8 different cards or something!! lol
ive bought a sandisk ultra SD card? arent they supposed to be faster?
im so annoyed that i have nothing to put it on!

Id feel daft asking to hold them though coz i have no idea what im looking n feeling for? :LOL:
so what makes the 40D, 50D or 500D better than each other?
i just need something without all the jargon on screen....i have no idea what it means lol
they are all good cameras, the 40d is older than the other two. i see the 50d as a newer version of the 40d. these two are in canons prosumer market. the bodys are metal and feel solid. the 500d is there consumer end. the bodies are plastic and smaller. why have you picked canon out of curiousity?

the ultra II part of the card is the range, it is available on CF, SD and various others. they do a faster card which is extreme III and followed by extreme IV. ultra II is fast enough for me though. also, card readers are pretty cheap, so wont be too difficult to get a CF card reader that plugs into the laptop

dont feel too silly bout asking to hold the cameras, the salemen will be used to it and wont object, and since you will mostly be holding it in your hand, you need to make sure it feels right.
im so clumsy id drop it!!! (being pregnant makes u clumsy....hence why i put cheese in the breadbin the other day instead of the fridge!!)

how mad would that be if i dropped all 3 cameras :LOL:
so is the only difference the weights? and obviously a few mega pixels?

erm....not exactly sure why i picked canon......i know theres rivalry between nikon n canon....but i think i just prefer canon as a brand...and theres LOADS of different lenses for it. not sure why i else i chose it!
im so clumsy id drop it!!! (being pregnant makes u clumsy....hence why i put cheese in the breadbin the other day instead of the fridge!!)!

No you did right.... you would never get a fridge into a breadbin.... :)
No, there is a host of differences when it comes to cameras, not just megapixels!!

ISO range, Frames per second, crop factor (will affect the lens lengths) flash on board or not,number of autofocus points......................

Go to the Canon website and print or write down the specs and compare them.

Basically if you want to shoot sports/action, the higher the fps the better, the more autofocus points, the better.

If you want to shoot people who are not running around, those are not so important.
congrats on the pregnancy. the 40d and 50d are generally regarded as better cameras than the 450d/500d. What is the budget???

All three cameras have built in flashes...

if it helps i once put a litre of ice cream in the fridge instead of the freezer!!
ooooooo id be gutted about all that ice cream! lol

the 50d and 500d have almost the same specs....same iso, same autofocus points (9). i watched an online review on youtube.

budget is as little as possible really!
how come the 40D and 50D are better, even though the 500D is newer? and has almost the same specs?
i just want something easy to use.

i got a e-mail from the camera place to say they are procesing my refund....so im hoping to get my money back soon!! the 500D is on sale at the mo at jessops.....£679.99 with kit lens (ends 1st of June though so they better shift with my money!)
The 40d and 50d are kinda for semi-pro / enthusiastic photographers.
Canon have 4 'ranges' almost,
Xd for serious people and lottery winners.
XXd for semi-pro
XXXd for amatuers
XXXXd for getting into photography.

As time progresses, more camera come into the ranges. The new cameras in general have more pixels than the previous ones /in their range/. They also tend to have a better handling of things like ISO speeds, and sometimes a better shutter range.

As you move from one range up to the next, the layout and handling of the camera changes. I bought the 400d around 3 years ago, and the 40d was coming out at that time. The amount of pixels in each system were comparable, however, the 40d also included the ability to see the picture on the screen at the back before taking the shot (live view), rather than just looking through the viewfinder. Didn't really sound like a major thing at the time, and I didn't know about the way the cameras dealt with the ISO in the real world, so I stumped for the 400d. The layout of the buttons, and the need for extra functions to be available on those buttons didn't sound important. As your skills improve, then the ability to set things such as Focus Lock, but not Exposure Lock by pressing a single button might be of interest. Currently (and until a thread last week) I didn't understand why it might be of interest, and so less buttons is fine.

I think that the amount of noise on the 50d is meant to be lower than the 500d, because it uses 'better' electronics for a 'higher' range. If you are not taking shots in dark areas then perhaps this is not of a benefit. If you read through the equipment forums, you will probably note that there are many people thinking about upgrading, and wondering whether the next camera is going to be an XXd or an XXXd, trying to deterimine whether the slight difference in functions is of benefit for the extra couple-hundred quid

Getting back to the original post. The way I would see it, is if the wedding were next year, then it would be interesting to take photos at, if there were 3 photographers (apart from professionals and the retired, who knows what they are doing in two years time!).
1 who knew what they were doing and would do the organising, and perhaps two who are there to see what they can do.
I personally don't feel right taking photos in a church, and even if the role is done for 'free' (sandwich!) there is still a pressure to make sure that the shots come out good.
thanks cold penguin. its mad how sometimes the difference is in HUNDREDS rather than just a few quid!!
im also being told that the lenses is what makes it good...not necessarily the body. ill only be using a kit lens to begin with....cant afford another lens just yet! lol

thanks so much for ** post xxx
The thread seems to have moved on from where it started but I thought I'd put my two penneth in to the original question.

When I got married 23 years ago it was all film not digital. we had a professional photographer who did quite a good job, but we also had a friend who knew us and our friends and family enough to know lots of other photo situations that might be of interest throughout the day and into the evening. It was a big wedding with hundreds of guests and we thought it might be good to see what others saw.

We paid for all his films and developing, and his wedding present to us was to take the pictures. It was a brilliant success, and produced many pictures we treasured far more highly than the official shots because they weren't posed but were pictures of friends and family taken informally.

I think it is a great idea if you can get those sort of pics taken, not instead of a professional, but to give you a much more complete record of the day.

Believe me, it will go so fast and you won't be there to see it all as you are a main player and tend to get whisked along.
thanks trapper........yes any comments on the original question are still welcome! :LOL:

thats why i was going for 3 photographers....so they could all capture different images...and they all have their own style. thanks xxx
the 500 has video which you might like
the 40 or 50 will kick it into touch in virtually everyway, just is, they feel better and shoot better and make a really nice CLUNK when you take a picture and that just makes me happy

If thats the way you want your wedding shot then go for it, I'd love a go but lancashire is a bit far from cornwall

oh and congrats on pregnancy and I know your pain my sister is similar and she is basically useless atm lol
Plenty of people make dresses, plenty of people drive cars, plenty of people cook. Why aren't these the areas where budget cuts are made instead of the photographs, the only thing (apart from the rings probably) which will still be there in 10/20/30 years time.

I like that comment

the stars were supposed to say 'your'?

That's because you probably types "U" "R" which is text speak and our fabulous swear filter catches that irritating childish stuff too :rules:

As for the OP's original posts about getting free wedding photography because she was on a budget (before she started looking at £500+ cameras). I am sure that you can find a number of good pro experienced wedding togs that will cover your special day for under £500 and get great results you will be proud of. AliB has already pointed out the problems that 4 togs might bring (I am sure there will be at least 4 that will step forward). To be fair to you Chester Zoo will make an interesting backdrop for a wedding and will look great in any togs portfolio so a tog that's starting out but charging more may drop their normal prices for you - I would.

As a warning I know at least 2 people I work with that skimped on their wedding photography and have regretted it ever since, 1 chap keeps his album in the loft out of sight trying to forget it and the other got a "great deal" for £300 but the chap turned up in dirty jeans, unironed polo shirt with a single Olympus consumer SLR and kit lens and the photos are dreadful. As I quoted for the second one and didn't get it I will be honest and say that I'm a little smug on that one, although I really feel for him; I know how gutted I'd be.