What's your 'pet-hate' in a photograph?

1) B&W conversions as an attempt to make something rubbish "better"

2) Anything using those "artistic effects" from The Forbidden Photoshop Menu

3) People who wite lists of things they hate in photography on photography forums
Overcooked HDR & skewed horizons for me.

A lot of the other stuff that's being posted could just be categorised as personal pet hates (weddings, children, people that have better kit than you could dream of but still shoot in Auto) however onto them I'll add the fake photographers that seem to be added to TV shows and films to add realism, but are completely unrealistic, like covering a press conference with a 500mm from 2 metres aaaarrrrggghhhh :bang:
I have a number of pet hates but there are two which top my list.

Firstly, A Level photography students who think their camera phone is up to the job just because it has 8 megapixels!!!

Secondly, bad use / missing punctuation in threads - especially apostrophes! (this is somewhat tongue in cheek but it does irritate the teacher side of me :bang:)


Sloping horizons . and water images with the water running out one side

I have a number of pet hates but there are two which top my list.

Firstly, A Level photography students who think their camera phone is up to the job just because it has 8 megapixels!!!

Secondly, bad use / missing punctuation in threads - especially apostrophes! (this is somewhat tongue in cheek but it does irritate the teacher side of me :bang:)



I loked all frew me menue in me camerar and cantt fiynd th apostrophes opitions :help:
Images that have obviously been created by people who value correct exposure, level horizons, sharpness, correct saturation, megapixels, unthreatening contrast and the rules of composition over imagination and impact.

And pretty much any image in colour.
Crooked horizons - if you're going to show your work at least take the time to check the simple things, you can't expect to get the horizon bang on every shot in camera, but its a very easy fix.

Padding out 1/2 good photos with 8 average ones, you are only as good as the worst image you show.

HDR and selective saturation, unless done very well, but theres so much of it online that they just look old hat now.
I'm amazed at how few people have said this in this thread...

selective colour/b+w! Evil, evil evil. And when portrait photographers describe it as 'creative editing', just...ugh.

That said, it still sells well, presumably cos it's 'cool and arty' :(
An arm or a leg randomly showing in the side of the picture... I can live with half a subject but not a leg or an arm :(

Photogrpahers who tell other photographers what they can or can't do with there own pictures. especialy Pro togs living in the past.
no pet hates as such.. dont mind the odd cliché but anything done badly isn't very appealing, gawdy HDR landscapes especially

oh hang on..

OTT photoshopping, for example plonking a cow in the middle of a glacier type of shot i've seen a plenty on flickr

oh, and bokeh.. hate that word!

and post 1 comment 20 type groups on flickr with all singing, all dancing 'awards' - just leave a comment for gods sake or dont bother!
i hate it when everyone is perfect.... smiling and brighteyed... then you get that idiot who blinks in every photo on the end spoiling it.
mostly thats the posters fault, they post asking for crit without explaining their objective, shouldn't need to be asked.

have to disagree there sorry, if i want crit or not sure on a picture i will ask for honest opinions, but when people who have rules shoved so far up their a@*! that they are unable to see the picture as it does not conform to their view of photography, inform you how poor the picture is, when the majority are in favour of the shot.

example was one shot of two people, i was asked to do the photo in a specific manner, this was done in discussion and with the computer in front of them to see the image. thought would post it on a site as i felt it matched what had been asked for.

the responses were crop this crop that, the back ground is too dark etc.

didnt ask for crit and was designed with purchasers requirments not rules of this that and the other.

correct shouldnt need to ask, but shouldnt need to tell as that is the shot i wanted to take and present.
6. Any post processing (opens a huge can of worms)

7. Photographers who think there are fixed rules

8. Photographers who break all the rules, get crappy results and then argue how artistic their results are!

How can you break all the rules if there no fixed rules? :thinking:

4. Useless & Rude comments

13. People who post all their crap, and I ache my hernia holding back my comments

Oh, dear... :wacky::clap:

Yes, there's quite a lot wrong with your post - where's the 'hypocrit' smiley?

What bugs me? Simples: Photos that aren't level. Does my nuts in. Also, barrel distortion gets my back up as well, when it's so easily corrected.
365's ARGHHHH, Who enjoys looking at 365 photographs that are *normally* crap? (No offence to people who do great meaningful 365's aka the ones I haven't seen yet)
have to disagree there sorry, if i want crit or not sure on a picture i will ask for honest opinions, but when people who have rules shoved so far up their a@*! that they are unable to see the picture as it does not conform to their view of photography, inform you how poor the picture is, when the majority are in favour of the shot.

example was one shot of two people, i was asked to do the photo in a specific manner, this was done in discussion and with the computer in front of them to see the image. thought would post it on a site as i felt it matched what had been asked for.

the responses were crop this crop that, the back ground is too dark etc.

didnt ask for crit and was designed with purchasers requirments not rules of this that and the other.

correct shouldnt need to ask, but shouldnt need to tell as that is the shot i wanted to take and present.

how on earth is someone supposed to know all of that unless you tell them?
Overprocessed shots (obvious HDR, colour popping, haloed sharpening, oversaturation, unnaturally unconverging verticals etc).
Underprocessed shots (wonky horizons {especially when done deliberately for "artistic" purposes *}, non sharpened, way off WB etc).
L in the kit description.

* An exception to this is when shot in square format with the horizon going from corner to corner (ignoring the "rule" of thirds) and hung/displayed as a diamond rather than square.
how on earth is someone supposed to know all of that unless you tell them?

by reading comment from the poster that says honest opinion or crit required, if not and not happy with photo dont comment, or ask tog what objective was then you can decide if it is crap or not, dont assume that every person puts up for crit.
People who shoot digital and don't do ANY post processing.

6. Any post processing (opens a huge can of worms)

That's like saying you ONLY want to shoot Kodak Gold in a 35mm SLR. Forget Provia, Velvia, etc.
You're confusing me. In your first post you are saying what you don't like is when someone criticizes the photo without first finding out the objective

not so much the photograph, but when others add comments without first finding out what the photographers objective was.

things like you havent got it on the golden spot or crop much of the right out etc.

find out what the photographer had in mind then add criticism on the final picture.

But now you are saying the fact that it was criticized when crit wasn't asked for is what annoys you

by reading comment from the poster that says honest opinion or crit required, if not and not happy with photo dont comment, or ask tog what objective was then you can decide if it is crap or not, dont assume that every person puts up for crit.

so what do you mean? The first or the second? or both?
I'd just like to say a big thank-you to everyone for giving me Repetitive Strain Injuries to my head and neck this morning... I've spent so much time nodding at people's pet hates that I now have a headache and my eyeballs won't stop wobbling up and down! :bonk:

I'm off to find one of those injury-4-u lawyers to claim a substantial payment from the owners of TP! ;)

By the way, I quite like selective colouring as long as it's not overdone and it's only once in a blue moon.

See ya,
people who post.....
"newbie here - please be gentle ........"

why ? if you think your picture is rubbish - dont post it
if you think it's OK and want to learn - take the C&C like a man !

whoops....or woman............:cool:
Oh yes.. because it's the camera that makes a photographer ? :thinking:

Skill does, but buying a camera from Argos and then going online and saying your offering modelling photos with no clue to equally clueless girls is on my pet hates list.
Picture wise I don't like selective colouring. And loads of other stuff, but i'm too easy going to care really, I either like a photo or it doesn't register. I woudln't go as far as to say that there are specific critera which I hate.

To echo others, term wise I also hate the word 'bokeh' and anything to do with 'strobe / strobist / strobism' and 'tog, togger or togging'.

Also love to hate the wedding threads which start "...I'm going to be photographing a wedding" where the OP is lambasted for not having 5 camera bodies and a spare everything, only to discover later on that he's a guest and will be taking a couple of photos like everyone else. :D
why do so many people hate the word 'bokeh"?

It's like hating the word 'fork' it's just a word, what's to hate?

tog, togging etc is a made up word so I can see why you might not like that. But why hate a word that is just a word?
why do so many people hate the word 'bokeh"?

It just doesn't roll off the tongue, like say "dongle" does.

It's irrational, but there it is. I also notice when people use the same words or catchphrases all the time, and it quickly irritates me. Perhaps i've got a word thing.
I hate the word 'bokeh', mostly because I just can't say it. :)

Other pet hates are selective colouring, and people criticising when I turn a rubbish shot into B&W, give it a bit of faux vingetting and call it artistic :nuts: :LOL: (no seriously, I'm guilty of doing that :razz:).
It just doesn't roll off the tongue, like say "dongle" does.

It's irrational, but there it is. I also notice when people use the same words or catchphrases all the time, and it quickly irritates me. Perhaps i've got a word thing.

it rolls off the tongue pretty well. I think a lot of people don't know how to pronounce it and say "bok-ah" which sounds pretty stupid.

say "bow-ka" and it rolls nicely and is well easy to pronounce