What's your 'pet-hate' in a photograph?

People esp. children.
5 Iconic shots of the famous that would by ordinary with Joe Bloggs as the subject.

ooo...I spent a wasted couple of hours walking round a Mario Testino exhibition once, thinking just that...
Aha! All has become clear! Is it a 'Whats your Pet Hate' then 'I will start a challenge thread containing nothing but!...'?
people who comment on every single photo by saying

Great capture


[insert name here]
people who comment on every single photo by saying

Great capture


[insert name here]

Seconded. It smacks of not being able to think and comment on ones own.

Though I have been guilty of it in the past...............:bonk:
Seconded. It smacks of not being able to think and comment on ones own.

Though I have been guilty of it in the past...............:bonk:

Lol, I could have been even more specific and actually written a name there but let's not get personal eh, nothing wrong with being 100% positive 100% of the time is there? :puke::puke:
There's not much about photos themselves that bother me. What does annoy me, intensely, is people dressing up a shot with a fancy description, calling it art and then looking down at anyone who dares question it.

You know the sort of thing, "this portrays man's eternal struggle to understand the relationship between his brain and his backside". Perhaps if said head was removed the answer would become clearer.
Comments and observations :-
My uncle has a good camera and "IT" takes great shots
P&S cameras...people using them at arms length in low light conditions...yes just carry on.
People who do not accept any form of constructive criticism here or on flickr !!
Kiss my behind awards on flickr.

People who describe themselves in the third party on their web sites....AHHHHHHH
Anything "emo" cliche, you know the stuff, girl in bath / shower with fake blood pretending to have topped herself, image usually called "Despair" :crying:

Fine art cliche - If I see another dead rose in a vase, chair in an empty room etc I may well scream!! Competitive photography clubs seem to be breeding grounds for these kind of shots.

Tango faced models

Long exposure water / shoreline shots (The first few from guys like Chris Gin were amazing but it's total overload now)
1. Photos from people who refuse to post process because they think it is "cheating", even though the photo would greatly benefit from processing.

I'm not sure why a 3 degree slant on a photo would ever be done on purpose. A massively slanted photo thats obviously done for effect gets away with it (see motor sport). Im not sure why anyone would ever slant a photo a few degrees on purpose though? (wheres that scratching head smiley..)

Photographers who call themselves 'togs'. That word REALLY annoys me for some reason :p
Photographers who ask for C&C then get in a huff when people do give constructive feedback.
Photographers who can't be bothered to edit a photo properly before upload e.g. Obviously wonky horizon and dust spots in the sky
People who think they are gods gift to photography
People who moan their gear isn't good enough.
People who comment on photos saying their not good because it doesn't meet the 'rules'

As you can tell - I mainly hate people :p I dont mind cliche'd shots, or badly processed HDR or any of that - because we've all done the cliche'd shots when we started out and HDR isn't exactly a process that people new to it will get right first time.
1. Photos from people who refuse to post process because they think it is "cheating", even though the photo would greatly benefit from processing.

:clap: I'll go along with that one! :plus1:

I have one particular pet hate... As much as I'm grateful to people for taking the time to comment on my work and leave criticisms; I get really cheesed off when these same people can't even be bothered to write in plain, clear English!

Oh... and wonky horizons (which I'm always guilty of - although I do remember to correct in post). :D

Good idea for a thread Dave! :)

I'm not sure why a 3 degree slant on a photo would ever be done on purpose. A massively slanted photo thats obviously done for effect gets away with it (see motor sport). Im not sure why anyone would ever slant a photo a few degrees on purpose though? (wheres that scratching head smiley..)

Exactly my point. I've seen it done in other areas to.
dunno where you got 3° from? :thinking:
Photos that are framed with artificial vignetting, especially when they're sepia/black and white portrait shots of animals or humans. It just drives me wild with rage!
HDR has to my top one, it just looks crap.

And people who have kit with no marks and look brand new, get out their and use it!!!
When i book a week off work and drive over 200 miles to go camping and walking and capture some beautiful landscapes only to find the weather has dealt me seven days of un interesting miserable sky. My only solution to this would be to move countries!
1. People on the higher rungs of the ladder looking down on other people trying to make their way up.
2. People looking for perfection in photographs for the sake of it. Some of the greatest photographs ever taken were never 'perfect'
3. People who say you can only be a great photographer when you have spent enough money on your equipment.

There are probably many more but I don't want to start frothing at the mouth or anything. :)
Trev - sorry I thought it was referance to when people dont correct the 'wonkiness' from when they hand hold the camera. 3' was just a number off the top of my head.

My point is, theres no reason not to correct a wonky horizon when its not done on purpose. Motorsport shots that are angled at like 45' degrees tend to get away with it because its done on purpose and tends to look good. A photo of a sunset with a small degree tilt either CW or CCW tends to look *****.

Portraits where the eyes aren't critically focussed.
Informal yet posed portraits.
Portraits lacking any form of emotion.

I could go on!

Trev - sorry I thought it was referance to when people dont correct the 'wonkiness' from when they hand hold the camera. 3' was just a number off the top of my head.

My point is, theres no reason not to correct a wonky horizon when its not done on purpose. Motorsport shots that are angled at like 45' degrees tend to get away with it because its done on purpose and tends to look good. A photo of a sunset with a small degree tilt either CW or CCW tends to look *****.


Sorry James.. I was just picking at it cos work is sooooooo boring. :puke:
I knew perfectly well what you meant :naughty:
Trev - sorry I thought it was referance to when people dont correct the 'wonkiness' from when they hand hold the camera. 3' was just a number off the top of my head.

My point is, theres no reason not to correct a wonky horizon when its not done on purpose. Motorsport shots that are angled at like 45' degrees tend to get away with it because its done on purpose and tends to look good. A photo of a sunset with a small degree tilt either CW or CCW tends to look *****.


My missus really takes the mick out of me for it... The 7D has two different levels built into it depending on how you're using it and I STILL end up with pi**ed horizons! :D

I think I'm going to change my name to Iziah... 'Cos one I's definitely 'iah' than the other! :nuts:

(I'll get me coat)

Chicks that have stood in front of a white wall and been snapped by some random guy off Bebo or Facebook proclaiming to be a "model" - I play 5 a sides now and then - I dont call myself a footballer.

Same goes for guys who buy a cheapo DSLR and kit lens and are suddenly photographers, offering model shoots ...

Nightclub photography that is shot in almost AUTO settings - though keep up the good work, makes the rest of us look good :)

Someone seeing your photos and saying "My god, that's some camera you've got mate" - Yeah, I got it from the same place Tiger Woods gets his golf clubs and where Muhammed Ali got his boxing gloves...

Public outcry over photographers being labelled pervs or pedos by society - not me as I dont street shoot but Ive seen it said to others