Whizingdonkey's 52! - Week 3 Chopped

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First post here and also first attempt at a 52!



Thanks for looking

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congratulations on your first post and entry on your 52!! - i like the first one the most - beautiful colours too :)
Welcome to the board :)
Really like the first one, cropped it really well to give an interesting shape. Beautiful colours and texture also.
Welcome from a fellow newbie!

I love the colours on the snake... I think I prefer the second image but they're both great.

With the first image I just keep trying to work out how the snake was positioned, with the second I can just admire the patterns.
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Thanks everyone for your comments.:)

I prefer the second mage, the first image is three seperate shots combined as it was difficult to get the snake to pose while trying to get a shot and control the snake!

Love the frst one beautiful colours on the Corn snake if I am right.
Excellent, love the first one. Intriguing, full of curves and great colours (y) bang on theme.
Just beautiful :love:
What type of snake is it?

I absolutely love both these shots, but the first one takes it for me even if it is a composite of 3 images.
Stunning colours, fantastically sharp and really creatively composed.

I'm hoping snakey will feature again somewhere in your 52.
ooh, they are great! suit the breif perfectly. Love snakes, you've really got the lighting and colour super in these...

ace stuff :D
I love number 1, it almost DARES you to try and figure out how the snake got into this position. Makes you look. Very good :)
Really like these. Good start to your 52 (y) 1st one is my favourite if I have to pick one.
ha ha, my wife just ran away,
She has a phobia about snakes, she absolutly hates them.

Better turn off now or she wont be back.
Loving the colours in these. First is my fave. Did you use flash or other lighting on these? Reflection seems just a little harsh in places.

No more snakes please :)
Loving the colours in these. First is my fave. Did you use flash or other lighting on these? Reflection seems just a little harsh in places.

No more snakes please :)

2 speedlights used, sb900 on camera and sb600 off. Agree with you that there are harsh areas of light, but for some reason I liked them! :shrug:

The snake is a Corn snake, probably the most domesticated snake, if there is such a thing!

Appreciate everyone positive comments!

Struggled with ideas this week!

My 2 children have not been to well this past week so this seemed appropriate...

Sleep Baby Sleep
You'll be better soon
Sleep Baby Sleep
You've been ill since noon
Your body will repair itself
Just close your eyes
And dream sweet dreams
Sleep Baby Sleep
You'll feel better soon
Sleep Baby Sleep
You'll get better soon.

Hi Rob, this is the 1st time I've seen your thread and I think you've made a great start!
I love the first snake picture - brilliant choice of subject for the theme, nice bold colours and shapes (y)
Week 2 is a good image too and goes well with the poem ... hope they're both feeling better soon!
Hi Rob,

Playing catch up here with the weeks going by too fast!
Week 1 - loving the first snake shot, it made me think there's more than one snake and when I read the text it turned out I was almost right.. :D Very interesting picture, and love the colours.
Week 2 - Nice poem, and the picture goes well with it. It looks a little dark on my screen, but I'm on a laptop so it's probably just me!

Well done and looking forward to seeing the 50 pictures to come :)
Hi Rob,

Catch up time for me.

Lovely sensitive shot for week 2 and it goes well with the poem.
It's just a little soft for me, but that matches the mood of the poem well.

Week 3 is a bit of a struggle for me.
Absolutely nothing wrong with it and looks like a very good action shot to me.
The problem is that I really can't stand football so the image isn't speaking to me . . . and I'm afraid that the chopped reference has completely passed me by.
Sorry, I'm with the others on week 3. Again, I don't do football so might be missing some 'chopped' reference.
I get the chopped reference :) He hasn't quite got there but I'm sure he would have if he could. Shame about the people in the background who are quite distracting, otherwise you're sharp and well exposed on the action.
I'm not really into footie either, I see what you were aiming for though. The high shutter speed has left it without much movement and it looks like the one coming in for the tackle has stopped... Having never tried anything like this though, I'd guess that trying creative shutter speeds is a no no as it's better to get most shots... I just feel it would look better for this if the tackler was a bit more blurred showing motion.