who loves photoshop?

me me me me me me
photoshop! im not a sweet tooth :p give me a cornish pasty any day :p
hate it. i have no reason
I like it - but can't afford it, plus Adobe don't make a version for *nix :(

I use The GIMP instead, which is free and, IMHO, just as good for amateur use although I've no doubt pro graphics people would find it limited.
I keep having a go at it on a mates computer, If I'm honest I find it a bit overawing.

I will get to grips with it but cant justify spending that sort of cash without knowing I won't give up.
don't love it but I have to use it as its my bread and butter, nothing anywhere near as good out there so were stuck with it.

By the way I will take the chocolate, Please.
I use it; cs2 and more often elements 3 but i don't love it - it is a powerful program but is not intuitive, adobe would do well to look at the way that Microsoft design interfaces...

Are you kidding? :thinking: Maybe pre office 2007 but if it ever gets to be anything like new MS products i'll learn to use something else.
Its a love hate relationship over here. I love the things it can do. I hate not knowing how to make it do them.
Once I got past the steep learning curve I love it. Been using it since 1998 or thereabouts. That said, I also use other apps as well as PS.
I have Elements 7, and may be getting photoshop soon, but use ACDSee10 for almost all of my editing - it is so easy and simple - it doesn't do much of what photoshop does, but is enough for me usually, and so user-friendly. Anyone else know or use it ?
I have found even Elements so difficult to get my head around, and feel that maybe i am missing something, or that the penny hasn't yet dropped - hence my recent thread about courses..
I have Elements 7, and may be getting photoshop soon, but use ACDSee10 for almost all of my editing - it is so easy and simple - it doesn't do much of what photoshop does, but is enough for me usually, and so user-friendly. Anyone else know or use it ?
I have found even Elements so difficult to get my head around, and feel that maybe i am missing something, or that the penny hasn't yet dropped - hence my recent thread about courses..
i use an old version of acdsee for quickly going through photos...

"steep learning curve" crops up again and again and again - would you have a camera that takes a photo when you take your finger OFF the shutter...:wacky:
I think part of my problem is that ACDSee is so user-friendly, and being an old-timer, I find it odd having to use different bits of software to do the 'same' job (now, as a builder, I know just how important the right tool is for the job, but transfering that over to PP seems hard for me..)
I will try again, but am going to continue in my quest to find a one or two day course that will get me started, fired up and give me the basics I think.!
I couldn't justify the cost of photoshop, so got Lightroom when that came out (I love Lightroom) and have never needed to use photoshop, so very glad I didn't drop the extra £400 on it!
I hate it - too complicated. Love Lightroom though. Photoshop is about image manipulation whilst Lightroom is about image enhancement. IMHO.

Lightroom does lack a few things which would be useful though - a decent dodge and burn tool and a skew facility. Didn't seem that they were present in the beta version of 2.0 which I had a peek at.
I love it, and love it more with each passing day.

Photoshop + Lightroom = Bliss, albeit sometimes frustrating bliss.
Lightroom 2 has dodge and burn...
i've never been particularly fond of Adobe Photoshop but i was very fond of Adobe PhotoDeluxe Business Edition:)

only bugger is, since losing the setup .exe as a result of pc rebuilds, PhotoDeluxe is no longer available or supported :(

the positive aspect is thou', i've since found and acquired better image editing software like Photo Filtre (freeware with excellent framing features), ACDSee and PhotoScape which given it's superior advanced features over Photoshop, is amazingly free!!!

btw, although ACDSee isn't freeware, it's standard features like embossing are also superior over Photoshop in that you can alter ACDSee's embossing depth and elevation ;)
I like it - but can't afford it, plus Adobe don't make a version for *nix :(

I use The GIMP instead, which is free and, IMHO, just as good for amateur use although I've no doubt pro graphics people would find it limited.

Well, Mac OS X uses the XNU kernel, which come from Mach, old BSD and a bunch of other software, so technically it has some UNIX heritage in itself.

I guess by *nix you meant Linux, FreeBSD or Solaris. In that case, you'd be quite correct. The again, I've read it doesn't run all that bad under Wine.
Well, Mac OS X uses the XNU kernel, which come from Mach, old BSD and a bunch of other software, so technically it has some UNIX heritage in itself.

I guess by *nix you meant Linux, FreeBSD or Solaris. In that case, you'd be quite correct. The again, I've read it doesn't run all that bad under Wine.

FreeBSD (which is the base for Mac OS X - Apple contributed a lot back to the FreeBSD project). So, yes, OS X is Unix-based, but that doesn't mean that OS X s/w runs under FreeBSD.

However, as I said, I've not found anything in a PS tutorial that I can't do with GIMP so I'm happy.
...but that doesn't mean that OS X s/w runs under FreeBSD.
I don't think I wrote anything like that.

However, as I said, I've not found anything in a PS tutorial that I can't do with GIMP so I'm happy.

It's similar here. I've found only one or two such tuts. Nothing I didn't find my way around, though.
I have Elements 7, and may be getting photoshop soon, but use ACDSee10 for almost all of my editing - it is so easy and simple - it doesn't do much of what photoshop does, but is enough for me usually, and so user-friendly. Anyone else know or use it ?.......

just noticed yer mention of ACDSee Steve so forgot to mention in my later post, i know of it so well, ACDSEE does most of my image editing (y)

next most-used image editing application used is PhotoScape and Tunnel Vision in my galleries is one of the end results.
I love it been using it since version 5 before I even got into Photography, Never looked back I use cs2 still. I think its the best version to date not fussed at all with cs3 but like anything I suppose you can get used to it :)
Highest point was I won photoshop cs in a fuji photography competition still have it and never installed it:thinking:
vodka - seems like we are in a minority here - and I don't know why..!
ACDSee does so much of what I think is needed for most pictures (at least the ones I take) and is so easy to use, quick to load and took me about 30 seconds to work out what is what, and if I can do that, then anyone can !
seems like we are Steve but it doesn't surprise me. generally when people get used to things, they become complacent therefore tend to avoid change. because of their complacency to try anything new, the complacent souls can't appreciate the advantages of better software.

me on the other hand, i leap at the opportunity to trial new toys and software yet out of my 4 image editing applications and PhotoShop, ACDSee is still the best of them. i even uninstalled PS and erased it of my mixed applications CD ;)

ACDSee is extremely user friendly, not to mention the fact that it has more effects than PS given PS's same effects can't be altered, so it took me only a few minutes to master my most commonly used editing options and even less time to download it :)
I've been using Photoshop, in its various incarnations, since 1997, and I love it - every revision that is released seems to address problems with the program that I'm personally experiencing - those guys at Adobe actually listen to the users ! ! !

I must say though that Lightroom is growing on me - not only is it a wonderful tool for catalogueing large numbers of images, its image editing power is growing with each release. I find myself using Photoshop less and less nowadays, especially since the release of Lightroom 2
I don't like it :confused: I have had a free trial, and I got too frustrated with it and give up. I much prefer Paintshop Pro Photo x2 :D Has everything I need and more. with the huge benefit of it being only about £60 brand new :LOL:
I love ACDsee. I opened up Elements once and went 'what the ****' I also have the chance of getting CS3 but my feelings seem to be that if the picture needs that much doing to it then maybe I should just go out and try and take a better one! And I dislike HDR so .........
I love Photoshop.

Not only for editing photos, but I am part of many graphics forums, therefore I create signitures (Sp?) so I get more of a use out of it.

But it is a brilliant piece of software and more than none companies always need a designer for websites etc... so that helps me in the future =]