Winter has returned

Absolutely stunning, well done. I did think it was going to read something like 'taken in January'. :)
Great shot Rory, a bit more mist to hide the dam would be even better!

Plenty of the fresh white stuff about today again.
An entrancingly beautiful image, and a very effective and successful composition.
Oh now that's nice Rory.
You'd think it were January, not late April!
I like the fact that the Dam is for me :)
That is a lovely scene and a great picture. I even quite like seeing the dam there, it adds a surreal kind of feel to the picture.
Love the low mist and sunlight on the peak - we had snow this morning too but nothing like that. So jealous of your mountains!
This is beautiful, the kind of weather i like
You deserve all you got, I don't mean the nasty weather, but the great result from going out in that nasty weather, if you follow me. A stunning image, it tells a story.
That is really lovely on the eye ! I thought it was a dam then wondered if its actually a viaduct for a train ?
Great image Rory, weather's the same in the North of Scotland but I'm not as brave to go out :)
Love it :)
Can only echo the above comments, a wonderful shot that has so much to absorb!!!!
Excellent. The only thing slightly bugging me is the watermark is a bit too prominent and pulling the eye from the bottom left foreground. Superb picture though
It just feels cold and sends a chill down your spine. Would not have worked for me without the patch of light.
I'd struggle to get this type of shot in deepest darkest Essex.
Great shot, great composition
IMO that is a good one. I'd like to see a B&W version too.

Superb shot, well done.
Hi Rory
How's it going, very well by the look of it! That is a very special shot mate I really love it. When I saw it on the iPad I had to go and get the PC on to look at it on the big screen, it's superb mate. For me you have every element that I love in a photo, trees, mountains, snow, old ramshackle building its just spot on for me!

Having just come back of holiday somewhere warm and sunny :( (wife's choice) you get to appreciate the UK landscape even more, for me our landscapes are some of the very best!

Anyhow I reckon I would defiantly have that one on the wall Rory fantastic work, I bet all the togs up there are loving the late snowfalls(y)
Cheers Steve
Hi Rory
How's it going, very well by the look of it! That is a very special shot mate I really love it. When I saw it on the iPad I had to go and get the PC on to look at it on the big screen, it's superb mate. For me you have every element that I love in a photo, trees, mountains, snow, old ramshackle building its just spot on for me!

Having just come back of holiday somewhere warm and sunny :( (wife's choice) you get to appreciate the UK landscape even more, for me our landscapes are some of the very best!

Anyhow I reckon I would defiantly have that one on the wall Rory fantastic work, I bet all the togs up there are loving the late snowfalls(y)
Cheers Steve
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the comments. I should show the "few seconds" before shot. They look totally different to this. What makes this shot for me is the low cloud that came in from the right just as the sun hit Moelwyn Mawr...perfect timing.

The weather here is exceptionally cold for this time of year. Can I make the most of it? Unfortunately not. I have been at work when the best conditions arrive . I have a wedding at llanberis to photograph tomorrow so there may be a few landscape shots with the B&G in the frame :)
