Critique Yorkshire

Edit My Images
Just came back from our first trip to Yorkshire (stayed in Stainforth). A really beautiful part of the world. I'm only just starting with landscape photography and being on holiday with the family I didn't get much opportunity to get out on my own with the camera but took one opportunity to go out locally. Went out to get the golden light at sundown but there was a lot of cloud around, I sat on the hill waiting for the sun to drop below a large cloud and at the same time watched the rain approaching from a different direction. I got both at more or less the same time so had some nice light on the tree and at the same time was being rained on.

the lone tree by Steve, on Flickr

Put all my stuff away to get back before I got to wet but on the way back I saw this rainbow and had to grab a shot.

gold at the end by Steve, on Flickr

Any comments or suggestions on any aspect of the shots are welcome, as I said I am very much starting out on landscapes so any advice/help/critique is welcome.

I dig your approach to composition, very pleasant.

I see, though, that your takes might reveal a lot more
details and graduated tones. Here, I tweaked the DRL
and the WB. I don't mean that the edit is better but it
reveals more details… of course, you have will always
have the last word… it is your picture!

I looked at these on my laptop earlier and thought - they're not bad, but I need to look again on the the desktop monitor. Now I'm doing that and they're rather nice. You've captured some lovely light in the first, well composed with the foreground rocks leading the eye to the tree, while the shadow on the right hand end of the hill is preventing that part of the image (the weaker part) becoming a distraction. For the second you were definitely in the right place at the right time with the stroll (I don't know what you'd call it up north) giving a perfect lead in. How bold you make the processing is personal taste and something you can play with. Composition wise I'd have maybe come a few steps further forward to avoid the shadow and gate post in the bottom right corner, but still keep the gate to open out the space to the right, but that's something you often don't see at the time, especially when you're trying to set up again to catch a rainbow that could disappear in the next second. You're definitely off to a good start.
Your second shot (with edit) is beautiful. Really vibrant and I think it shows off our weather nicely

I dig your approach to composition, very pleasant.

I see, though, that your takes might reveal a lot more
details and graduated tones. Here, I tweaked the DRL
and the WB. I don't mean that the edit is better but it
reveals more details… of course, you have will always
have the last word… it is your picture!


Thanks for the reply, I'm on my tablet at the moment but will have another go with the editing once I'm back on the pc. My initial reaction is I like your edit but maybe would not have changed the WB quite as much. Thanks for the suggestions though as I need to work on my processing.
....Composition wise I'd have maybe come a few steps further forward to avoid the shadow and gate post in the bottom right corner, but still keep the gate to open out the space to the right, but that's something you often don't see at the time, especially when you're trying to set up again to catch a rainbow that could disappear in the next second. You're definitely off to a good start.

Thanks for the feedback Jan, I agree with the comment above, I was focussed on getting the rainbow but need to learn to check things like this before I press the shutter.
Hi Steve, I really like the 2nd image it's a good chance capture!

There does seem to be some heavy vignetting which is bringing out dust spots in the corners of the image. The clouds are fantastic with complimentary blue and orange shades.

Thanks, I liked the vignetting on the bottom of the image to move the focus away from the wall and post but you are right that it is bringing out the dust spots in the clouds (not sure how I missed that). I really must clean the sensor as I had to clean up lots of dust already on the image.