You're watching the tv and.....

Alan Carr
Jimmy Carr
Michael McIntyre
Russell Brand
Jo Brand
Ricky Gervaise
Graham Norton
Simon Cowell

Sometimes im glad i dont ave a TV at Uni, the license is £120 i could spend on more useful things, like beer :beer:
robhooley167 said:
Alan Carr
Jimmy Carr
Michael McIntyre
Russell Brand
Jo Brand
Ricky Gervaise
Graham Norton
Simon Cowell

Sometimes im glad i dont ave a TV at Uni, the license is £120 i could spend on more useful things, like beer :beer:

I love the way you typed beer then showed us a picture just in case we didn't know what you meant. Great work Hoolio
While on the subject of Ms McCutcheon, is it my imagination, or is it that the longer she advertises diet products in tv the rounder she becomes :cautious:

Wash your mouth our sir.... one of my perfect women. :LOL:

Just thought of another few who I can't stand;

Patrick Kielty
Kate Humble (if I had the money I'd stove the telly in every time she's on)
Aleesha Dixon
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Take a seat over there sir, the doctor will see you shortly...
The expression "one trick pony" comes to mind, I can proudly say I've despised the man from long before he found fame with The Office. In fact from right back in his Seona Dancing days...


How many tricks have you got that have bought you international fame, millions of pounds, and a permanent place in the history of a genre.

The full stop means it's rhetorical.
How many tricks have you got that have bought you international fame, millions of pounds, and a permanent place in the history of a genre.

The full stop means it's rhetorical.

So, by your logic, just because he has "international fame, millions of pounds, and a permanent place in the history of a genre" I have to like him?

Adolf Hitler was rich, famous and has a permanent place in history, do I have to like him too?
C'mon guys, we all have different tastes, there's no point arguing, you can't debate someone into liking something they don't.
You have to enter yourself into something to win an award; all of them require participation.

I could be wrong, and I'm sure you will correct me if I am, however as far as I can see none of those awards were made as the result of Gervais having entered a competition or suchlike.....
I could be wrong, and I'm sure you will correct me if I am, however as far as I can see none of those awards were made as the result of Gervais having entered a competition or suchlike.....

You could be wrong or right, I'm not an authority on this, and I would like to correct you, but I can only do so with confidence rather than certainty.

It is my understanding that one enters awards shows, and as a result, receives a consideration for nomination.

I know it's the case with the BAFTA's, Oscars and suchlike. It's one of the reasons why these awards prompt speculation of impropriety or fixing.
I love the way you typed beer then showed us a picture just in case we didn't know what you meant. Great work Hoolio

Well some people on here need a little extra help (y)
London Headshots said:
You could be wrong or right, I'm not an authority on this, and I would like to correct you, but I can only do so with confidence rather than certainty.

It is my understanding that one enters awards shows, and as a result, receives a consideration for nomination.

I know it's the case with the BAFTA's, Oscars and suchlike. It's one of the reasons why these awards prompt speculation of impropriety or fixing.

Regardless of what you think, I still have every right not to like Gervais, whether he has put himself forward for (and not won) any awards in the last 4 years or not.

Actually it would please me greatly if this was indeed the case ;)
I like Ricky Gervais, esp, in The Office and Extras. But that last thing he did was dire, can't remember what it was called now it was so sandy grit.
He hasn't won any awards lately because he's been resting on his laurels, as he told his critics some time ago. :D

(Link removed, maybe the language was just a little rich.)
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Three words.

Lenny chuffin Henry!
Andrew Marr.....:puke:
All politicians & so called comedians. :thumbsdown:
Kate Humble (Used to have a bit of a crush on her as a kid but now she gets right on my wick!)
Chris Packham
Actually any of the spring/autumn/no one gives a mokeys watch presenters

Ricky Gervais
Davina McCall
Robert Peston
Sian Lloyd
Barbara Windsor

I'm sure there are others!
What's your point? :shrug:

Really, I thought it was pretty obvious.

Your perfectly entitled not to like him but to deny his talent for comedy is a bit off especially considering the awards he has won for it.

steve_v said:
Really, I thought it was pretty obvious.

Your perfectly entitled not to like him but to deny his talent for comedy is a bit off especially considering the awards he has won for it.


Not obvious in the slightest, could you point out, where, in the sentence of mine that you quoted in your post, I made any reference to his talent, or lack thereof?
Any so called "professional" player of the so called "game" of f.o-o,t-b'a,l.l. Aaaargh!!! I can't even bring myself to type its name.
edith bowman - luckily she is rarely on anymore

and this guy who I hate with every single bone in my body.


To be honest, I love him... And probably for the exact same reasons you don't like him! :D
Any so called "professional" player of the so called "game" of f.o-o,t-b'a,l.l. Aaaargh!!! I can't even bring myself to type its name.


"How do you feel about today's performance - are you feeling optimistic for the future?"

"Yea, well, y'know, it's like there's light at the end of the tunnel now, y'know, if we continue to work hard and pull together and, y'know, work hard as a team, and the boys have been fantastic all night tonight, y'know, anything's possible so yea, like you say, y'know, we're very optimistic for the future."

:puke: :D
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Maybe but I always used to switch off the TV when she came on.


I used to 'use' her in a professional sense ;)
I used to hate this bitch


Did you snap that yourself? Going by the letter J and the style of the BBC logo it's a fairly modern iteration of that test card, which is very rare to see on modern TV...
Not a person as such, but - Big Brother. I thought they'd had the "last ever series" of this a few years back? What do I see in the schedules over the weekend? Another series of it. Drivel.
Not a person as such, but - Big Brother. I thought they'd had the "last ever series" of this a few years back? What do I see in the schedules over the weekend? Another series of it. Drivel.

they did on channel 4 but then 5 bought the rights to it and have been trying to carry it on, thankfully there are enough channels to be able to avoid it
Go Compare man - that guy needs to be taken out and shot.
Also - Justin Beiber, who ranks about as well as Jedward - a similar fate to the go compare man would be pleasing.