You're watching the tv and.....

"more than freeman":thumbsdown:
Heston blooming wotsits.
I know this will l go down like a lead balloon with some, but for me it is the McCann's.
Jimmy Docherty ...Mr boring. :shake:
Jamie Oliver, I respect him, but he's gotta face you wanna smack. :boxer:
richard Madeley - and I refuse to listen to the twassock on the radio as well. I am not violent, but could punch him until my knuckles bleed.

Aslo Dale Winton, Bruce Forsyth, Simon Cowell, Jamie Oliver, and whatever the progamme is where they come in and do up your home.... (just reach for the remote on those though!)
when the tv is on i reach for the remote and switch it off ... there is so little that i want tto actually sit down and enjoy these days that i rarely bother to look ... the tv is a dust collector now :)
I hate history programmes (Horrible Histories excluded) but just love Dr Lucy Worsley, something about her...:love:
Adrian Chiles, complete Tw.t!!

Any Insurance advert and any of those 'rip off 4 u' ambulance chaser ads.
a certain person comes on who makes you reach for the remote - who is it?

For me it's Ricky Gervais :bat:

richard Madeley - and I refuse to listen to the twassock on the radio as well.

Yep, those two it pretty much for me. :cautious:

You could add Milliband, Cameron and Clegg into that as well but that could be a different discussion on a different day :LOL:
Graham bloody Norton. What a knob.
Jonathan 'I am gonna be crude for laughs' Woss ....purile is a nice word for him.

That Scottish bloke on transfer day on Sky Sports........tool.

Hazel Bleeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrsssss.........very annoying.
Jo Brand.
Russell Brand.
Katy Brand.
Asda's Own Brand.
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Paul whatever his name is... Aka Lilly savage. Makes my teeth itch.
leftcurl said:
Paul whatever his name is... Aka Lilly savage. Makes my teeth itch.

That's weird, cos I quite like Lily Savage, but not keen on Paul whatshisface!
+1 for Ricky "talentless muppet" Gervais

Russell Brand

Jonathan Woss

Graham Norton

Eddie Izzard

Dominic "missing link" Littlewood

Anne Robinson

Stewart Lee

Sean Lock

Marcus Brigstocke
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Oh jeez... Got me started now... Davina McCall, Katie price, Barbara Windsor, piers Morgan, Jonathan Wilkes, Martine mcutcheon.

There's plenty more!
leftcurl said:
Oh jeez... Got me started now... Davina McCall, Katie price, Barbara Windsor, piers Morgan, Jonathan Wilkes, Martine mcutcheon.

There's plenty more!

God yeah, Davina McCall, what an irritating gurning woman. I know that someone will say Jeremy Clarkson, but we do need to remember that he once tw¥tted Piers Morgan.
Alan Carr. I can't bear to look at him, let alone listen to his voice :bat:
leftcurl said:
Oh jeez... Got me started now... Davina McCall, Katie price, Barbara Windsor, piers Morgan, Jonathan Wilkes, Martine mcutcheon.

There's plenty more!

While on the subject of Ms McCutcheon, is it my imagination, or is it that the longer she advertises diet products in tv the rounder she becomes :cautious:
While on the subject of Ms McCutcheon, is it my imagination, or is it that the longer she advertises diet products in tv the rounder she becomes :cautious:

looks that way to me.

Even my daughter knows how much she grates with me... she'll shout 'Daaaad... Martine's advert is on!!' :LOL:
No Giles Brandreth yet!
While on the subject of Ms McCutcheon, is it my imagination, or is it that the longer she advertises diet products in tv the rounder she becomes :cautious:

She doesn't advertise diet products as such they are bio yogurts which help with digestion, not weight loss.