You're watching the tv and.....

Jimmy Carr, good job I don't have brick handy when his smug face comes on TV, I'd need a subscription with a TV manfacturer otherwise.
Pilgrim cheese ad:bonk:
nilagin said:
Jimmy Carr, good job I don't have brick handy when his smug face comes on TV, I'd need a subscription with a TV manfacturer otherwise.

Bet you love the news in the last couple of days. :LOL:
in no particular order

Harry Hill
Davina McCall
Jimmy Carr
Jonathan Ross
Katie Price
David Cameron
Jamie 'bleedin' Spence. He is a first class *%)£.
Now I know from experience that most here hates Big Brother. Yeah I know it's a chavvy programme full of idiot wannabes. But I do like to watch it now and then. The spin-off programme BB bit on the side has this git on it called Jamie East. He's a complete and utter w(Anchor)...I hate the MF!
Jordan/Katie Price, Peter Andre and Ann Robinson for me.
They all make my skin crawl
Nick Knowles, always looks like he's slept in a shop doorway.
Carol Vorderman I can't have her on my TV for one single second I utter despise the woman, and of course I'm in the Ricky Gervais is talentless camp, just don't think he's done on funny thing EVER.

OH and Miquita Oliver, but at least she's a goner, now facing bankruptcy after failing to pay a tax bill of more than £174,000

I could have a very long list, but most have be mentioned already by others.
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