weekly Wibbly's 2013 52 Week Challenge - Week 8 Time *Now Added*

nice colours and textures on those doors.. straight on from a low angle would work too perhaps?
Thanks for the comments people (y)

I've had a mad busy week this week, so little time to comment much elsewhere, sorry.

Will try and get round to others later this evening!
Well spotted on your space image Dave (y)
As others have said, a spot of pp would hide the flats or better still IMHO would be to recompose. There looks to be some potential in lowering your viewpoint and taking it from a different perspective. Filling the frame with the garage doors.
The abandoned look to these is particularly appealing, I am sure there is some lovely detail in the peeling paint. (y) Iain
I like wild, the row of trees pull my eyes through it. The processing works really well.

The abandoned space idea is good, and I like the shot as it is, but I think similar processing to wild might work well on it too, adding a grittier, more desolate feel.
OK, I'm afraid this week's challenge pic is a bit of a cop out really :(

Left it till far too late to come up with anything of any great value, and circumstances have very much conspired against me.

As a freelance Copywriter, my mightiest weapons are my pen and my laptop, so here are my weapons of choice for work! :)

Week 6 Challenge52 by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr
For a cop out that's a damn good job, I like the angle of the shadow across the keyboard, it breaks the image up nicely
Hi Dave. I think colour would have been better than B&W but a nice perspective with a good shadow.
Hi Dave, I'm a fan of B&W so liking this one, as you said tool of the trade so sit well with the theme
I like this weeks effort Dave - its a better more thought out shot than mine for a start, well exposed and composed (y)
Hi Dave

Work....like this image , sharp , well composed , great focus & like the light cutting across the keyboard (y)
Technically, very good. Excellent lighting, DoF, sharpness....

On composition, I don't like the pen. I have never known anyone to put a pen there, so it just doesn't have the realism for me.
Gravity, that's one nice icicle you have there. Maybe a slightly different agle to give it a clearer background.

Wild, that should be the cover of a Horror story. The processing suits the scene giving it an almost too scary to go into the woods look.

Space, not sure if space jumps out at me but it definitely shouts abandoned. Even the green fascias above look like they haven't seen paint in 20 years. The only way to shoot without the above flats would have been head on, did you try one that way?

Work, simple and effective shot, the angle with the natural light give a nice shadow. I just think the pen isn't needed unless that's where you keep it.

I've gone for Hot Cross Buns this week, for Gluttony.

What I am finding is I could do with a Macro lens for some of these weekly challenges, this is quite a big crop of the original image, and it shows a bit :|

Oh well, hopefully some better weather will be with us soon, and maybe a turn of topics! :D

Buns by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr

Oh, and it's B&W again... I like B&W :LOL:
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Liking the composition and the black and white. Like you said, the big crop shows a bit. I'm not sure whether having all the buns in focus would make it slightly better? All in all though pretty good. :)
Hi, Dave, like hot x buns :D

B&w works well but I'd like to see a nice warm colour version. Nice detail considering the crop you did.

Slightly wider DOF may be needed and it feels a tad close at the bottom.

^^^^ Wot Andy said!

Wonder if bringing the cross in the background into shot (somehow) may have worked, as an echo of the cross on the buns??
Nice shot - even nicer buns!! ;)
My crit would be maybe a bit of a wider DOF, maybe not as tight a crop and perhaps a tweak to the levels a bit? Nice shot though!
Hi Dave, I struggled to find the focal point on this one but I like the idea of the compostion. Maybe a bit of colour may make a difference. Certainly agree about a macro lens, something I also think should be in my kit too.
Hi Dave

oohh..I've not had any hot cross buns yet this year...thanks for reminding me to put them on the shopping list (y)

Whilst I'm quite partial to B&W I really want to see this in all it's color glory....good detail even with the crop...a little more DOF would be good but sometimes it hard, especially when you have several objects all on slightly different planes...think you've done well though :)

Any left......??

ps...a macro lens is great fun...get one bought..you know it makes sense :D
Week 8 Time

Another 'not so sure' pic from me...

I'm kind of struggling a bit at present, I'm looking for work having just finished a long term contract, so this kind of takes priority at the moment.

Anyway, here's the image.... I wanted to off focus the face, but still leave it in shot - I think cos of the lens I'm playing with at present (a 1990's 28-70 f3.5-4/5), it's a bit noisy, but hey, there you go. :LOL:

Week8_time by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr
Must admit Dave - I'm not sure that I'm sure either...

mainly about your choice of focus point being the buckle, the cut of the shadow and the heavy vignette don't help me either.

It's certainly a different take on the "watch-pic", and for that you should be commended! And the noise don't bother me in the slightest. (y)
Ive tried to do the standard watch shot in my light box, but Im clueless about that. Thing is I love watches and have 13 of them at present and really wanted to get a shot of 3 nice ones with tan leather straps. But failed completly.

I like the moody B & W shot.
Love the processing on the buns, a slightly deeper DOF would improve it for me though.

Time - I like the processing a lot, and the vignette works for me, but I'm not sure about the focus point if I'm honest. I'd like to see the whole shadow too.
Hi Dave,
Gluttony, I think a colour version would perhaps suit the subject more, can I ask what your thinking was behind B&W, just curious?

Time, I too am not sure about it. The focus not on the face throws my eye a little IYSWIM ;)
Gluttony......Maybe you could have stuck with a wider shot and include a toasted one smothered in butter yum yum yum.

Time......I like the angle and the lighting and the B&W but the focus need to to on the face for this one.

Sorry, going to have to agree with the others that the focus should have been on the watch face. Otherwise the composition, subject, and processing look good though.