weekly Bosscat's 2013 52 challenge

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Finally got my myself in to gear and started my 52 challenge. First time attempting, so lets see how it goes.

Week 1 Sin

Week 1 Sin by smithson2430, on Flickr

Took a while, but while in the garage I saw the glass recycle bin.
lovely first shot - well done Martyn.

Great use of DOF, spot on focus on the chosen bottle - lovely bokeh and nicely lined up!

I think even the angle works, I'll live with te chopping of the top of the focus bottle, but would like its bottom corner to be complete, and the beer left in the bottoms gives away the angle a little bit. But just a couple of minor niggles in an otherwise top shot.


and a link to your own thread from the main picture one will make others lives a bit easier.

Ho, Martyn, solid start. Quite like the Dutch angle, DOF, bokeh, and focus.

Don't forget to put a link here in the main photo post thread. Easier for folk to find you and comment (y)

Thanks for the comment.

Think I've added a link now Andy. Cheers.
Jury could be out on the angle, but now the top and bottom of the bottle has been highlighted it niggles me when I look at it. I should step back breath before making the final post.

Thanks for the comments, going in the right direction for a newbie to this photo lark! Bring on the next theme!


Hi Martyn, Lovely shot, i love the DOF and the angle, Focus looks spot on and lovely and sharp.

Its also my favourite tipple so bonus points from me :D

cany add anything to what others are saying not sure beer is a sin thouugh
Hi ya & a belated welcome from me :wave:

Good shot...like the angle ( loose the dregs in the bottles though ,as that gives the game away :LOL: ) nicely focused , well exposed....good start to your project Martyn (y)
Hi folks,

Been a busy week with work and five month old twins, so have dropped a little behind.

Week 2 effort involved a very high tech studio being constructed. This involved the wife's large dressing table mirror with a dinning room chair with black clothes drapped over it.

Even though I have had limited time I still want to try and test myself, but not wanting to run before I can walk being new to the photography game.

I know it won't win any awards, but it was fun to get the flash right.

Week 2 Season by smithson2430, on Flickr

Now time to get thinking with week three.
Yes that was my thought.

It was a compromise, if I got the mill brighter the clothes could be seen in the mirror.

Thanks Andy.
the darkness has been mentioned the composition for me doesn't appeal either
"Sin" is nice, I like the angle and use of dof. "Season" is just way too underexposed and underlit.
Yes maybe a little dark, kinda makes out pepper is dark and sinister. Lol.

Like the idea of the foil or mirror Christine, will have to have a play about.

Thank for all your comments, still a lot to learn.
Nice simple clean capture on gravity there, a good shot. Only thing I'd suggest is cleaning up the smudgy blurs under each drop (slight amount of ambient light I guess?)
Martyn, this is very nice. See what Crossroads means about the smudgy blurs though; odd.

The tap and the drops are beautiful. My only critical comment would relate to the framing. I like square formats very much, but I can't work out why you've stuck the tap and drops over to the left. If you want it off-centre, would it work better on the right, so the sloping tap is leading you into the frame rather than out of it?
Hi, there, anyone can do a 365, but it takes some dedication to pull off a good 365.

I've always been partial to a good drip photograph and you've done well here. Nice and sharp.

Pity you only managed a single drop. Also, a bit of colour in the drip might be nice.

Cheers for the comments.

I think I can shed some light on the blur in the drop. I used a sheet of A4 black paper from my daughters craft box for the backdrop as the wall was very light. It's this I think you can see in the drop, when I posted and looked at it again it niggled me then.

As to framing, I do feel this is something I can work on.

Thanks again, now to work on wild.
another droplet shot and again excellent. black background and focus on the droplet is sharp. a perfect shot, i reckon
Just looked at the image on the laptop and can see what you mean about the smudge, it never showed up on the I pad.

Its not the background, have not got a clue.
Lovely and sharp shot - beautiful! As mentioned, not sure the on the crop - maybe nudging subject to the right would work better! Lovely and sharp though, and perfect timing!
I went to Castle Howard Lake when it was still frozen and the Mallards were sliding around. The ice was just starting to melt leaving a mirror finish due to the water sitting just on the ice. Spotted this little guy, he kept looking at the reflection (I think).

Week 4 Wild by smithson2430, on Flickr
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Ho, he doesn't look very wild ;)

That's a cracking reflection with great clarity. I wasn't sure about the dark patch at the top, but having looked again it does add depth.

Few blobs on the photograph near the duck.

Cheers Andy,

Yes I wanted to try and remove the dark patches, but having trouble with Photoshop and PP skills need a little work.
excellent shot, depth of field. my only critique would be that the bird is facing away from you, was it not possible to take pic facing towards you?
Agreed Morpheus.

He was a little way on the ice, so this was the best angle i could get. I got a few other shots of other ducks but just liked this own with him kinda looking at himself.
Great capture and the reflection is spot on too (y)

I think the darkness at the top adds to the image as well.
I think he's plenty wild - leave the dark bits at the top, they couldbe removed but they do show the distance behind him.

I would remove the sensor dust(?) to the right of his head and (maybe) the mark by his feet. 2 minute job - can even be done in Picasa.