weekly Puckers 2013 52 thread: Week 30: step(s) & Week 31: Mono added

Yip. Lose the dust spots and crop off the right and you've done a cracker. Great detail in the flake and not something I've done before.

Bang on theme :clap:

Thanks all :) i didn't even notice the spots otherwise they would have gone, well spotted!

I did have another with a beautiful shaped flake on a lovely angle with a dark background but i must have had a wobble as it wasn't focused properly, gutted! I only stopped as my hands got so cold!
excellent capture dust spots have been mentioned agree about a slight crop of the right, great work :clap::clap:
This shot has real impact. I like the background colours and the composition. An amazing shot expecially considering it's handheld.
Hi Lisa...loving your avatar by the way :wave:

All has been mentioned so I'll just add a big (y)
That really is lovely. :)

What did you use to capture that, if you don't mind me asking?
Lovely shot!

Just out of interest, you mentioned you used all your extension tubes - how close did you you have to get to flake with all of those attached? Congrats on nailing the shot / theme! :clap:
That really is lovely. :)

What did you use to capture that, if you don't mind me asking?

Lovely shot!

Just out of interest, you mentioned you used all your extension tubes - how close did you you have to get to flake with all of those attached? Congrats on nailing the shot / theme! :clap:

I used all 3 of my kenko extension tubes on my sigma 24-70mm macro. I had to get within a couple of inches of the snowflake. Its also had a fair crop. It was sat on our trailer with the kids old sofa in it which is giving the nice blue background. I think with this one i had to move the snow around it so it stood out more on its own, my neighbours must have thought i was :wacky:

Thanks everyone :) first thing i thought of when it started snowing and yep its a real snowflake, they can be different shapes and sizes :)
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that is now just completely, and utterly, absolutely faultless.

Very well done.
:clap: Love it! Need some snow now as I would love to try this myself.
That's a bit special!:)

After the edit I can't see how it could get much better.
Can't really add any more praise than already here, the edit looks spot on. :)
Hi Puckers,
I never seen the first submission but your edit is just great.
Crisp, clear with as Dean says the background is very complimentary to the snowflake. Technically very good, the composition works particularly well with nothing to distract from the subject.
Good work all round (y) Iain
nice detail in this.. great focus on the droplet and hairs at the end of the leaf.. like the dark background..
Very nice. I do enjoy some macro shots
Really nice detail in this one and your snowflake