weekly ChrisR's first go at a (digital or film) 52: week 37-42 added (to Reflection)


I'm a well known grump...
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I'm going to try to give this a go... however, I'll be using film (either completely or mostly). Since I don't do my own processing, and normally batch up a few films, I'm not going to manage to post one a week. I'm still hoping to take one a week, and to use the themes. So I guess I'll just be... a bit behind (no surprise there, I guess).

I've some candidate shots for week one's Sin theme, but they're on monochrome film, which may well not suit. However, I guess they'll have to do, since I don't have any colour loaded, and I won't get to see the results until at least next week!

This makes me rather nervous, but also excited...

Week 1: Sin
Week 2: Season
Week 3: Gravity
Week 4: Wild
Week 5: Space and Space take 2
Week 6: Work and Work redux
Week 7: Gluttony and Gluttony on film
Week 8: Time and Time for Tea again
Week 9: Juxtaposition
Week 10: Letter
Week 11: Electric
Week 12: Direction
Week 13: Tacky
Week 14: Value
Week 15: Greed
Week 16: Angles and see revision a few posts later, and film version.
Week 17: Rustic and film version.
Week 18: Kind (meh)
Week 19: Vertical
Week 20: Pattern
Week 21: Movement
Week 22: Below
Week 23: Size
Week 24: Process
Week 25: Rock
Week 26: Pair
Week 27: Shape
Week 28: Plenty
Week 29: Speed
Week 30: Steps
Week 31: Monochrome
Week 32: Connection
Week 33: Beginning
Week 34: Still
Week 35: Whimsical
Week 36: Curve
Week 37: Power
Week 38: Solitude
Week 39: Sweet
Week 40: Cut
Week 41: Live
Week 42: Reflection
Week 43: Melt
Week 44: Left
Week 45: Food
Week 46: Art
Week 47: Friendship
Week 48: Sleek
Week 49: Reshoot and Colour
Week 50: Fantasy
Week 51: Fit
Week 52: Water
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Hi Chris & welcome to the madhouse :wave:

Film eh...looking forward to seeing your shots...I never had the patience for film as I delete loads of my shots !

Behind is ok....you may just lift the lastminute.com title off Iain or Dean :LOL:
Thanks Lynne. The appeal of film is indefinable I guess, it either grabs you or it doesn't. At the moment I'm trying to use pretty much every available monochrome film (there aren't really enough of them to do a 52 on 52 films:D). Should be fun, anyway!
Good luck with your challenge Chris....I reckon all 52 to be shot on film would suit you best going on the amount of time you spend with us crazy filmers in f&c......either way, enjoy it. Don't natter yourself about being behind nor if the shot is not quite as good as planned...there would be no fun to it if all went well!!

I'm sure you'll receive plenty of support along the way as well as **** taking ...oops c&c:D....I for one will do my best to keep dropping in!
I'm feeling a bit embarrased here... I had REALLY hoped to post the first two weeks this evening. I had a possible candidate for the first week, but when I got the film back it was out of focus (despite being my really sharp £50 f/1.7 lens :razz:). I've got half a dozen different attempts at candidate two for week 1 and several for week 2 on 3 films that were posted Tuesday, that I'd have hoped to have back today, but no joy, sorry.

I'm NOT giving up, even though I'm apparently falling further and further behind. I think I'm inclined not to attempt interior staged shots though after the first debacle. It'll have to be exterior available light as well as fim for me!:wacky:
Hi Chris, shame you don't have the images well enough to post :( I guess that's half the fun of shooting film :p

I used to shoot loads on film and got it scanned in super high res at Jessops, but that's not gonna happen any more :(
I'm feeling a bit embarrased here... I had REALLY hoped to post the first two weeks this evening. I had a possible candidate for the first week, but when I got the film back it was out of focus (despite being my really sharp £50 f/1.7 lens :razz:). I've got half a dozen different attempts at candidate two for week 1 and several for week 2 on 3 films that were posted Tuesday, that I'd have hoped to have back today, but no joy, sorry.

I'm NOT giving up, even though I'm apparently falling further and further behind. I think I'm inclined not to attempt interior staged shots though after the first debacle. It'll have to be exterior available light as well as fim for me!:wacky:

Don't feel embarressed Chris, it's all part of the "fun" of a challenge :D

Tbh, I don't think anyone would mind (except perhaps yourself! :D) if you posted shots that have gone "wrong"....we don't expect perfection all of the time, just 99% of it :D

It will come together, let it take its course...we're all waiting ( impatientley :D :D) for your first results.
Don't feel embarressed Chris, it's all part of the "fun" of a challenge :D

Tbh, I don't think anyone would mind (except perhaps yourself! :D) if you posted shots that have gone "wrong"....we don't expect perfection all of the time, just 99% of it :D

It will come together, let it take its course...we're all waiting ( impatientley :D :D) for your first results.

Definately worth posting your duds :p You can see how you've improved over the challenge too :D
OK I'll post my attempts. I won't show "sloth", as it's a bit too obvious that the figure in bed late morning was my daughter's teddy bear! This was my go at a "gluttony" montage...


The result really felt too artificial to me; too far from a style I'm comfortable with. I know this is part of the point, but it just didn't feel right.

And this was "pride", which I don't remember anyone else attempting


... as mentioned above, I was disappointed that the focus was just a bit off (or maybe it was just soft; pretty sure it was f/1.7). I'm still hopeful for something interesting on the other 3 rolls, and also my "Season" attempts...
Very SIN full :D
If you need help in eating that lot, I know a lady very close to my heart who has as much love for chocolate as she has for me....even more perhaps:eek::D
As for critique, I would lose the dead space to the rhs particularly where the wall?? ends.
Also the few white spots of dust...a few seconds in PS and they're gone!
Nonetheless a nice take on the theme and the fact that it feels artificial to you may well encourage you to try a diiferent approach for a similar shot later on in your challenge.

PRIDE: excellent take on the theme (y)
Although the focus is ever so slightly off, the relevant word still stands out sufficiently to emphasise the theme ( the fact that the word prejudice blurs out helps!)
The grain compliments the excellent use of DoF to drawing ones eye to the words...Overall a superb attempt(y)

Keep up the good work Chris, your first two postings have already wetted my appetite as to what else you have to offer......
Thanks very much Asha. Yes, I should have got rid of the dust spots in Aperture before posting; it was kind of last minute. And I think you're right about the dead space to the right of the choc pile. In fact, I wonder if cropping both sides to something like 4:3 portrait might work!

But I guess if there's nothing useful on the rolls vanished in processing, I can always put up the Pride shot. Thanks again for the comments.
Chris... only just found this, if you would like crit and comments don't forget to post a pic and a to link on here each time, on the Main 'Photo's Only' thread (y)

I have you down as Missing in Action :D

This isn't yet IT, as it were; 3 films are missing in action at the lab! Rang them this morning and they'd only just turned up after being posted last Tuesday afternoon. Once I have these, I should be able to load weeks one and two, and I've got several candidates for week three on two almost-finished films. If the weather lifts I might take them to ASDA tomorrow rather than posting to the lab (they're both C41), so that should bring me up to date.

If you don't process your own there can be annoyingly long delays in the film world!
At last I have my film back. My feeling is this graffiti is doubly a Sin! This one definitely needed colour (as it happens, long-expired Kodak 400 ISO).

Lots of snow pictures to choose from, but this quiet, misty canal shot says "winter" to me! Taken on my first roll of Kodak Tri-X (with Pentax MX).

Sorry, I can't work out how to change the thread title! Any hints?
Sorry, I can't work out how to change the thread title! Any hints?

Go to your first post, click "edit" then "go advanced".....from there you can change whatever you like including the title of your thread!
At last I have my film back. My feeling is this graffiti is doubly a Sin! This one definitely needed colour (as it happens, long-expired Kodak 400 ISO).


Love the texture/grain on the brickwork Chris along with the vibrant colours....a nice result for OOD film and of cousre it falls into the "Sin" category very well.
Lots of snow pictures to choose from, but this quiet, misty canal shot says "winter" to me! Taken on my first roll of Kodak Tri-X (with Pentax MX).


Looks darned cold and wintery to me....Brrrrr!!

Very much liking the sharp contrast between the sharp foreground reflected in the water and the lack of detail further afield as the mist obscures the clarity of the scene....Thumbs up from me Chris!
Thanks for both those comments, Asha. It's odd, I worked quite hard to get the first shot once I'd spotted it; there are probably a dozen or more candidates in mono and colour. This one really jumped out from the bunch.

It is a square crop but this was 35mm film taken on a Pentax ME with a Pentax-M SMC 135mm lens.

The second one was just taken because I liked it. The dozen or more other candidates really didn't sing to me. I hadn't spotted the sharp/soft difference, but perhaps that's part of its appeal. Thanks again.
Hi, Chris, well spotted with Sin. Liking the grainy photograph.

Season, well spotted. Nice low angle, cracking reflection and liking the mist.

No real crit...if I were to be very critical, I'd say the branches poking in from the right.

This isn't yet IT, as it were; 3 films are missing in action at the lab! Rang them this morning and they'd only just turned up after being posted last Tuesday afternoon. Once I have these, I should be able to load weeks one and two, and I've got several candidates for week three on two almost-finished films. If the weather lifts I might take them to ASDA tomorrow rather than posting to the lab (they're both C41), so that should bring me up to date.

If you don't process your own there can be annoyingly long delays in the film world!
Well I'm glad you are sorted Chris :)

Sin - Wow I love that, really nice texture to it and great colours, and an interesting angle too seeing the cement courses converging - Great start (y)

Season - Have to agree with Asha on this one, the contrast between the foreground and background give it a great look... very wintery !!!

Really looking forward to seeing the rest of your 52 :)
I don't usually like graffiti shots (because I just hate graffiti) but you made it look good (and I DO like the film colours).
I love the B&W and can only re-iterate what's already been said.

Great start there - Looking forward to what you did for "gravity" now!

Hi, Chris, well spotted with Sin. Liking the grainy photograph.

Season, well spotted. Nice low angle, cracking reflection and liking the mist.

No real crit...if I were to be very critical, I'd say the branches poking in from the right.


Thanks Andy. Yes, that long-expired film (that I found in a drawer, not the freezer or fridge) is very grainy, and there's a slight crop that emphasises it. The big problem was light for this location (a bridge support) as it was in a cutting and north-facing. I was lucky to get tolerable light on one occasion.

I think you're right(ish) about the branches from the right. I'm not sure cropping them out is right, as the composition becomes dominated by lots of horizontals. Maybe it should have figured a bit more prominently?

Dark Knight said:
Sin - Wow I love that, really nice texture to it and great colours, and an interesting angle too seeing the cement courses converging - Great start

Season - Have to agree with Asha on this one, the contrast between the foreground and background give it a great look... very wintery !!!

Thanks "Dark". This was a bridge support and quite high up; I was trying very hard to get square on, and ended up perched as high as I could on the embankment among brambles with a 135mm lens wobbling about! I was pleased to get a shot that worked. Thanks again.
Really like sin, good composition and nice textures. Like the gritty urban feel to it.
Hi Chris

Sin....spot on for me , great colors & good textures in the bricks...:)

Season...nice low angle , good reflections.....very chilly feel to it...branch's to the rhs distract me a tad....can you crop a film shot ? Sorry if thats a daft question but I really have no idea about film :crying:
Thanks everyone. I'll have a go at getting rid of those branches to the right...
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Here's my Season picked slightly cropped...


I've kept the 3:2 format, not sure if that's wise. Partly because I don't seem to be able to work out how to do a free crop in Aperture! I think this IS better, thanks everyone.
Two options for this week. These were taken on XP2, processed and scanned at ASDA. It's a low res scan, so I thought I could do better with my own scanner... but it turns out I couldn't!

[EDIT: no longer reserve image]
This image is Radical Road, in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh. If you've climbed it you know about gravity...

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[EDIT: now second choice.]

Based on much the same idea, this is what I [initially] picked for Week 3, Gravity. It's the steep path up to Arthur's Seat. Again, you really know about gravity if you climb this, and those tiny figures on the skyline have had gravity trying to drag them down the icy path...


Hope you like them! Comments welcome...
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Hi, Chris, on theme and a nice story behind the photograph. It has a real film feel to it.

The people do feel a little small, but that may emphasis the size of the place.

Thanks both. I really do want the one I picked to work and, yes, the tinyness of the people is part of the point. Actually there's something not quite right about it, I think; either the film or my exposure or hand wobble (it was 135mm) or ASDA process and scan (not the absolutely top quality)...

I suspect the reserve is the better photo (although the contrast is still a bit iffy), but the main one is a poorer photo but better gravity story!
I've decided to give myself a bit of a break this week, as the shot I've chosen for Wild was taken a week or so ago, but only just back. My excuses (to myself): I don't think I could easily find a better illustration of Wild, and I'm about to send off 3 films for processing (from the Greenwich TP film meetup), so I'm unlikely to get through enough by Wednesday for another batch to put them up before Saturday. This way I'll catch up and I hope be ready with some end-of-roll space come Saturday for week 5! Taken on Kodak Tri-X with my Pentax MX.
