100 Strangers **Complete** 15th July 2016.

Yet another cracking set Iain.

And its amazing the amount of people from different cultures that you capture on a regular basis. (y)
Just discovered this thread and have enjoyed looking through and reading about all the different people! :) Only thing I'd say is you make it seem as though everybody in London is foreign! There are a few of us natives who actually live here still ;)
Yet another cracking set Iain.

And its amazing the amount of people from different cultures that you capture on a regular basis. (y)

Thanks Chris, London is so diverse its a fantastic place to shoot a project like this.
I'm surprised I can explain my project at times. Thank goodness for others with such good language skills. I'd be knackered otherwise, to my shame, I can't speak any foreign languages. :D

How do you record all the information about the people you meet? Do you note it down in front of them?

I have a notebook in which I record the strangers details Neil.
Sometimes in front of them, just to get the details correct. I feel its important to get the spelling of names etc correct. I've often asked strangers to write their own name down, just to make sure.

Just discovered this thread and have enjoyed looking through and reading about all the different people! :) Only thing I'd say is you make it seem as though everybody in London is foreign! There are a few of us natives who actually live here still ;)

Thanks Chris, haha, yes, there are quite a few people from other countries in my stranger pool. Thats just the nature of the places I shoot. Mainly London but also Cambridge is very diverse too.

Lovely thread, lovely portraits !
Thanks for sharing this project with us.


Thanks Kalin :)

160:200 Strangers - Amy
by Iain Blake, on Flickr

Amy was handing out flyers to a forthcoming concert in aid of Cancer Research UK at "The Troxy, Limehouse" on 28th Novemebr 2015.

Amy lives and works in London.

"I love music, it makes me happy. I am a songwriter hoping to make it one day!"

Thank you Amy and good luck!
Hey buddy, have you seen this?


2 thoughts, no1 is it might be worth a visit and no2 is one of the shortlisted entries looks like it belongs in here, reading though and l find that it is part of his 100 beautiful strangers project. I know lots of people are doing the 100 strangers thing but how come his photo is in there and yours are not? Anyway, it's a good photo but yours are on par as far as I'm concerned. Sorry to rant all over your thread matey, keep up the brilliant work.
Hey buddy, have you seen this?


2 thoughts, no1 is it might be worth a visit and no2 is one of the shortlisted entries looks like it belongs in here, reading though and l find that it is part of his 100 beautiful strangers project. I know lots of people are doing the 100 strangers thing but how come his photo is in there and yours are not? Anyway, it's a good photo but yours are on par as far as I'm concerned. Sorry to rant all over your thread matey, keep up the brilliant work.

Thanks for such kind comments @Brian_of_Bozeat, I know of that guy, I follow him on flickr. His work is fantastic, I reckon its a winner out of those posted in your link.
Id love to know the secret to getting that kind of exposure (excuse the pun) for ones work. Any ideas?

I've just taken a look in there, and I'd say yours are better TBH Iain (y)

Thanks Chris, as I mentioned to Brian, Ive seen the guys work before, I think its fantastic.
Thanks Chris, as I mentioned to Brian, Ive seen the guys work before, I think its fantastic.
I wasn't being "kind" Iain I truly meant it (y)

Id love to know the secret to getting that kind of exposure (excuse the pun) for ones work. Any ideas?
Some people just seem to have the knack don't they?
I have to say, I've been watching this in the people section, and I think it's a flipping awesome project.

Surprised it's taken me this long to comment.

Well done (y)
I have to say, I've been watching this in the people section, and I think it's a flipping awesome project.

Surprised it's taken me this long to comment.

Well done (y)

Thanks Phil (y)
I will probably complete this second round of 100 and call it a day with the strangers project.
I have another project in mind, still people photography because that's really caught my enthusiasm following this current project.
blakester, the guy you are all talking about from the link above, I have checked and his name appears to be Peter Zelewski. I cannot seem to find him on Flickr and wondered if you could point me in the right direction!

Ps...Keep up the good work, I have been following this thread for a little while now and it is excellent!
blakester, the guy you are all talking about from the link above, I have checked and his name appears to be Peter Zelewski. I cannot seem to find him on Flickr and wondered if you could point me in the right direction!

Ps...Keep up the good work, I have been following this thread for a little while now and it is excellent!

Thanks Anthony, you're quite correct, that is his name. The discussion above prompted me to go and look at his Flickr stream again as I have it as a bookmark.
Unfortunately, it seems he is no longer on Flickr, he must have deactivated his account.
Thanks Anthony, you're quite correct, that is his name. The discussion above prompted me to go and look at his Flickr stream again as I have it as a bookmark.
Unfortunately, it seems he is no longer on Flickr, he must have deactivated his account.

Ahh no worries thank you for letting me know. I am always interested to look at different peoples work. Looking forward to more of yours :)
I seem to have been away from my project for a number of weeks.
Yesterday I decided that I needed to kickstart the project again and this saw me visit London for a walkabout before I started work later in the day.

The results are posted below.

161:200 Strangers - Nick
by Iain Blake, on Flickr

As I have done so many times in the past, I found a background against which I wished to make a stranger portrait. I waited for a while until that perfect stranger came along.
I noticed Nick, his sense of style but more importantly, it was his friendly open face which particularly caught my eye.

Nick is from the UK but has lived and worked as a computer programmer/software specialist in Brussels, Belgium for the past 20 years or so.

We spoke for quite sometime, I asked Nick about the recent atrocity carried out in Paris which also affected Brussels. He told me that he visits Paris regularly, and had in fact been to both the bar and restaurant involved in the atrocity. He said the Parisians and the French people as a whole were very stoic and resolute against what had happened. Brussels and Belgium was a little less so. There is/was a sense of fear in Brussels but Nick did say that the city was returning to normal.

Nick spoke of his love of music.

"I'm learning to play bass guitar, I have so many tunes in my head from my youth. Tunes I remember from being drunk in clubs and bars but not so drunk I couldn't remember a great bass line. I was in a band when I was younger but only the drummer really took it serious enough. I was more interested in women and alcohol."
"Ive been on the wrong side of the law when I was younger. At that point in my life, I had some time to think whilst at Her Majesty's Pleasure. I turned myself around, decided to make something of myself as I had wasted some years of my youth with little direction. I have worked ever since. Never looked back."

Thank you Nick!

162:200 Strangers - Chloe
by Iain Blake, on Flickr

Chloe is a university student studying health and nutrition at university in London. I noticed her look and sense of style as she walked past listening to music on her headphones. I thought Chloe would be another perfect stranger against this nearby background.
"In the future, I wish to be a nutritionist but I also love fashion. I have modelled a few times too. I love exploring London, meeting new people, meeting strangers (said with a smile)."

Thank you Chloe!
Both cracking portraits in your usual style Iain (y)

I must say though that "look" that Chloe has, I find rather strange, ( she looks like a doll) maybe its just me, getting old? ( :D)
Both cracking portraits in your usual style Iain (y)

I must say though that "look" that Chloe has, I find rather strange, ( she looks like a doll) maybe its just me, getting old? ( :D)

Getting old matey! You and me both :D
Thanks for looking in and commenting Chris, much appreciated (y)
If there was a vote, for favourite TP thread, this would win it :clap:

Always enjoy popping in and reading the latest updates.
If there was a vote, for favourite TP thread, this would win it :clap:

Always enjoy popping in and reading the latest updates.

Thanks John,
It has had a little hiatus of late but its always there in the background for me when I am out shooting.
Glad to see you back (y)

Cheers Ian (y)
I was hoping to finish this second round of 100 strangers by the end of the year but thats clearly not going to happen.
Ive got other ideas for a people photography project but wish to maybe finish this first. It is looking increasingly likely that they will run in tandem to one another.
I like that a lot (the gal in the leather suit)
tho the folk in tattoos (of which I see a lot in my job) I personally find tiresome...
sorry ....old boring old fart with grey hair
I like that a lot (the gal in the leather suit)
tho the folk in tattoos (of which I see a lot in my job) I personally find tiresome...
sorry ....old boring old fart with grey hair

Thanks Rob (y)

Tattoos, different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Are you saying you find people having tattoos tiresome or their photographs?
It's been almost a month since I last made any portraits for my project but I remedied that today with a visit to Norwich.
I met up with Damien @Slimbert for a wander around. Results are posted below.

163:200 Strangers - Andy
by Iain Blake, on Flickr

Making Andy's portrait was one of those occasions where it was very much second chance.

I initially saw Andy when a friend and I were having a drink and a bite to eat before having a walkabout Norwich. Andy was in the queue of the eatery we were sitting in but he was taking his food away. I thought he had a cool and stylish look to him and would make a great subject for my project but we had just sat down, so thought I would let the opportunity to ask pass. Once we had finished, we began to have a wander around when I saw an alley which I thought would make a great background. We waited a while before continuing our walk and when we walked past the alley, Andy was standing having a smoke break with his friend. Ideal I thought and had to ask Andy.

Andy lives and works in Norwich. He actually works in Moss Bros, the suit shop which would account for his style. He was having a smoke break standing in this alley directly beside the shop.

Andy told me he loves his job and has no plans to work anywhere else as he is happy where he is.

I asked Andy what advice he would give to his younger self?

"Grow up quicker!"

Thanks Andy!

164:200 Strangers - Darren
by Iain Blake, on Flickr

I met Darren walking around the shopping area with his girlfriend Aless.

Originally from Leeds but now living in Guildford and working in London with Sony as a programmer for the Playstation 4.

Darren is a university graduate with a PhD having worked a few jobs including within the defence industry.

I asked Darren where he would like to be in 10 years time and he said:

"Still to be in programming, its more fun than defence!"

Thank you Darren!

165:200 Strangers - Steve
by Iain Blake, on Flickr

We had walked to an area of Norwich which has been used in numerous period TV dramas and films too as it is very much unspoilt as far as modern references are concerned.

I saw Steve walking along with Grace (stranger #165) and thought he had a friendly face.

Steve is originally from Norwich but now lives in Thailand where he has worked as a teacher for 8 or so years. He had returned home to Norwich for the Christmas period to visit family and friends just a few days ago.

When I asked to make his portrait, Steve proceeded to put his sunglasses on because of his red eyes. I asked if this was on account of jet lag? He replied;

"No, not jet lag, it was more to do with being out with friends last night and getting drunk!"

I asked Steve what makes him happy?

"My wife Grace, she's not too bad!" with a smile.

Thank you Steve!