weekly 33L's 52 of 2012


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Hi all,

Firstly i have never done anything like this and need the commitment to myself rather than wasting my time like i did last year. So what better than a 52 for 2012. A photo captured every week, total randomness, no theme so that things can keep fluid, whether it be important things in my life or me walking about with the camera.

A little about me, I have just finished my first year as a wedding photographer, a lot still to learn but confidence inspiring amount of work coming my way and not at rock bottom prices either. That must say something at least. (The fact that all the others were booked can be overlooked ) I have a young daughter who may feature heavily in this 52 so please bare with the amount of insanly cute photos of her! . My other hobbies are Mountain biking (which i also pushed aside last year) Music (which i dont get time for). As you can see i have let my passions go somewhat last year and this 52 should re spark my main one which is photography.

I hope i can keep it upto date as much as i can and since we are already into week 2 of this year i better start with weeks 1 image.


I will try and add a little dialogue to each image and hope that anyone will feel free to comment as they wish.

The above image is of my daughter Ruby Anne, (told you she would feature in this) she 16 months old, uses my photo back pack as a chair, puts finger rpintsa over my lenses and thinks lens hood are a waste of time as she normally flings them across the room and tried and picks up the lens i just cleaned! Ok not much to this image i will be first to agree, however i picked up this gem of a lens and i was testing it round at my sister in laws. Who knows this lens may also feature heavily in this years 52!
Thanks Matt, much appreciated week 2 will be up soon.
Well we are in week 2 so a shot i took the other day prancing about in my new slippers and wanting to show them off!


It was taken whilst wating for an email to arrive, always time to put your feet up! Again shot with the 35 1.4.
Hi Lee :)

Wk1 - I love that pic, great dof and a great expression on your daughters face. It certainly portrays a sense of direction

Wk2 - Another nice pic with a great lens, but sorry I must be missing something, not sure how it relates to Fear :thinking:

Good luck with the rest of your challenge - I'll be popping back in when I can to see how yours is coming along :)
Lee, I'm guessing your not following the themes ?? As for the lens.. sure looks a cracker..

Congrats on getting all the work, long may it continue.

1) Lovely... wonderful DOF.
2) Made me grin when I saw it... Crisp and clear, and again lovely DOF
yeah sorry, not really following theme, was going to delete thread after i noticed its a themed thing.
yeah sorry, not really following theme, was going to delete thread after i noticed its a themed thing.

Can be whatever you want it to be, you dont have to follow the themes. A big part of the 52ers are going with the theme but you can set your own rules. Maybe update your title to 33L random 52 set or something. Everyone will be in theme mode when they stop by!

Like both shots, look forward to seeing more (y)
:agree: no need to not post them up as part of a 52... the 52's are about the challenge... we're just made enough to enforce a random theme on ourselves...