weekly Andy0306 52 attempt - Vertical, Loud and reshoot, added.

Good location and composition, I think that's dreamy enough on its own (y) but not really a fan of the pp'ing, I suppose it wasn't going to be for everyone :)

:thinking:......it could also do with a bit of cw rotation ;):)
HI Andy

certainly has the dreamy effect....possibly a little strong on the colors for me , de noised version looks better as well but does need a smidge cw rotation...:)
Unfortunately no moving or zooming was available, the picture is a crop of a wider angled shot as below.

Dreamy - I'm afraid I'm not so keen on this as it looks a bit blurry to me but that might have been what you were after so apologies. The horizon could definitely do with some CW rotation though

Yum - I feel the photo (hence the link to the theme) is happening around the chap on the right. Maybe a closer crop would help. That said you've definitely improved the original in pp
Hi Andy

Up/Vertical...not obviously on theme but your head say's it's going vertical so works for me :) Sky looks a pain but I reckon you could boot the stauration & vibrance /lightness of the colors on the rides to make it pop a bit more ?

Loud & Smoke......on theme in both cases but just a little snapshottish ......given the crowds & the distance from the track I suspect , baring the use of a long zoom , these are probably all you could get . On the plus side , both sharp , smoke & afterburner caught really well :)
Unfortunately I only took the 24mm, so no zoom available and they are heavily cropped. I agree they look a little 'snapshotish' but I will stick with them as I think that's my current skill level atm :snaphappy:
Vertical - good take and I like overcast skies like that. Could probably take more PP if you wanted - boosting contrast and clarity would probably really make the sky and subject pop.

Loud - maybe a touch snappish as Lynne says, but definitely on theme and the crowd in front in the first help reinforce the Loud theme well.
Hi Andy, your re-shoot for smoke I like (y) possibly a slower shutter speed and a bit of panning might have added :)

For me, if you have can be bothered ( and I'm not saying I could :p), if you were to crop a bit more off the left and just up to the bottom of the signage, then clone out the heads that were left, it would make for a better image :)
Catch up time........

Vertical - I certainly wouldn't want to be on that. We did a kite display to support a fair earlier in the year and the owner had one of these - might be the same one. Believe me they are VERY VERY expensive. He was convinced he'd make his money back directly but that sort of ride brings in more money for his other rides

Loud - I'd love to go to a drag racing event. At first I thought the people were too much in the way but the hands over the ears of some of them make the shot fit the theme nicely.

Reshoot - I prefer this one as it really does show the power these "cars" have. The inclusion of the audience works better for this one as well to provide context.
Hi Andy,
Yum.... they certainly look to be enjoying whatever they are eating so it must be yummy, I like #1 best :)
Vertical... a couple of seconds wait and it would be vertical, so good enough for me, like Lynne says the colours could do with a tweak :)
Loud...#1 as people are covering their ears it must be loud :)