Bargain 60D

Surely that would be grossly unfair to those that have bought the items separately

I was specifically referring to new 60d and 17-55mm that formed part of this package and sure they would be described as such

Not quite sure how selling a prospective buyer a brand new 60D at a price much lower than they could get it anywhere else is "exploiting friends and colleagues

Has anyone mentioned bargain prices then? pretty sure most people will want the highest return they can get to lessen the cost of the part that is kept

in fact I'm not sure what your point is to be honest?

Come on you know exactly what i'm saying, my point is buying a two part package with the express intention of selling one item off straight away is profiteering and against forum rules.

No profiteering* : Selling or dealing in items that the staff believe have been purchased for profit is not permitted
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Well first post on the forum and now I'm skint lol :)
I was looking to get the lens next month for my 400d, but may aswell treat myself to a new body :D
Lets hope they honour it
Just hope if all these deals go through the site owners come up with a definitive ruling, can just imagine the squabbling with offers when buyers know full well how much these kits cost.

Makes no difference if you buy it for the lens and sell the camera to cover the costs or vice versa. Personally think Ebay and similar sites are more suitable selling grounds than the TP classifieds, bit too much like exploiting friends and colleagues

Perhaps I have too much of a moralistic view, but that's my choice and will leave it to your conscience when deciding

I have taken the deal to get a second body i.e. the 60D which will help me if I follow up on weddings.
I really think people are getting a little to moral on this one, If & it’s a big IF, the deal pans out, then who’s getting hurt if another TP member gets the lens at a steal?
I’d be more than happy to sell the lens for £600, which is still a great saving on the retail price.
I like this site & have had so much information from members, but I fail to see people’s anger at someone getting a great deal & then selling part of the deal.

Profiteering definition:
Disproportionately large or grossly unfair profit, generated often through manipulation of prices, abuse of dominant position, or by exploiting a bad or unusual situation such as temporary scarcity.

In my eyes, if I keep one part of the kit & sell the other part at a great price for both parties, then in my circumstances I’m getting a great deal on a 60D & whoever buys the lens is also getting a great deal?

How does that equate to profiteering?
Fair enough, i'm obviously in a minority of one and good luck to everyone in getting as much as they can until supply outstrips demand

Don't any of you honestly find it just a little bit distasteful knowing you are thinking about how much you can make whilst doing the sums in your head
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....In my eyes, if I keep one part of the kit & sell the other part at a great price for both parties, then in my circumstances I’m getting a great deal on a 60D & whoever buys the lens is also getting a great deal?

Sounds pretty fair to me...
Fair enough, i'm obviously in a minority of one and good luck to everyone in getting as much as they can until supply outstrips demand

Don't any of you honestly find it just a little bit distasteful knowing you are thinking about how much you can make whilst doing the sums in your head

No, I happen to agree with you. Fine if people are intent on buying both for own use.
I'm after a Canon 60d for my first DSLR so if this is legit... Beautiful! Just need to double check my funds before i make the purchase, so here's hoping it doesn't change during that period.
Fair enough, i'm obviously in a minority of one and good luck to everyone in getting as much as they can until supply outstrips demand

Don't any of you honestly find it just a little bit distasteful knowing you are thinking about how much you can make whilst doing the sums in your head

Rich, do you ever swear? do you always hand in a penny when you find it in the street? do you return the extra sweet when it drops from a vending machine? do you walk back into Tesco’s to complain if they don’t charge you for that 50p item that’s missed off your receipt?
If anyone wants to sell part of their kit then how on earth is that distasteful?
It’s just common sense, nobody is selling stolen goods!
In my experience in life, people who try to uphold the moral high ground are usually the worst offenders! Ask a few hundred catholic choir boys!
Don't any of you honestly find it just a little bit distasteful knowing you are thinking about how much you can make whilst doing the sums in your head

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm thinking how much I might SAVE, by buying CHEAP and selling the part I don't want to someone at a FAIR and REASONABLE price, well below usual cost.

No-one is a loser is that equation, aside from Tesco (and perhaps their competitors, who won't be shifting as many 60Ds for a while).

This said, I'm not expecting Tesco to honour this at all. Will all be cancelled when the large order numbers are seen in the morning.
hehe, just seen that due to Tesco being daft and cancelling one I have two Quidco items tracked, now if that gets through it really would be the icing on the cake!

Hi JohnN, same happened to me. My CC company blocked the transaction as part of their 'on the ball' anti-fraud detection system. Then CC company automated system to confirm the transaction. When this was happening, Tesco cancelled the order. I had to place another order. I now have two payments tracked into my Topcashback account. Here's hoping!
Hi Guys,

I'm currently looking to upgrade.

Apologies for my ignorance but is the lens f2.8 throughout the 17-55mm range? Tried researching on the web but finding conflicting info.

....This said, I'm not expecting Tesco to honour this at all. Will all be cancelled when the large order numbers are seen in the morning.

I think the majority of people (including myself) are expecting that outcome...but just in gotta be in it to win it...
[QUOTEIn my experience in life, people who try to uphold the moral high ground are usually the worst offenders! Ask a few hundred catholic choir boys!][/QUOTE]

Yes I do swear and i'm ****ing fuming about that paedophilia reference, couldn't give a **** if you want to ponce a few quid, but keep that sort of **** to yourself alright mate
Ordered this earlier today, going to be a nice little upgrade from my 50d, and I regret selling my 17-55 recently.. The 24-105 isnt the same (on crop at any rate)


Fingers crossed its honoured.

[QUOTEIn my experience in life, people who try to uphold the moral high ground are usually the worst offenders! Ask a few hundred catholic choir boys!]

Yes I do swear and i'm ****ing fuming about that paedophilia reference, couldn't give a **** if you want to ponce a few quid, but keep that sort of **** to yourself alright mate[/QUOTE]

It's not a reference to you FFS calm down! :crying:
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm thinking how much I might SAVE, by buying CHEAP and selling the part I don't want to someone at a FAIR and REASONABLE price, well below usual cost.

No-one is a loser is that equation, aside from Tesco (and perhaps their competitors, who won't be shifting as many 60Ds for a while).

This said, I'm not expecting Tesco to honour this at all. Will all be cancelled when the large order numbers are seen in the morning.

I think that pretty much sums it up in my honest opinion. I'm doubting that they will honour it from reading their terms and conditions up on their website. Remember the old "if it's too good to be true........" ;)

I was seriously considering giving it a try, and that's coming from a true-blood Nikonian :eek: :LOL:
Well I'll feel quite annoyed at myself for not buying this if this does turn out to be true!

But I know it would be stupid if I did...

Good luck to all of you!
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm thinking how much I might SAVE, by buying CHEAP and selling the part I don't want to someone at a FAIR and REASONABLE price, well below usual cost.

I agree totally with this line of thought.

In response to the 'profiteering' claims.... surely this would only be the case if both body and lens are sold at 'normal' rate.

To keep the 'bargain-cheap' lens and sell body at 'normal' rate..... or keep the 'bargain-cheap' body and sell lens at 'normal' rate .... is perfectly acceptable in my eyes. :shrug:

And for the record, although bloomin tempted, I have resisted hitting the button as, to be perfectly honest, I want neither the 60D nor the 17-55mm .... quite happy with my 40D with 15-85mm :p
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I'm tempted as I want video and higher ISO than my 450D but I'm after a 7D and havent got the funds yet anyway, to all those who have ordered, good luck and let us know how you got on.
Well I was after a new camera - didn't think I'd be ordering one so soon but as long as the credit card holds up for this there is always a chance!
I personally dont believe there is any chance. Tesco and 'loss' dont go hand in hand.

surely people arent seriously thinking 'woohoo my new £800 60d and £700 lens will come tomorrow and i am only paying 1k'.....

I'd love to eat my words though, ordered two. one for me one for dad.
gone for this, gulp only came on here looking for b&w conversion photoshop tips lol

heres hoping it comes off
adamus said:
I personally dont believe there is any chance. Tesco and 'loss' dont go hand in hand.

surely people arent seriously thinking 'woohoo my new £800 60d and £700 lens will come tomorrow and i am only paying 1k'.....

I'd love to eat my words though, ordered two. one for me one for dad.

So true.

I think deep down people know that it probably wont come off but as the saying goes you gotta be in it to win it etc
I hope for your sake even more than mine that it works out, it would be a great intro to the DSLR world :)
i take it nobody has heard anything more yet?!?!

mine says awaiting payment confirmation with the crazy delivery date others spoke of
For delivery on Friday 31st December 9999 between
I suspect as other have said that once the order is placed with Canon (as its coming directly form them) the date will change.

But I think there has been a real rush on this, having seen it on other forums too, so the warning flag will have gone up and Tesco will be taking a closer look.

But no, no news - its still listed at that price and on Tesco its progressed to awaiting dispatch, but until its on the truck for delivery nothing is certain.
Mine says 'At warehouse - dispatching soon' and then 'For delivery on Friday 31st December 9999 between 11:59pm'
i think if it was a mistake it would have been taken down by now, maybe they have loads of these unsold, cant say it would be my first choice of a bundle at £1500.