Best place to register a domain name?

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Evenin' all,

First of all apologies, as I've never been at the other-end of the web before; only ever been an end user! I would like to purchase a domain, with the intention of simply putting up a holding page for a couple of months, with a view to building a full website in the new year.

Obviously a quick google throws up multiple places to register domains, however I don't know if one is better than another, or if prices vary, etc. As I say, for now all I want is a domain and a holding page. Could somebody please tell me what to do next?
For the domain name I'd go for 123-reg. They give you all the control you need with no hidden costs, unlike some providers...
Will they also sort a holding page, or do I need to host that myself (sorry for being thick)?
As Matty says, it depends what you want from it.

When you buy the domain, it will just go to a generic 123-reg page.

If you want your own holding page, you will need to create that holding page, and then host it somewhere. It can be hosted anywhere. Then you just need to point the domain.

Hosting can get more complex though, depending on your needs.
If it's not too late I can thoroughly recommend UKSuperweb. Based in England (Cambridge) with 0800 support and a real live person on the end of it.
Won't be doing anything about it till tomorrow, so all advice and opinions welcome ;)
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Depending on what sort of site you have in mind I would really give the domain name a lot of thought. Use googles keyword tool too look for search results based on your keywords in your domain name for example is very searchable as apposed to
This all makes doing seo work a bit easier.

Hope some of that made sense lol
You could take a look at the free stuff from GBBO:

I used that for a domain name and then just changed the nameservers to point to my own hosting. It's a bit of a faff though, just to save the £6 or whatever.
Can also recommend 123reg, but I've alsro got some registered / hosted with (they're US based but often have good promotions for if / when you do start to need hosting services)
Another 123reg fan here for domains - been using them for around 10 years now and never had an issue - for .com domains I go with Go Daddy.
1 and 1 for me. Costs are consistent across all the providers.
123-reg bog standard for UK IMHO.

If it's a domain you plan to register and wish to conceal your personal details, you will have to shed out extra for it. Something to bear in mind.

Used 123-reg, cheers all.
If it's a domain you plan to register and wish to conceal your personal details, you will have to shed out extra for it. Something to bear in mind.
I'm also with 123-reg. I have a domain and my details are hidden for free. What you have to be is a non-trading individual and it's an option. If you are a company, you aren't allowed to hide the details.
I use Domainmonster, they don't charge to take your domain elsewhere, which other companies have stung me for in the past.