weekly ChickenDipa's 52 week 2012 Colour + Shadow added

Two fun images for your take on this weeks theme Alex, with I think #2 being favoured as it sets the scene and tells more of a story. As said fun images but imaginative too. Well done. Iain
Fun images for a scarry theme !! excellent :) no2 for me.

It is a very hard theme this week I'm stuck ???
Thanks for the comments. Had fun doing it and I am still thinking about some ideas. But least I have something!

I think the red lighting suits the image as well.

It needed something, makes it a tiny little bit more real. The red lighting was done with a strawberry creme quality street wrapper over the flash in a homemade snoot. We are all about the DIY photography. Shame it involved eating the chocolate. The things we do :)

Good lighting and well done Jon for being your assistant!!:)
Jon makes a very good assistant!
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Hi Alex,

Great start to your 52, for week 1 it's no 2 cropped with border. I especially enjoyed seeing that idea grow into a great image, like the border too.

For week 2, it's no1 for me. Nicely done.

Good start to you're 52 Alex, I prefer #1 from both weeks. Got to love Lego people, any shot with them is a winner in my eyes.

Look forward to seeing more from you :)
Both images really good and a wonderful take on the fear theme. First had a good dof but I do favour the second image, the red certainly adds to the atmosphere of the image (y)
I like these! I think the second one is best as it gives more context.

I'd love to know what that chef was doing in the graveyard though!
Trying to catch up on threads i haven't seen yet.

Direction - 1st pic is not for me, i see what your attempting though. 2nd one is a great pic and is enhanced with the crop and border.

Fear - a fun take on the theme, lighting fits well. The scenery and the view of people running away in the 2nd pic does it for me.

well done and look forward to the next 50 weeks!

#1 for me. I like the emphasis being on the character.
Is that a stormtrooper in #2? ;)
Yay more Lego characters!

I prefer the second image as I think it sets more of a scene!

ChickenDipa said:
The red lighting was done with a strawberry creme quality street wrapper over the flash in a homemade snoot. We are all about the DIY photography. Shame it involved eating the chocolate. The things we do :)

The things we do for our art! Dam shame I threw all my wrappers away without a thought! Best I buy some more!!!
#2 for me because I can see the BG and therefore the context. Looks much better via Flickr and I like it. Humorous take on fear...think I've only seen 2 other humorous takes so (y) from me.

Now, the focus seems to be on the vampire's left wing (right as you look at it). That's the major issue. Minor ones are table lower right and I'd really like the vampire to be looking at the directly at the camera.

Overall, really liking it and well done for dragging the D7000 from Jon's hands (y)

As a 40 odd :D year old guy, I've been toying with the idea of getting some of these and having a go...

Thank you so so much for looking and commenting! Had fun with this one thats for sure.

Thanks Andy for giving me something to think about, may reshoot before Jon heads off for the weekend.

Feel the need to take all photos with Lego in now....
Interesting ideas for Direction, I think the lights works better personally.

Fear, both of these are much better, whilst I do like number 1, the Vampire appears to central, and not engaged enough with you (if that makes any sense), perhaps, get in really close to him, with some of that background ??... whereas in the second one, there's more to see, and more of a story, so I think it works best for me.
Hi Alex,

I like your lights of the two direction shots. Its a bit like stargazing with Prof. Brian Cox. Its one of those pictures you could just keep staring at.

I had a chuckle at your fear shots. Number 2 does it for me with all the other lego characters legg(o)ing it away from Drac. I think I'll go and dig the old duplo out :)

Hi Alex,

I like your lights of the two direction shots. Its a bit like stargazing with Prof. Brian Cox. Its one of those pictures you could just keep staring at.

I had a chuckle at your fear shots. Number 2 does it for me with all the other lego characters legg(o)ing it away from Drac. I think I'll go and dig the old duplo out :)


Thanks for stopping by and commenting, its a task! I'm like that with that one. Could just keep staring.

I am on with sigh honest!!
Hi alex, a great idea on a difficult theme. I think I might have to share that drink with you!!

I prefer the first one but think a tighter crop might work as well!

well done!
Hi, Alex, Cuba....I'd like to go there some time :)

I can imagine the sigh that comes from a nice relaxing drink at the end of the day....(y)

#1, I have no idea what's in the glass, but I want it. I'm not keep on the cropped glass at the bottom and it looks a bit cluttered in the BG.

#2, much better. It's a bit too cluttered again for me, though. I'd like to see the glass and the lemon nicely isolated. The pink in the Bg keeps pulling me away from the glass. I like the idea of the empty bottle on the table but I'd rather it wasn't there. I'm liking the tiny drop of lemon, though.

I've been quite critical because I feel it's quite easy to 'do a Flickr' and say, 'Nice shot'.

Cheers and only 49/50 to go...:D

Oh and BTW, I reckon a nice D90 would really improve your photography....but son't let Jon hear me :exit:
Hi alex, a great idea on a difficult theme. I think I might have to share that drink with you!!

I prefer the first one but think a tighter crop might work as well!

well done!

Hello!! We all deserve one after this week. Will have a play with the crop, I was trying to keep the bg context but it may be better to just dump it.

Hi, Alex, Cuba....I'd like to go there some time :)

I can imagine the sigh that comes from a nice relaxing drink at the end of the day....(y)

#1, I have no idea what's in the glass, but I want it. I'm not keep on the cropped glass at the bottom and it looks a bit cluttered in the BG.

#2, much better. It's a bit too cluttered again for me, though. I'd like to see the glass and the lemon nicely isolated. The pink in the Bg keeps pulling me away from the glass. I like the idea of the empty bottle on the table but I'd rather it wasn't there. I'm liking the tiny drop of lemon, though.

I've been quite critical because I feel it's quite easy to 'do a Flickr' and say, 'Nice shot'.

Cheers and only 49/50 to go...:D

The clutter is there to try and make it look like I worked really really hard to make that drink!!!

#1 Jon said you'd say that about the crop, I'd started drinking though by the time he said it :) May give it another bash tomorrow if I must.

#2 I'd not noticed the pink, its my brolly, thought I had moved it. Obviously not enough :bonk: There is another one on Flickr of the drip on the lemon, just spotted it before I packed up.

Be critical, its all good and as I am really starting out on my photography 'journey' its appreciated.

Oh and BTW, I reckon a nice D90 would really improve your photography....but son't let Jon hear me :exit:

I am sure it would! I am on the look out for one, just waiting for the right deal and for a time when we are not buying stuff for Jon. Extension tubes this week...

Cuba is fantastic and where I fell for Havana Club rum.
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I think I like number 2 best; more context and nice colours. Great shot :)