Cobra, Rest in Peace


The other Chris
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@Cobra, Chris, has been the mainstay of this site for many years and he will be greatly missed. He was a thoroughly decent guy, always even handed, firm but fair when it came to moderating this website. When Marcel wanted to step back Chris stepped up and ensured that this forum continued running. He had a love of animals and that showed through his photography with excellent zoo and macro shots amongst his wide ranging photographic work. He has run many competitions and challenges on here and has run the 52 challenge for many years which is quite a commitment, ensuring week-in, week-out that the challenge kept on track and issuing doughnuts to those who stepped out of line.

I'm sure we will all miss him. We have decided that should people wish to show their appreciation for all that he has done for this website and through that for us over many years we will pass on any donations made to the site over the next week or so to his family. If you wish to contribute please use the normal means
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So very sad to hear the horrible news, rest in peace Chris, we will miss you :(
As our notice says, Cobra is no more, but will be remembered for his guiding hand as Chief Mod and for seeking to keep the site going when the previous owner stepped away from the business.
Chris was a sure-footed Moderator, and devoted to this site. I'm sure many will miss him and some more than others.I'll leave it there to spend time with my own memories of our several f2f meetings.
Saddened by the new of Cobra’s passing.

RIP Chris, my condolences to your family and friends both real and virtual. :(
Such sad news. My deepest condolences to his family and I know all who knew him through this medium will be equally devastated by this news :(
Bugger! As my earlier post suggested, I was hoping he'd be back soon. Already sadly missed.

Such a shame he didn't get to enjoy a long retirement.
oh no…. RIP Chris. Please pass on deepest condolences to his family. What a shock.
A huge shock, very sad, RIP
Will be greatly missed for his guiding hands on here
In shock, I’ve known Chris for a long time and had many a great chat with him. My thoughts go out to his family. I will miss him on a personal level and for his input to this site…
Awful news!

I always enjoyed his interaction in the 52 challenge section, and always wondered how I'd never managed to stumble across him on one of my forays up to Whipsnade. Sadly that will never be.

Rest well fella!
Oh, that is just too sad.

My condolences to his friends and family.

It just won't be the same without him.
Terrible news. Like most of us here I didn't know him. But we all felt his presence.
That's sad news. I had hoped he had been kidnapped for an unexpected holiday somewhere with no mobile reception :(
Such bad news Im still new here but will miss his presence.
So sad to hear. Like Nev said didnt know him but knew of his guideing hand.
Terrible news.
My sincere condolences to his family.
He was such a character and made this place so welcoming and friendly.
Very sad news…:(

RIP Chris, condolences to family and friends both real and virtual.
RIP Chris, condolences to family and friends.

Will be missed by many.
Sorry to hear this news. My condolences to his family and friends.

I only met him a couple of times, but we spoke on the phone sometimes, he was always very helpful and supportive.

This is devastating news,
Very sorry to hear this, his hard work and friendly attitude made this forum a very welcoming place and he will be missed.
pl;ease add my condolences to his family, he will surely be missed on here
Didn't know him but somehow his presence made me feel as if I did. Condolences to his family and friends.
I’ve had the pleasure of a few chats with Chris and of knowing his virtual self for a long time via TP and saddened by this news. Great guy who made TP a better place for all of us.

Thoughts are with his family and friends and the TP moderator team who I am sure are feeling it more than most.
Really sad news.
Condolences to his family.
Chris will be really missed here :(
So sad to hear this news, Chris will be sorely missed here at TP - a great guy who I met on a TP meet at the National Memorial Arboretum which included a couple of others who are no longer with us. Sincere condolences to all of his family. :(