eoSimon’s 52 in 2022...week 26-34 catchup

I agree with everyone else, an interesting but, to me, kind of pleasing shape. Good start Simon.
Fits well with the theme and it would be good to see some pics when it’s finished. Maybe you can fit them into a later theme.
Not the normal shape for a new build, I like the angles, rather than just a box. Looks like it must have nice views, once the horrid site fencing goes.

I made an early start on Week 2’s theme but thought i’d share what i’d taken and why before i submit one...
Ccould you have moved and missed the cars on the right?
Ccould you have moved and missed the cars on the right?
I was already standing in the middle of the road to get the shot ! I was trying to have new and old side by side and would have had to get too close to achieve that without the cars. But agree it was a compromise in the end and one of the reasons it wasn’t my submission. Even at week 2 I’m finding the themes a real encouragement to think carefully about my pictures
I was already standing in the middle of the road to get the shot ! I was trying to have new and old side by side and would have had to get too close to achieve that without the cars. But agree it was a compromise in the end and one of the reasons it wasn’t my submission. Even at week 2 I’m finding the themes a real encouragement to think carefully about my pictures
Sometimes you just have to work with what you've got. ;)
Week 3 arrived and free time has coincided with gloomy skies until today. So I took the camera for a walk at lunchtime to come up with these candidates on the theme of receptacle.
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I think that I like the last shot the best Simon. I like how your chosen shot plays with perspective and composition but I'm not a fan of how the top corners are cut off. I think that the last shot just works better.
I like your chosen shot - the subject and the tilt of the camera. But, it would have been nice to have a bit of sky across the two "peaks" that exit the frame.

A compelling image though, especially when viewed larger via Flickr.
I like your chosen shot, but the last one run's it very close - I think perhaps gives slightly more sense of scale
I like Receptacle1, the diagonal works well.
2 fits the theme but is uninspiring, 3 is clever.
4 you could have better DOF is you changed your apperature setting and maybe been further back?
This is a nice shot Simon, well executed and on point.

A clever and original take on the theme.

Great take on the theme.

On theme and different to all the other contributions. Depth of field works well. That looks like a nice clean bike too!

That works well with the nice tight crop.

A good composition and dof. Works well.
Thanks all. Pleased to know the hour crawling around the utility room floor was well spent !