Fabs' 365 for 2009.....Fin

thats his best side CM :LOL:

May hoards of dust bunnies set up home in your new A700's sensor! :p

only just catching up with the last few days of this,and i'm loving it.

keep up the good work marc..looking forward to your zoo shots on here and in the wildlife section (y)

Thanks stan. Here's hopin I get pics worth posting! :D
Awwww Fabs! :(

I think sometimes people feel uneasy using aides to help them, not because they're ashamed of using them, almost as the people who are with them will feel uneasy about being with someone who's using an aide!

You should know us lot at TP are a friendly bunch and dont think like that. Have you not thought about one of those foldable ones? Put it in a tripod hold or something on your bag, so after lots of walking, then if you need to use it its there....

Thanks Del, you always cheer me up.:hug: The one in the pic is a folding one and it's coming with me to the Whipsnade Zoo meet tomorrow, It's free to take cars in at the moment so it'll be easy to get back to the car and get it.
Awwww Fabs! :(

I think sometimes people feel uneasy using aides to help them, not because they're ashamed of using them, almost as the people who are with them will feel uneasy about being with someone who's using an aide!

You should know us lot at TP are a friendly bunch and dont think like that. Have you not thought about one of those foldable ones? Put it in a tripod hold or something on your bag, so after lots of walking, then if you need to use it its there....


Or even use a walking skick with a tripod screw in the handle - doubles up as a monopod.

Got an email a while ago with one on it - i'll go have a look for it later :)
Or even use a walking skick with a tripod screw in the handle - doubles up as a monopod.

Got an email a while ago with one on it - i'll go have a look for it later :)

Thanks Chris, I've seen them before but heard they don't actually make good monopods. I have actually used my monopod as a walking stick before and it works quite well, very handy when walking around the polo pitch in the summer.
Another emotive shot there fabs, so far all of your shots have meaning and are pretty thought provoking well done. :)

Very interesting shot today. It doesn't look like you resent the stick but it's very important to you.
That's my interpretation anyway, thought provoking and shows that thought went into it.
Day 9


Another self portrait today - Don't worry, off to the zoo tomorrow so I promise a nice cheery animal shot tomorrow! :D

The stick I'm holding is something that I don't need to use as much as I used to, but is still needed now and then. It's amazing how much different I feel with it in my hand, a different kind of low but not something I can easily explain. It often leads to me not using it when I should, TP meets being a prime example. I have enough to carry around without this as well. Of clourse this leads to a lot of staggering about due to poor balance and a lot of discomfort at the end of the day, but for me it can be worth it. I'm waffling a lot today, but this is something that has been playing on my mind.

So if we are at a meet and I'm looking a little unstable, please prop me up. :D

A great shot Marc
Last year Marcel's 365 was truly inspirational and I have a strong feeling Marc that your 365 will be the same for 2009.
Why thank you Clive. Now the pressure's really on to live up to that! :eek: :D

I say just keep doing what you are doing and it's a forgone conclusion (y)
I agree.

And, as for the stick, I know what you mean. It took me months to be persuaded to use one! Now, if I'm going to a zoo or somewhere else accessible (not many places in rural Spain are :() I use an electric scooter. It also means I don't have to carry my kit :LOL:, but causes some looks of consternation when I get up and go and take a picture :LOL::LOL::LOL::naughty:
I agree.

And, as for the stick, I know what you mean. It took me months to be persuaded to use one! Now, if I'm going to a zoo or somewhere else accessible (not many places in rural Spain are :() I use an electric scooter. It also means I don't have to carry my kit :LOL:, but causes some looks of consternation when I get up and go and take a picture :LOL::LOL::LOL::naughty:

I know what you mean. I used a wheelchair in the supermarket last year and stood up to get something off a high shelf. Did get some strange looks! :D
Some powerful shots in here Fabs. I wish you well on your 365 and hope it's a journey that helps make you stronger(y)
Day 10


As many of you know it was the Whipsnade Zoo TP meet today and it was flippin' freezing. Had a wail of a time though and was quite pleased with the results of my endeavors. It was also great to see people again who I've met before and to meet new people as well. A special thanks to Chris (Cobra) for organising the day and you can put my name at the top of the list for next time. (y)

Todays pic is to show the cold :D with just a few of my faves from the day, which I will remember for a long time. All in all a very good day today. I ache this evening but it was definitely worth it.​
That is excellent Marc really like the layout and all the pics are nice too, sounds like you had a great time would love to visit Whipsnade some time but its so far away, theres bloody sod all in Newcatle except a few bridges :thinking:

love todays pic marc keep it up this is becoming a very interesting thread indeed
Loving this thread so far, and the thought you're putting into the pictures. Keep it up :D
Day 11


So, day 11 already, only 354 to go! :D

Today's offering represents a major change in my life. In November 2002, I felt a tingling sensation in my right hand and a reduction of feeling. Being a bloke, I didn't make an appointment with my GP and just went about learning to do more with my left hand. Then, 2 weeks later, the same thing happened to my left hand! This led to a visit to my GP and, some three and a half years later and after some mobility issues, a diagnosis of Primary Progressive MS.

The hands are still the same today and it causes problems in many areas of my life, including writing and, as I am a keen cook, some parts of food preparation, especially the use of tongs. Fortunately, I am able to use a camera ok (cue the jokes! :p), although there are many times I have difficulty pressing the shutter button only to realise that my finger isn't even on it! :bonk:

As for today, the sun is shining and I feel quite good, possibly some of yesterday's elation carried over into today, but I'll take what I can get. ;)
very intense photo there, you know there's a story behind it. Nice use of light too :)
Great photo mate, a little bit lost for words to the story behind it, good to see you aren't letting it get in the way of enjoying life. :)

this is turning into one of the best threads i've had the pleasure of reading.marc,you are doing something i couldn't honestly say i could see myself doing.as you know,i know how a disability can affect your life(yes,jackie has to put up with me lol),and i take my hat off to you....