Gatesy's Wk52 Pics - Now with Wk 10 - Trio

Like this idea .
That's a fun pic and a great idea for the "accommodation" theme.

The focus seems slightly off to me.

Looking forward to your week 2.
That's a fun pic and a great idea for the "accommodation" theme.

The focus seems slightly off to me.

Looking forward to your week 2.

I agree, but I think that the warmth of the shot gives the perfect effect for it. I like it, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :D

It's like being a kid, lying on your stomach, legs curled up behind you, imagining all the little people living in there, so near to the mysterious forest :)
Yes sorry about the focus guys I was lying on a stone floor in my parents kitchen with just candles for lighting while using my 50mm 1.8 and by the time I got the camera home and realised that the focus wasn't 100% there was no way I was going back out to retake it.
Good idea, composition is good but I would have liked to see a little more of the Crocus in focus though.
Great idea but I feel that the focus could do with being slightly further forward throwing the rear leaf OOF as I find my eyes being drawn to it.
Cheers for the feedback guys.

Here's my Wk 3 picture I took on Thursday night at a charity radio station I help do a show for. Was quite dark and can't use a tripod as there's not enough room but I think the highish ISO adds to the atmosphere.

This is for Style as in her particular playing Style on the guitar.
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Week 3 - I dont like the fact that part of the guitar is not in the shot
I agree it might be nicer to see the whole guitar in frame, but the motion captured in playing adds well to it.
Is it really a week 3 photo if taken during week 2? Not being picky, I'm genuinely curious as it could help for future themes if you can :)
I think you've captured the feeling really well. The missing bit of guitar doesn't bother me. In fact the framing may have looked a little odd with the whole guitar in shot.

Slight shoehorn using a shot taken Thursday but it's your 52, your rules.
Thanks for the feedback guys I appreciate any feedback I fact I prefer the criticism as it will make me a better photographer.

The reason part of the guitar is missing is that as I took the shot her band mate moved across and blocked the head of the guitar and straight after the shot she lowered her head and her face was blocked by shadow. As the band were doing a live accoustic set I couldn't ask her to raise her head.

I know its shoehorning and probably a bit dodgy getting my pic in this week but with work commitments I can't guarantee I'm going to get even 10 minutes with the camera in the next week.
The reason part of the guitar is missing is that as I took the shot her band mate moved across and blocked the head of the guitar and straight after the shot she lowered her head and her face was blocked by shadow. As the band were doing a live accoustic set I couldn't ask her to raise her head.
Well as they say, the best photo is the one you actually get. :cool:
I would have liked if perhaps you'd knelt down and managed to get a better angle of her face; one which showed the closed eyes more as she really got into the performance - that's what I look for in band photography, the emotion of the performer.

I'm keen on the creativeness of the theme, and that's unlucky about the full guitar but such is life. Looking forward to your next pic.

My Project 52 | My Flickr
Right here is my Wk 4 representing 'Open'.

I chose this picture as I believe that the backing to the sign being Hope Street and looking so forlorn 'Opens your eyes'.

Thanks to the missus for standing in the background she hates her picture being taken.

Gareth that rocks a great take on "open" well executed and I love the face just behind the sign.
Right this is for my Week 5 attempt at 'Hard'

I had two different reasons for shooting this picture.
The first is that the building in the background was a factory in a once busy industrial site that has since been shut down and is in the middle of being demolished which made me think of Hard Times for businesses.
The second reason was that the shadow of the bars of the fence made me think of a prison cell hence Hard Time.


The more critique the better I have thick skin :)
Hiya Gareth, I actually quite like your image, and it certainly ties in well with your explanation. Black and white certainly suits the image. Lighting looks good over all of the image. I like the shadows in the foreground, I wonder what it would be like with more of the building in? Also as I scroll down I wonder how it would look with cropping out the area below the thick part of the shadow.
I did take a couple of shots with more of the building in but I felt it retracted from the bars which was the main part of the image for me. I'll give it a try by cropping the bottom as you've suggested, now I've looked at it again what you say makes perfect sense.
Thanks for the comments always gratefully received.
Hi Gareth,

I reckon your picture give a good representation of Hard. There's concrete , steel, a hard facade. Its a good depiction enough without you needing to justify it with suggestions of Hard times. That picture without any commentary looks Hard. Particularly in b&w. Nice take on theme and nice shot.

On your "open" theme. Nice shot from a good angle and I imagine if there was no-one in it, it just wouldnt be as good ,as that adds depth. One minor criticism though. It might have looked better without the bag at your missus,s feet. Presumably your camera bag. Very minor point though.
Good luck with rest of 52

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Hi Gareth!

I understand why you took the picture, but for me its a bit messy. I mean too many things to look at: the building, the shadow, the pile of garbage.... I feel like there is not focal point in it! Sorry if I sound a bit harsh!

Hi Gareth, I really like your week 4 and 5 pics.

Week 4 : Awsome... and I can't believe more people haven't commented. (I guess there are so many 52s that things get lost.) I love these bleak gritty city scenes. Including a person in the scene has added to it hugely. The irony of Hope Street in such a folorn scene is brilliant. I think you could have tried stepping back a bit to get a wider shot.

Week 5 : Very interesting and there's a great shot trying to get out, but it doesn't quite work. Very imaginative use of shadows. Again, perhaps if you had stepped back for a wider shot.

Keep going with these - they are very thought provoking and different to what other people are doing.
week5...I can see what your trying to do, but somehow it just doesn't "quite" work (although I can't put my finger on why not). The shadows of the bars work really well but the building doesnt seem to sit well for some reason...sorry for being a bit vague (I can't quite pinpoint anything).

Well thought out though and a good effort...look forward to seeing more :) (y)
'Hard', plenty of thought, which is good.

I really like the angle of the photograph; the leading lines from the fence.

My only concern is how the rubble at the top breaks the frame.

Hiya Gareth,

Doing a quick catch-up of the Photo52 members I haven't got round to viewing yet, so apologies for the delay.

Week 1: Like the way you have backlit the shot with tea-lights, very effective. Also like the way you have composed the image, although agree with the OOF comments.

Week 2: Another good take on the theme. Like the composition and angle at which you have shot this, but again agree with the OOF comments.

Week 3: A tad dark, and agree about the whole guitar being in shot, but as you said someone walked in the way.

Week 4: Wow that is a cracking moody shot. Agree with what was said about the face behind the sign, it adds to the Open theme, like it is an opening in the wall to another world. Well done.

Week 5: Another well thought out image for the theme. Although I'm not too keen on the scene itself, I appreciate your idea of how this fits with Hard and from a technical aspect I think you have given a lot of thought to leading lines and compositionn (even though a bit busy) it adds to the ambiance of the setting.

Sorry this has been a brief crit, but I have my work cut out for me getting round to all the others I have missed. Now that I have your thead tagged I will be able to keep up, hopefully.

Well done so far, you are doing a great job and I look forward to your coming weeks.


Dawn :)
Week 6

Clutter (organizing): A confusing or disorderly state or collection. Excessive, unnecessary or uncontrolled clutter can be a symptom of compulsive hoarding.

Taken in the beautiful graveyard of Llansantffraed Church between Brecon and Abergavenny yesterday. Added bonus that the Warden of the church turned up just as we were leaving and opened up the church for me and the missus to take some pictures. Its a gorgeous church with a long history but its only open to the public one day a month so we were really lucky she turned up when she did.


Hiya Gareth,

Firstly it is drodd (not drood) although if you had spelled it druid I would have associated with same :LOL: (sorry just a bit of jist). Anywayz you are welcome.

On to your week for Clutter .... :thinking: I'm not too sure about this one. Think that your thought process has been a bit lost in the b&w conversion as I can't really make out what the image is about.

Perhaps if you post the colour version I may get a better idea.


Dawn :)
Hiya Gareth,

Firstly it is drodd (not drood) although if you had spelled it druid I would have associated with same :LOL: (sorry just a bit of jist). Anywayz you are welcome.

Sorry I'm forever getting peoples names wrong.

On to your week for Clutter .... :thinking: I'm not too sure about this one. Think that your thought process has been a bit lost in the b&w conversion as I can't really make out what the image is about.

Perhaps if you post the colour version I may get a better idea.


Dawn :)

Here it is in colour again with no PP on it.


I read this passage "A confusing or disorderly state or collection." and thought this image gave the impression of a disorderly state with all the gravestones having been moved against the wall in no particular order.
Hiya Gareth,

In this instance I think the colour image defintely works better.

With a straighten, sharpen, crop and pop in colour this could be quite an effective image for the theme.


Dawn :)