weekly Mr.Si's 52 Week Challenge - Final Photos Added

The freshly mown lawn lines lead into the woman in red (is it Kelly LeBrock or am I showing my age?). It's a lovely image, but would have preferred her to be closer to match the title.
I'm afraid I don't know who Kelly LeBrock is...

Anyway, by popular demand I shall change the title to "Freshly Mown".

But just so you all know, my original reasoning for the title was that I was enjoying the fresh air. But I realise that the lady in the distance makes it appear otherwise. I might try a crop as well to see what it looks like.
Week 19 - Shape!

I wanted to do the moon, but I don't have a long enough lens and also I didn't stay up late enough, so here is my late submission - we bought these on Saturday! (Pack of 6)
It's nothing special, but I think it came out OK.

Shape by Mr_Si, on Flickr

you have a great black BG there, and nice sharp detail in the front of the case.

suppose the central composition is as good as any - can;t think where within the frame might work better?
Fresh is a lovely image, good striping in the lawn (y), shame they butchered the tree :D I'm guessing it's done because its old , stop it being top heavy?:thinking:

Shape- Clean bg, like the 'tinge' of blue as a reflection (y), possibly a little more dof? :thinking: :)
Hi, shape very striking colour wise but I don't find it very interesting sorry :sorry:
Hi all, thanks for the comments. It just shows the variation in preferences that people on here have!
It wasn't a special photo to be honest as I was struggling like others have been in terms of inspiration.
HI Simon

Fresh....didn't notice the woman in red until someone mentioned it so it can't detract too much from the image for me....nicely captured landscape mister (y)

shape...strong bold color , good shape :) might have gone for either : placing to left or right of frame & used negative space or placed it central & cropped square & close.....
Thank you all for your comments.

Two submissions this week! No re-shoot though.

Week 20 - Numbers
To me, there was only one obvious thing to photograph...

Numbers by Mr_Si, on Flickr

Week 21 - Strong
Had a fantastic time at the Wiston Estate along with 20,000 others over the weekend and so thought this would work from the "Worship Central" band's set...

Week 21 - Strong by Mr_Si, on Flickr
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HI, numbers very hard to make a book look interesting in a photo, no idea as to how you could but certainly on theme
Strong certainly contains the word "strong" I am sure as an event it means something to you, just not sure of the focal point in the pic
Hey Simon :)

Shape - Shame about the moon... but you have chosen something else and tried to get the best out of it, nice angle, good background too, feel it could do with a tighter crop, still very nicely lit :)

Numbers - The figure 9 stands out nicely, but wonder if the word 'numbers' should have been more prominent, liking the angle and DoF all the same, nicely on theme :)

Strong - Must be honest, took me a while to see the word, now I see it I can get what you are aiming at, just feel it needs to be more prominent.... glad to hear you had a great time, looks like you had the weather too (y)
Nature - I like the framing of these shots together in one image. A find them a little soft though

Action - Good attempt on this one. I like the starburst effect from the street lights. I think the image is much strong by cropping off the bottom to lose the empty road.

Mono - Great play on the word for the theme. I would suggest lighting the image a tad to bring a little more impact

Twisted - Nice idea. You've done well not to get lots of blown out areas given the metallic surface on the drill bits

Fresh - The flat lighting hasn't helped with this one I'm afraid

Shape - I like the subject but would be tempted to put it on a third and go for a negative space style

Numbers - Nice use of a shallow DoF

Strong - Covers the theme but I think I'd have liked to have seen more of the crowd/congregation to give it more of a sense of where it is
Hi Simon ... The concept is a very original idea for the theme but I'm not sure about the composition, at first I couldn't make out what the sign on the left hand side said because it's rather dark. Once I read your description of the day it all fell into place. Maybe a simpler composition with just the top of The Big Church Day Out sign combined with the one of the band and the crowd and your text.
It certainly looks as if you had a good time :)
Hi all, yeah strong, whilst it fit the theme, was a weak photo. Thanks for the comments though.

Now, on to Week 22.
I set my self a challenge when seeing it to try and capture and bring out the detail of fluffy clouds.
I don't know if it's any good. It's had a bit of PP in that I adjusted the highlights and shadows to try and bring out some depth and to show the fluffiness of the cloud, rather than it being just a bit of white.

Here goes:

Texture by Mr_Si, on Flickr

Feedback always welcome.
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Yup, plenty of fluff in there :)
Hi all, thank you for all your kind comments.

My first entry for Wild:

Falcon: it's a wild bird but it's obviously captive too. You can just never tame them, hence it's wild!
It's not perfect, framing-wise but I was happy the head is perfectly in focus (to me) but the wings are showing lots of motion, which I like.

Hi, agree with Andy above well besides the "costumed" thing o_O
I like the motion in the wings too