PART 1 : Kennysarmy 52.26 Sensual (Pussy) added! ( links on post 1 too )


Yeah but can your army do this?
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Week 26 :
Week 25 :
Week 24 :
Week 23 :
Week 22 :
Week 21 :
Week 20 :
Week 19 :
Week 18 :
Week 17 :
Week 16 :
Week 15 :
Week 14 :
Week 13 :
Week 12 :
Week 11 :
Week 10 :
Weel 9 :
Week 8 :
Week 7 :
Week 6:
Week 5:
Week 4:
Week 3:
Weel 2:

Accommodaton! by kennysarmy, on Flickr
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Very nice idea!!!!
Love the atmospheric feel you have given to it :D

well done !!
Very moody, like that alot (y)

Fair play to you, shooting away at dusk (or near it) in a graveyard. :puke:
More that I would fancy doing

Greta shot btw (y)
I like it, love the lighting!

Thanks for all the comments...

This was lit with a 430EX II off camera hand held off to my left to create the headstone shadow.

It was near dusk but just enough light to get some sky and tree silhouettes.

I did quite a bit of processing though to get the mood...

Glad I got this shot in the bag early :)
Hi Jeff

Welcome back to the 52 merry-go-round! (y) I can't make my mind up whether to carry on for a third year or not - I've got several weeks missing from 2010 and I'm not sure if I can get on top of it again!

You've made a great start with Accommodation with a superb atmospheric shot. I like the contrasty processing - it suits the subject very well. Being very picky, I'd have liked just a tad more detail in the trees - but it may just be my lappy.

Best of luck for the next 51 weeks. :)

I like this, but no way would I be strolling around a graveyard come dusk ....
(y) for the graveyard shot - you're a braver man than me ! Still not keen on lots of processing but it gives you the atmosphere you were after.

Ouch !for the week 2 didnt stub it on a tombstone did you :LOL:
I'm no expert but the light from the nail down the outside of the foot seem a little too light ? Good contrast with the shadows though.
Hope it heals quick:)
Week 2
il-madonna kemm ghandek suf!!!!!
:LOL: Love it!

However I am required to critique so...those are upper case and for talk photography should be lower case ;)

There is always the other side of his head for a re-shoot :D
Excellent idea though and dedication to the 52.
I hope the remaining weeks don't take their toll on your body :eek:
Now that's dedication to the cause... well done (y)
(y) Glad to see you picking the 52 up again this year Jeff.

Absolutely love week 1 :clap:
Interesting take on the theme, nicely composed and very well lit - you've picked out the grave really well and the line of headstones lead you into the dark b/g nicely.

Week 2 : Ouch !!!!
Looks painful.

Week 3 : You really are dedicated to the cause this year aren't you? In week 1 you break into a cemetery at night, in week 2 you maim yourself and in week 3 you graffiti your own head . . .
I'm starting to worry about you with week 4 already - maybe I'd better fix it so that it's something nice and safe like "cotton wool" or "sofa" ;)

Another great take on the theme and really made me laugh :LOL:
(y) Glad to see you picking the 52 up again this year Jeff.

Absolutely love week 1 :clap:
Interesting take on the theme, nicely composed and very well lit - you've picked out the grave really well and the line of headstones lead you into the dark b/g nicely.

Week 2 : Ouch !!!!
Looks painful.

Week 3 : You really are dedicated to the cause this year aren't you? In week 1 you break into a cemetery at night, in week 2 you maim yourself and in week 3 you graffiti your own head . . .
I'm starting to worry about you with week 4 already - maybe I'd better fix it so that it's something nice and safe like "cotton wool" or "sofa" ;)

Another great take on the theme and really made me laugh :LOL:

LOL....please god don't let the word be "accident" :LOL::LOL:
Echo of dedication. On top of that I think the focus is spot on and depth of field appropriate. Given that a 'shaved head' has connotations with prison and violence, I like the brick work in the back. Nice job! But absolutely mental.

My Project 52 | My Flickr
Great shot Lee, I actually considered a similar shot but couldn't fit "style" onto my head.
Not seen your thread before. Some interesting and inspired photos. Do you intend doing the whole 52 in black and white?