Show us yer film shots then!

Finally got all of my colour film processed at peak this week. Only 10 rolls, but it's going to take an age to scan them.

Here are a few from tonight's scanning.

Brecon mountain railway, my first go with Portra 160. Loving the results so far, I can see me buying a lot more.
BreconMR-Portra160-04 by Kyle, on Flickr

Museum of Welsh Life, St Fagans. Very out of date agfa optima 200. (dated 09/1997)
StFagans-Optima-09 by Kyle, on Flickr
Dunno if the colours are right... Rollei sl66 was great for close ups and the 80mm Planar lens was very sharp
A French frog (well toad actually) and a crop

how do you know he was French.....did he say bonjour?:D

I once came across a frog in a library, sifting through shelves of books, throwing each one aside, croaking "Reddit, Reddtt" (Read it!).


how do you know he was French.....did he say bonjour?:D

I once came across a frog in a library, sifting through shelves of books, throwing each one aside, croaking "Reddit, Reddtt" (Read it!).


Well I photographed it in France :D
Just got a film back from AG Photolab.

Here's a shot taken while wandering through the local forest.
Canon EOS100QD with 50mm f1.4, on Fuji Superia 400 I think.

Forest path by Alistair Beavis, on Flickr
Just got a film back from AG Photolab.

Here's a shot taken while wandering through the local forest.
Canon EOS100QD with 50mm f1.4, on Fuji Superia 400 I think.

Forest path
by Alistair Beavis, on Flickr

Nice to see you had a break from your 6D (y) If only I billion digi shooters around the world would do the same and use film now and again. ;)
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Anyone for a bit of Manx?!:D

Incredibly much as the Manx language has nigh on dissapeared as a verbal form of commmunication ( except, i believe on the 5th July, Tynwald Parliament day when new laws are read out loud in Manx), the government has never incorporated it as part of the corriculum in local schools.
Even when I was at school on the Island, it was an optional language at secondary school in the 1980's.......I always saw it as bizzare that French was seen to be more important than keeping a native tongue to the island active.:thinking:

As it is I speak not a word of Manx even though I had all my education there....shameful really:sorry:

Anyway, most road signs stating towns/villages and panels like this one on the platform of Douglas steam railway station are displayed in both English and Manx:)

Doolish Douglas Steam Railway Station.jpg

Isle of Man Railway Company  carriages.jpg
Nice to see you had a break from your 6D (y) If only I billion digi shooters around the world would do the same and you film now and again. ;)
I occassionally carry both the 6D and the film EOS and just swap around.
Just got to decide which film camera to use next, EOS or Spotmatic? Or just load both with film ;)
I do like the change from digital, means you compose and shoot differently.
Now pondering how I can get a cheap medium format camera....
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Much as it stayed dry for most of my IOM visit, the skies were often very threatening:wideyed:

This photo of stormy skies above Douglas harbour was taken only a few minutes walk away from my not daft!;):whistle::D

Stormy skies abouve Douglas Harbour.jpg
Giving my PENTAX LX late model an outing -- it STILL had the 'Sticky Mirror' trouble and some frames were blank and then others were blurred due to the mirror and shutter 'hesitating' as I pressed the release. I got ONE only worth scanning to show
on my morning walk around Brentwood-- workmen renovating the Irish Pub O'Neill's and I used f2.8 on 'Auto' exposure and all negs were denser compared with same bit of film ( cut) that I had used in my 1966 Werramatic so i think the LX metering is out as well.

LX Workmen by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
I'm trying to decide whether to buy some more slide film and dug this one out to help me decide. Taken on 35mm Boots 200 slide film, which was repackaged Fuji Sensia 200. If you bought it on 3-for-2 it worked out about £5.50 process paid, if I remember rightly.

2010 Sept, WWT, EOS300, Boots 200 slide, V700, EpsonScan, 3200 dpi 052.jpg

With colour negative film, I sometimes find 35mm disappointing, but my 35mm slides hold up better to scrutiny.
That,s the best kentmere B&W i have seen for a long time.

Very good shot and I like the photograph very much.
I'm trying to decide whether to buy some more slide film and dug this one out to help me decide. Taken on 35mm Boots 200 slide film, which was repackaged Fuji Sensia 200. If you bought it on 3-for-2 it worked out about £5.50 process paid, if I remember rightly.

View attachment 76143

With colour negative film, I sometimes find 35mm disappointing, but my 35mm slides hold up better to scrutiny.

Depends on the problem...... If your negs are not getting reasonably close to slides it could be scanning and PP? I was looking at a link a few days ago (if I find it again will post) initially about scanning and artifacts and am not sure I could believe everything in that it said neg film is sharper than slide i.e. lines per millimeter, also a digi camera of about 8mp will equal 35mm and you would need 200mp to equal a 5X4 neg...h'mm now where's that link.

Found it lost of other links to click on as well.
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Sorry for drip-feeding these in as I upload them to Flickr. Hope no-one minds.

Another Oly 35 RC / Kentmere 400 pic. I'm really glad the clergyman was outside when I took the shot - I think he adds to the picture a lot.

FILM - Outside Sheffield Cathedral
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
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