weekly Tango32's 52 week challenge - week 9 added

Very decadent, I Like it.(y)

Why the apprehension I wonder?

(Don't forget to link from the main thread to make it easier for *** to comment)
apprehension.... there are a lot of very talented photographers on here and when your starting at the bottom it a bloody long way up :)

Looking at your photo, I don't believe you have anything to be apprehensive about. I think you've made a great fist of week 1.

Well done, nice tight image, good colours and on topic. :cool:
Hi Craig...welcome to the madhouse (y) Don't be apprehensive ( though I seem to recall I was ) we're a friendly bunch in here & I think we'd all agree we've learnt plenty over the last 12-24 months ( I know I have , not that you'll notice from my shots :LOL: )

You got me at Chocolate...especially Lindt...yum yum ....good start to your project mister (y) One thing to watch for is clipping the tops off things ...slighlty wider view or less harsh crop & you'd have got the whole of the choc in . I'd also be tempted to have either left the brown bit out right at the front or moved it in closer so it's wholly in shot...if that makes any sense ?

Good start...1 down, 51 to go....keep going mister :clap:
Hi Craig :)

For your benefit I would suggest a link under your photo from the main thread as Brian suggested, as your Sig will not show up in every post (as it didn't on the photo thread), it will increase traffic to your thread :)

Sin - I like the idea, I personally would prefer one of the chocolates in focus a bit more, and not clipped the wrapped one as said by others, other than that I like the close crop, different size chunks and the lighting - Good start (y)
Ok I think I got the linky type thing you were talking about

the crop.....well its started life on a white saucer with 5 untouched chocs and then a few wrappers and a half eaten choc but then the outside edges of the saucer had the work tops in view so had to crop them out and then had to crop a lot more than i had hoped other wise there would have been half chocs every where so this was my compromise, the front choc I iffed and iffed if I should take out or leave in the good news for me is the comments so far are all things i had considered and wondered about :)

Thanks all
Hi Craig. Nice use of colours and focus, against BG. You're spot on topic. Why the apprehension? The front choc adds another colour and 'layer' effect. Nice!
I love the OOF chocolate at the front - would like to have all of it (in shot) if it were posible, starts a lovely lead in to the wrapped one, with the sharp detail of the broken one along the way.
Hi Craig, no need to be apprehensive; we won't bite!!

I like your shot. The tight crop and the oof elements work really well I think. I especially like the bokeh on the front chocolate :)
Really like the dof, them chocs are def sinful!

Good luck with your 52.
There's no need to be apprehensive, we are all going to have good weeks and bad weeks, the main thing is to have fun and it gives us a reason to get our cameras out. Personally, I think it's a great photo and a good start to your project with :)
I know that feeling of apprehension but its a good start you have nothing to worry about
Welcome aboard, Craig. Nice close Sin there with nice detail, the WB is spot on for me.

Not keen on the FG chocolate, just dominates a bit too much.

Good start, and don't be apprehensive, we're a friendly bunch :D

Nothing to be apprehensive about - other than some of us chocolate addicts coming and stealing your Lindor - my favourite type although I had not seen the black one before.

I am not so keen on the size of the OoF foreground chocolate, I see you mentioned you have cropped a lot but cropping to square would be my preference with this one to reduce the dominance of it a little. All this cropping means you learn a lot more about composition very quickly :)
good take on the theme.. like the tight crop and the out of focus elements work really well I think.. especially like the bokeh on that front chocolate.. yum!
Week 2 Season

ahhhh the weeks come round far to quick .......... Ok bit of an emergency week 2, been really busy all week and today as I was driving to work I remembered my 52 project so took a wander at work and fired off a few shots this was the best Im afraid really need to plan my shots a bit better
Agree about the branch but when you're photographing birds you don't get many chances! But apart from that I really like it; lots of swirly lines to lead the eye in exploring the shot.

You still haven't got your "link thing" right in the main thread though; it took me to a "single shot" page of your first go! Can't tell you how to do it, however, as I still haven't posted my first TWO weeks yet.:thumbsdown:
Agree about the branch but when you're photographing birds you don't get many chances! But apart from that I really like it; lots of swirly lines to lead the eye in exploring the shot.

You still haven't got your "link thing" right in the main thread though; it took me to a "single shot" page of your first go! Can't tell you how to do it, however, as I still haven't posted my first TWO weeks yet.:thumbsdown:

Thanks Will take a Look at the linky type thing
Hi Craig. That is a shame about the twig in front of the head and the bird is a little central in the frame, but it's nicely exposed and there is plenty of detail in the feathers.
Hi Craig.

Season - good shot for th theme. (y) I agree with Andy that a tighter crop would work and a little more off centre - say 1/8 th off the left and 1/3rd off the right. Also bringing up the shadows a touch might reveal more of the plumage

Cheers Super I currently dont have any software (that I can use currently trialing lightroom but not worked it out yet) but feel free to make the adjustments you recomend and post them :)
Hi Ya

I do like a good wildlife shot....just a shame birds rarely get in the right position to have their photo taken ( least I always that probelm !)
Bit of a crop to make less central , WB looks fine & possibly just lift the exposure on the bird to bring out a little more detail in the feathers:)

Ok as you can all tell this is not a photo I took this week but in silverstone in 2012 the reason behind me posting it is this weeks subject Gravity these bikes / riders always amaze me how they seem to defy gravity with the lean angles they get every time I think they are going to hit the ground

(Not really sure is posting an older photo is allowed in the rules if not I will pick another)
Well Craig I have no real idea about the "rules" (I think you're encouraged to shoot fresh images, but you don't have to), but that's a cracking pan shot!
Hi, Craig, cracking pan. Can't fault the technique. Tad off the bottom for me.

As for posting an old photograph, well it kind of defeats the object of the project and that's to look at the theme and make a photograph.

But, it is your thread (y)

Good technique and lovely exposure. Anyone would be proud of that shot.

PS. your challenge is your challenge, you choose the rules ;)
Old photo or not, it's a cracker :clap: