The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Having had a few good results with the JJC extension tubes but wanting more flexibility, Mrs P is allowing me to buy a dedicated macro lens....... woop woop!

So if th ere is interest in the JJC extension tubes I will happily create a for sale post.

Hi Stupar, ,

As always it’s depending on price, but I would be interested in the extension tubes
Hi Stupar, ,

As always it’s depending on price, but I would be interested in the extension tubes

Well I paid £30.99 just a few weeks ago.
I have put them up in the classifieds for £26 which includes postage.
I have never taken so many photos of flowers and trees - must be a sign of lockdown! The island is smothered in wild garlic at the moment and I stood directly over this one to get the top-down view and the vignette-like effect around the edges. X-T3 with the humble 18-55 this time.

17 More Than One by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr
Now this is very very strange ( Please dont say Im mad ) yesterday the doctors stopped working on Sunny as Leo who had died was laid by his side. Leo is then taken away, now for the mind f*** little Sunny is actually a lot stronger now than when he was born even though the doctors are NOT treating him Sunny is one hell of a fighter as I type.
I have never taken so many photos of flowers and trees - must be a sign of lockdown! The island is smothered in wild garlic at the moment and I stood directly over this one to get the top-down view and the vignette-like effect around the edges. X-T3 with the humble 18-55 this time.

17 More Than One
by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr

Beautiful shot Andrea.
I have never taken so many photos of flowers and trees - must be a sign of lockdown! The island is smothered in wild garlic at the moment and I stood directly over this one to get the top-down view and the vignette-like effect around the edges. X-T3 with the humble 18-55 this time.

17 More Than One
by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr
Yes it’s a very good lens. I do like the photo.
Well I paid £30.99 just a few weeks ago.
I have put them up in the classifieds for £26 which includes postage.

If no one has beaten me to it I'll take them at that price. I'm busy at the moment, but I''ll PM you in the morning with my address and if you give me your bank details in return I'll transfer the money to you.
Im sure Ive read on this thread about people using the Raynox close up lenses with the 55-200? So after suggestions either the Rauynox 150 or 250 and how are the with the
Or is there other close up lenses I should be looking at?

In my Canon and Fuji days I had both, the 250 I found harder to use so got rid as I find using the 150 a lot easier. Hope that helps.
This is now very serious, it turns out the hospital gave the wrong drug to Sunny and then screwed up on the oxygen, as spoke to the boyfriend as they will have an investiogation Sunny is still fighting as I type
So sorry to hear that, I’ve heard of that happening before.
If no one has beaten me to it I'll take them at that price. I'm busy at the moment, but I''ll PM you in the morning with my address and if you give me your bank details in return I'll transfer the money to you.
No one has noted interest so consider them yours.
To keep it sweet can you just pop a quick message on the ad for the purposes of the forum rules.
Having had a few good results with the JJC extension tubes but wanting more flexibility, Mrs P is allowing me to buy a dedicated macro lens....... woop woop!

So if th ere is interest in the JJC extension tubes I will happily create a for sale post.

Keep them, I still use them on the 60mm Macro.
Hello All. We are still very much in the learning zone with our newly acquired X-T20, The camera at the moment is jointly owned between my eldest Son and myself, if all goes well I shall probably get another body/lens in the Fuji line so that we can share lenses.
I am thinking of buying a mixed lot of used 58mm lens filters off ebay, they are sure to be well used and probably have scratches but it would give us a cheap way of experimenting, just wondered if there would be a risk doing so. Would you let me know if you always/sometimes or never use a clear filter just in a way of keeping the lens clean.
Please let me know if I should put such questions in Beginners link.
Thanks, Paul
Hello All. We are still very much in the learning zone with our newly acquired X-T20, The camera at the moment is jointly owned between my eldest Son and myself, if all goes well I shall probably get another body/lens in the Fuji line so that we can share lenses.
I am thinking of buying a mixed lot of used 58mm lens filters off ebay, they are sure to be well used and probably have scratches but it would give us a cheap way of experimenting, just wondered if there would be a risk doing so. Would you let me know if you always/sometimes or never use a clear filter just in a way of keeping the lens clean.
Please let me know if I should put such questions in Beginners link.
Thanks, Paul

Hi Paul, I use to use filters, but now I don`t use any at all as I always make sure I use the hood.
I have never taken so many photos of flowers and trees - must be a sign of lockdown! The island is smothered in wild garlic at the moment and I stood directly over this one to get the top-down view and the vignette-like effect around the edges. X-T3 with the humble 18-55 this time.

17 More Than One
by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr

This lovely, never seen this plant before but I do love me some garlic :)
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Now this is very very strange ( Please dont say Im mad ) yesterday the doctors stopped working on Sunny as Leo who had died was laid by his side. Leo is then taken away, now for the mind f*** little Sunny is actually a lot stronger now than when he was born even though the doctors are NOT treating him Sunny is one hell of a fighter as I type.

II feel for you I really do, when our daughter was born the cord was wrapped tight around her neck - - the docs never paid heed to this during scans - - she survived but has to live with cerebral palsy caused by brain damage due to lack of oxygen during birth - All because of the hospital's F up - she was also a fighter, she's 16 now :) I really hope you go talk to Sunny about all of this when he is 16 - rooting for you all (y)
II feel for you I really do, when our daughter was born the cord was wrapped tight around her neck - - the docs never paid heed to this during scans - - she survived but has to live with cerebral palsy caused by brain damage due to lack of oxygen during birth - All because of the hospital's F up - she was also a fighter, she's 16 now :) I really hope you go talk to Sunny about all of this when he is 16 - rooting for you all (y)

Thank you mate that means a lot to me, as at the moment it is only me and family are now really hoping Sunny can win his battle. It was yesterday at 8.10am the doctors stopped treating Sunny as they said no chance of him pulling through, and then after little Leo being by his side for those few minutes Sunny turns to being stronger now than when he was born. We wont give up on our little bundle of joy, but we have been told to go hour by hour.
Thank you mate that means a lot to me, as at the moment it is only me and family are now really hoping Sunny can win his battle. It was yesterday at 8.10am the doctors stopped treating Sunny as they said no chance of him pulling through, and then after little Leo being by his side for those few minutes Sunny turns to being stronger now than when he was born. We wont give up on our little bundle of joy, but we have been told to go hour by hour.

I think that's about the best advice you were given, take it hour by hour, day by day - let the wee dude dictate the pace - best of luck with everything
I have never taken so many photos of flowers and trees - must be a sign of lockdown! The island is smothered in wild garlic at the moment and I stood directly over this one to get the top-down view and the vignette-like effect around the edges. X-T3 with the humble 18-55 this time.

17 More Than One
by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr
Andrea, that's an excellent capture, right up my street. The shallow DOF makes it really pop.
Lovely work/talent/creative abilities...

I have never taken so many photos of flowers and trees - must be a sign of lockdown! The island is smothered in wild garlic at the moment and I stood directly over this one to get the top-down view and the vignette-like effect around the edges. X-T3 with the humble 18-55 this time.

17 More Than One
by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr

Very nice close up style Fujigraph, with some fine colour & detail.

Thank you mate that means a lot to me, as at the moment it is only me and family are now really hoping Sunny can win his battle. It was yesterday at 8.10am the doctors stopped treating Sunny as they said no chance of him pulling through, and then after little Leo being by his side for those few minutes Sunny turns to being stronger now than when he was born. We wont give up on our little bundle of joy, but we have been told to go hour by hour.

Hi Dave,

I agree with what Cagey 75 and trevorbray have already said. Stay positive, take it an hour at a time and let Sunny set his own pace. Keep praying and remember that a lot of us are praying with you.

Hi Dave,

I agree with what Cagey 75 and trevorbray have already said. Stay positive, take it an hour at a time and let Sunny set his own pace. Keep praying and remember that a lot of us are praying with you.


Thank you mate, at the moment Sunny is on maximum dose of drugs to keep his heart rate up so fingers crossed his heart rate does not drop now as they cant give him any more.
Lovely pic. I’m especially liking the little splashes of purple in the background. (y)

Thanks, Jason ... They be Bluebells :)