The Talk Photography Fantasy Football League 2018/19

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At least one person has asked for it so far, and I want to do it, so with a little prod from Marc, I've set up a normal league and also a head 2 head league. Everyone welcome. Don't miss the first week like I did last season. :rolleyes: :LOL:

The Talk Photography League
Code to join this league: 433026-91888

Talk Photography H2H League
Code to join this league: 433026-91899

I was going to wait till after the World Cup, but my interest has suddenly waned a bit. :( :LOL:
Oh, and I should have added can you come and post that you have joined please. :)

It's pretty lonely at the moment (if it stays like this I am going to win the leagues being the only participant so far :eek: :LOL:) and it may encourage others to get involved. ;)
We are a 3 people league atm, which while obviously increases my chances of winning, ;) is not a big league. :(

Hopefully it is World Cup hangover, but the more the merrier. The season starts on 10th August. Don't forget like I did last season and missed the first game. :( :rolleyes:
I'm in joined both !!!

Although not sure what the Head 2 Head league is about? :thinking: how is it different looks the same.
I'm in joined both !!!

Although not sure what the Head 2 Head league is about? :thinking: how is it different looks the same.
Welcome to the leagues. :) We are now 8. :banana:

The way the head 2 head league works is that you are head to head with another person in the league every week. Like a league game, if you get more points in that fixture you win that game, and get the points. So rather than having to get more points than everyone to get to the top of a normal league, you just have to get more points that week than the person you are up against that week. If the luck goes your way, if you happened to be up against someone else having a bad day each week and get more or equal points, (you can draw as i na normal football game, but there is less chance of drawing with so many points for each player) you would be high in the H2h league, whereas you could be mid table in the normal league for example.

Similarly, someone leading the normal league could just happen to come up against someone else having a great week each week. Same with the cup side competition that goes on throughout the year, you could be getting loads of points each, but on the particular week, someone could get more points. I see the H2H and cup competitions as just extra interest each week, particularly, for those who may not be challenging at the top of there league.

Anyome who still wants to join, you're more than welcome. but remember the season starts on Friday 10th August, so try and join before then. You will be able to join after the season starts, but like myself last season, I started a week less and so lessoned may chances of winning in the end. As it was, it din't make that much difference. :( :LOL:
I’m in looking forward to propping up the league :woot:not quite sure how it works yet will do some reading later
I’m in looking forward to propping up the league :woot:not quite sure how it works yet will do some reading later
Welcome. :)

You buy a squad for up to £100m. You have a limited number of transfers before each round of games, always up to £100m. Be aware that player prices change as the season goes on, usually going upwards. ;) I think you may have the option for unlimited transfers once in the season. Can't recall what it is called. Handy if you feel you gone with the wrong buying strategy. A few expensive players, or a squad of mid value players for example.

You choose your best combination of players before each round of games. You choose a Captain for double points. There are a few boosting options available throughout the season which can be used once, 'Triple Captain', 'Bench Boost' (all your players points count for the round of games you use it) and 'Free Hit' (allows you to totally change your squad with unlimited transfers for one week). Handy for when all your top players may have games postponed because of the Champions League, Europa League, Cup games and Replays etc.

Any questions, just ask. :)

Bon chance! :)
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I’m in [emoji106]
I keep changing my team on my lunch, I think im hooked but I dont know whats right (i guess who can) I keep thiking ooo will he do well or ooo is he going to play...Maybe i'll get him and he will go up in value :ROFLMAO: I feel sad :runaway:
I keep changing my team on my lunch, I think im hooked but I dont know whats right (i guess who can) I keep thiking ooo will he do well or ooo is he going to play...Maybe i'll get him and he will go up in value :ROFLMAO: I feel sad :runaway:
Nothing to feel sad about, you're getting your money's worth ;) out of the new season already. :)

A couple of the videos I looked at gave a few alternate buying strategies and reasons for maybe getting certain players. You may want to have a look at a few to see how other approach buying. ;)
I almost missed this but happy to say Penfold's Dangermice return for this one. :)
We are 12. :)

Still time for anyone to join, and everyone is welcome.

The deadline to join, be in and have a team chosen for the first week is 19.00 on Friday 10/08/18.

You will still be able to join after that date but you will be playing catch up. But if you still like a challenge. ;)
Banished to Riyadh are back. Hoping for slightly stiffer competition this time around [emoji850]
From a FF point of view last night's game was a bit of a damp squib as I don't have Utd or Leicester players in my squad. :( :LOL:

My FF season starts now. And I have just seen on Football Focus that one of my players, Ki, is on the bench and going away to the Asian Games next week. :rolleyes: Hopefully he get a game before he goes, and I may have to transfer him already. :LOL:
From a FF point of view last night's game was a bit of a damp squib as I don't have Utd or Leicester players in my squad. :( :LOL:

My FF season starts now. And I have just seen on Football Focus that one of my players, Ki, is on the bench and going away to the Asian Games next week. :rolleyes: Hopefully he get a game before he goes, and I may have to transfer him already. :LOL:
Same here regarding Ki I have already transferred him out of my team, as I would have forgot by next week
Did you see after last night's game someone had 46 points. :eek: The biggest reason for that is that he had Shaw as his captain and got 33 points just for him. But then he also had Salah in his team and didn't pick him as captain. :confused: :thinking: Inspired genius, Luke Shaw fan, doesn't understand the game and/or is very lucky depending on what Salah does tomorrow. ;) :LOL:

He led the whole thing at least for one night ahead of 4.7m people. :eek: :clap:
I'm getting 'invalid code' error when I try to join
I don't know for certain, but it may be because it is in the middle of the game week. Their computers are doing a lot of calculating as scores come in, adding new players may be blocked while that is happening. Try again on Monday after they have totted up the weekends scores for everyone. If you can't join from Monday onwards let me know and I will look into it. :)

I joined last season after the first week and ended up in finishing 7th, and got as high as 5th at one point, so starting a week down doesn't mean it is not worth it.
I don't know for certain, but it may be because it is in the middle of the game week. Their computers are doing a lot of calculating as scores come in, adding new players may be blocked while that is happening. Try again on Monday after they have totted up the weekends scores for everyone. If you can't join from Monday onwards let me know and I will look into it. :)

I joined last season after the first week and ended up in finishing 7th, and got as high as 5th at one point, so starting a week down doesn't mean it is not worth it.

No, it was simply me being an idiot - make your team before trying to join leagues would be the key :D I'm in now, or will be after this round's points end

Pity I didn't cop this last week, oh well, I'll catch up! :cool:
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Glad it is sorted. Welcome. :)

The H2H one says it's closed to new entries, but I'm in the main one at least. Threw a team together, not a clue ... lol ... I used to follow the footy fairly close, more as a gambler than supporter, so it'll get me back into the swing of it [not gambling, just the footy!] , the who's who in the modern era
The H2H one says it's closed to new entries, but I'm in the main one at least. Threw a team together, not a clue ... lol ... I used to follow the footy fairly close, more as a gambler than supporter, so it'll get me back into the swing of it [not gambling, just the footy!] , the who's who in the modern era
Please not the gambling! :eek: I don't want that on my conscience. It's just a bit of fun. ;) :LOL:
Please not the gambling! :eek: I don't want that on my conscience. It's just a bit of fun. ;) :LOL:

Haha, no, just personal gambling, I used to do the pools on a Saturday morn, never won much so gave it up. But I used to go watch footy with work mates a lot, i never had a team, just whoever my few euro where on. It gave me an interest, as I didn't support anyone specific. Last few years I just didn't bother keeping up, more into UFC sport-wise. So it might be refreshing for me to catch up and get to know the new era players. I pretty much selected the ones I have heard of within the given budget - clean £100m
Game Week 1, and the standings. Looks like 47 was a popular score. ;) :LOL: The weeks average was 53 btw. Steve's the one we are all after for now. ;)

The Talk Photography League

Rank Team & Manager GW Round Score TOT Total Points
1 new Steve's Strollers 71
steve scudds

2 new TorontoToffees 65
Darren Siddorn

3 new Amber Army 59
Andrea Thrussell

4 new Banished to Riyadh 55
Chris .

5 new ChickenTikkaMoSallah 54
Thomas Macintosh

6 new horspath hounds 49
brian ockenden

7 new VILLAREAL 47
Steve Whitfield

7 new Marc's Marauders 47
Marc Falber

7 new Sicknote XI 47
Nick Watson

7 new Mrs Smiths Boys 47
Yvette Smith

11 new The Chosen Ones 46
redhed 17

12 new Woodys wonders FC 43
Allan Howe

12 new Penfold's Dangermice 43
Len Brook

12 new 11 Men in Plight 43
Andrew Macbeth

15 new Cockney Toffees 39
Phil Fiddes

16 new DTFC Snapper 33
phillip standfield
I think I said yes to too many teams I keep forgetting who I have and they all seem to play each other !!!

my captin played for all of 10 mins and got me no points, wish he had stayed on the bench so my vice with 9 would have been doubled.

Who is rushing into knee jerk transfers ???
in :)
I had a shocking week, not the best starts for me but its a marathon not a sprint .. (so im told :()