The23rdman's 52 for 2010- Week 24 - METAL

Thanks, Rikki, that means a lot, mate. God knows what I'm going to do this week though!
I like your Street shot, I think the processing works I like the gritty feel, the small Dof works for me as well... I think if you could clearly read the firms name behind the bench that would be too distracting.
Thanks, Dave. I'm pretty happy with it too. :D

Must hook up soon. I have a need to get the lights out.
It needs the larger verion for full impact, angle and processing work well together to create the complete shot. If I had to be picky I would have moved the safety barriers round the street light :D.

It needs the larger verion for full impact, angle and processing work well together to create the complete shot. If I had to be picky I would have moved the safety barriers round the street light :D.


Couldn't agree more about the barriers. This is one reason I went for mono rather than my original desaturated colour look. Next time I'll wear my site helmet and move the barriers. ;)
I've reshot this now with a different lens and the note I didn't have on me added. I'm much happier with this now.

For those interested the candle light effect is done by using a 1/2 CTO gel on the flash on camera with between -2 and 3 EV, iso 400 around 1/30th and f/10.
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I wondered if somebody would do this type of take on SPEED. Shouldn't that roll of paper be a £20 note, not that I know anything about drug use but I do watch night cops:D. Well put together, probably a little too neat for a smackhead though ;).
It still says week 4 in your thread title... trying not to look :)
You have a fine set of strong images Dean,I shouldn,t of looked cos I try not to look at others till mines done but Hey Ho.Quality shots all of them, don,t know how I,ve missed them cos I,ve enjoyed the SP's you been posting.Keep this standard up and you'll have great 52......Mick
I wondered if somebody would do this type of take on SPEED. Shouldn't that roll of paper be a £20 note, not that I know anything about drug use but I do watch night cops:D. Well put together, probably a little too neat for a smackhead though ;).

Thanks, mate. Not that I've been anywhere near any kind of drug for 10 years, but speed and smack are very different and neatness or lack of it has nothing to do with it. :) You're right about the note though. I didn't have one in my wallet!

It still says week 4 in your thread title... trying not to look :)


You have a fine set of strong images Dean,I shouldn,t of looked cos I try not to look at others till mines done but Hey Ho.Quality shots all of them, don,t know how I,ve missed them cos I,ve enjoyed the SP's you been posting.Keep this standard up and you'll have great 52......Mick

Thanks, Mick. I'm defo reshooting this. Just did a test shot with a different lens and slightly different lighting and I prefer it. Reshoot tomorrow...
Hah, great minds think alike!
Well done on 'pushing' the envelope too.
That's quite a lot of gear, apparently - the note could be accurate. :)
Hah, great minds think alike!
Well done on 'pushing' the envelope too.
That's quite a lot of gear, apparently - the note could be accurate. :)

Thanks. :) Yes, it is a lot of gear (actually, it's soda crystals!) but I wanted to imply this might be the end of the road and that's a suicide note of sorts.
catch up time for me. week 4 - love it, the B&W and contrast just gives it that gritty look, well done (y)

bloody hell , quick off the mark this week, great idea for "speed" love the candle light effect for the pic. :D
catch up time for me. week 4 - love it, the B&W and contrast just gives it that gritty look, well done (y)

bloody hell , quick off the mark this week, great idea for "speed" love the candle light effect for the pic. :D

Thanks mate!
OK, so it took me a while until I saw foggy's comment!

Probably the most unusual take on this weeks subject that I've seen so far. I like the lighting, and I think the setup works well.

The only thing is, that it looks a bit too staged. I'm sure that's just me, but I'd be interested to see the reshoot.

OK, so it took me a while until I saw foggy's comment!

Probably the most unusual take on this weeks subject that I've seen so far. I like the lighting, and I think the setup works well.

The only thing is, that it looks a bit too staged. I'm sure that's just me, but I'd be interested to see the reshoot.


This is the reshoot. If you have any suggestions on how to make it look less staged I'm open. :)
This is the reshoot. If you have any suggestions on how to make it look less staged I'm open. :)


I have no suggestions I'm afraid. Not helpful I know....


Hehe, I'll leave it as it is then. ;) If I was the change anything I'd move the cash card away from the lines.
Thank you. The note was a bit of inspiration that just appeared. :D
Good idea, I did have a thought of the drug speed when the theme came up, sign of the time I guess. nicely done by the way ;)
Thanks, guys. Not sure it's a sign of the times, Alby. Every animal in the world - humans included - have been documented to get wasted as often as possible, so it seems to be just a natural thing to want to feel good and escape reality. The idea that one drug (alcohol) is legal and ok and another (insert any illegal narcotic) isn't is nothing but politics. There's a very interesting book by a biologist on the subject. Can't recall the name now.
Think this shot looks absolutely great - but to me, echoes the name Charles rather than William. Maybe a switch from lines and piles to a wrap may do the trick...

Cheers Bradders.
Great shot, surprised at how many speed drug shots there are, though I'm not sure why I'm surprised!

I do love the candle light effect too!
Thank you.:)

Think this shot looks absolutely great - but to me, echoes the name Charles rather than William. Maybe a switch from lines and piles to a wrap may do the trick...

Cheers Bradders.

You're right, mate. I do want to keep the lines, but agree that a wrap would look better. It's ten years since I made one though so I'm not entirely sure I could!
Oooh nice. I had a thunk about doing a drug related shot and couldn't figure out how to pull it off, then I look here and see that you saved me the trouble :D Excellent work mate, very nice indeed, paticularly with the lighting, it is pretty much believable that the light is from the candle for anyone who hasn't tried to light a shot with a candle before ;)

Soda crystals. hmm, I thought sugar or sherbert. What the hell are soda crystals?

I need good weather for my idea for this week... Back to the drawing board I think.
Oooh nice. I had a thunk about doing a drug related shot and couldn't figure out how to pull it off, then I look here and see that you saved me the trouble :D Excellent work mate, very nice indeed, paticularly with the lighting, it is pretty much believable that the light is from the candle for anyone who hasn't tried to light a shot with a candle before ;)

Soda crystals. hmm, I thought sugar or sherbert. What the hell are soda crystals?

I need good weather for my idea for this week... Back to the drawing board I think.

Cheers, fella. :D Soda crystals are the things your gran used to clean everything. We clean the house old school with distilled vinegar and soda crystals. You learn something new every day, eh?

Can't wait to see your shot...
have you been watching kim and aggie? ;)

good interpretation of the theme, like the lighting and the note is a great addition..
have you been watching kim and aggie? ;)

good interpretation of the theme, like the lighting and the note is a great addition..

Gawd, no! My mum never shuts up about bloody soda crystals. ;)
That's crack - ing. Well done you for a superbly lit, edgey picture. I love it.
This is the reshoot. If you have any suggestions on how to make it look less staged I'm open. :)


very clever idea, the only thing well two things actually, first being loose the pen and note and hold the ten pound note instead or exchange the 10 for a fifty, bit more convincing "maybe" other than that its a well taken shot (y)

very clever idea, the only thing well two things actually, first being loose the pen and note and hold the ten pound note instead or exchange the 10 for a fifty, bit more convincing "maybe" other than that its a well taken shot (y)

If I do those things it's an entirely different shot and nothing like I wanted! Speed users are very unlikely to use a 50 fact, only bloody yuppies would!