TP Convention 2012 - Photo Sharing - Models etc

Not done much editing to these and having never shot this sort of stuff before I am not sure how much to play about with them, might post some more edited versions later.

First 4 are using the lighting set up for us, last 2 are natural light.

1. 2012 Covention - Blackpool by Tom Holmes, on Flickr

2. 2012 Covention - Blackpool by Tom Holmes, on Flickr

3. 2012 Covention - Blackpool by Tom Holmes, on Flickr

4. 2012 Covention - Blackpool by Tom Holmes, on Flickr

5. 2012 Covention - Blackpool by Tom Holmes, on Flickr

6. 2012 Covention - Blackpool by Tom Holmes, on Flickr
Some of mine






Well I don't think my efforts can compete with Jimmy's but here's what I managed to "pull out of the bag" This was my first time working with a model and I have to admit I was shocked at how shy I felt when she looked straight into my lens. It felt as though she was looking straight into my eyes. Mark Cleghorn was making the comment "I don't hear anyone giving direction to the model" The best I could muster was a polite "Thanks" after the shot... whimp!

I would like say Chloe was a great model to work with. Many thanks to her and the girls for their efforts and time.



2) My favourite...


3) I used the ND Grad tool in LR4 to darken the sky.






6) I tried a B&W conversion thinking the grittiness would work with the steel box background...


Feel free to C&C the hell out of them... :)
Big Thanks to all the models, I only did a few bits, but I know everyone had a great time photographing them and taking guidance from Mark Cleghorn on using Natural light, reflectors and OCF. I decided to do a bit of 'out of my comfortzone' style processing on a few, just for fun really, feel free to rip them to bits ;)

1 Chloe

2 Grace - chocolate box processing :wacky:

3 Grace

4 Carl - something a bit more dramatic
I wished I had my camera on day 1, love the make up and styling of day 1.

Really enjoyed Mark's session both educational and entertaining.
No Chloe's eyes don't look into your eye's all models eyes burn into your SOUL!!

I know Chloe... and I whimpered too.. :LOL: Good first effort. I will post some of mine when I get a chance :)

This is aimed at Richard.. I write S-L-O-W-L-Y :)
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Here are a few of mine. pp may be a little strange but I am too! Ask anyone...

ahh and I forgot to sharpen them too :( n00b alert






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1,2,3 and 4 are probably NSFW hence the strange numbering system..should I start one in the N&G section :naughty: :nuts:
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Here are a few of mine. pp may be a little strange but I am too! Ask anyone...

ahh and I forgot to sharpen them too :( n00b alert



your pictures of Ann are the best I've seen so far John. I particularly like nos 6 and 10
Thanks Helen :)

She was a true wonder for us newbies - a very talented young lady :)

Aw that's so lovely of you to say. She certainly does seem to have a talent for it. She's done a little work for a few friends, such as makeup artist Maya Wareing who did the makeup for the weekend, and also for student friends doing textiles and photography. I think it's something she'd do well to pursue while in Manchester studying for her degree.

Your pics don't suggest you being a newbie!
Thanks Helen :)

She was a true wonder for us newbies - a very talented young lady :)
Yes, she has real potential as a model
I've put an explanation/photos of my talks on the Lencarta lighting blog.
Part 1
Part 2
your pictures of Ann are the best I've seen so far John. I particularly like nos 6 and 10

Thanks for commenting Helen (y)

Also Helen I think you should be a competition judge... hahah

I have hundreds to get through and have never taken so many photo's that have got through my stringent testing before, what a great weekend. I have oodles of Chloe to go through and will of course put them all on a disk for you.
Maybe it would be a good idea for everyone to send photo's taken of models over that weekend to Darren if he is okay with that and he can pass them on?!,

If not can we have the models addresses or details to post some photo's on to them? <- this is probably not my best idea to date though...
If you could get the images to me it would be appreciated. The models and makeup artist only got £20 a day and people had left before the whip round so they didn't get any more.
Is that £40 combined for all of them for the two days? eeek

Maybe posting your PayPal address here would help get them a little extra appreciation Darren?
Aw that's so lovely of you to say. She certainly does seem to have a talent for it. She's done a little work for a few friends, such as makeup artist Maya Wareing who did the makeup for the weekend, and also for student friends doing textiles and photography. I think it's something she'd do well to pursue while in Manchester studying for her degree.

Your pics don't suggest you being a newbie!
A first for me shooting models... and only got the photography bug back big time a year or so ago, after years of Work, Work, Work :bang:

It's great to have changed my priorities - More family time and more Photography, and this weekend I had both... well ok the family was in the car park :D

Yes, she has real potential as a model
I've put an explanation/photos of my talks on the Lencarta lighting blog.
Part 1
Part 2
Nice One (y)
Damn.. is that because of all that was left after paying the Hall Etc

Yes the hall etc cost more than the combined gate receipts. TP subsidised the whole event. I did mention a whip round for the models but then most people had gone. We'll have to make sure they get some nice images from it at least.
Yes the hall etc cost more than the combined gate receipts. TP subsidised the whole event. I did mention a whip round for the models but then most people had gone. We'll have to make sure they get some nice images from it at least.
Well that's a shame... would hate for them to feel disheartened after they did us all so proud :(

If they would like my Pics what format would they like?? I could pop the raw unedited files on a DVD if you want to crop/edit/pp them (7gig), or just the edited ones - The decision is yours

I'm happy to go along with what ever is suggested
If people want to send me DVDs then that would be great :D
Yes the hall etc cost more than the combined gate receipts. TP subsidised the whole event. I did mention a whip round for the models but then most people had gone. We'll have to make sure they get some nice images from it at least.

Sorry, I didn't hear about the whip round and feel quite bad about this. You're quite right the girls should get something from the weekend. :(

If you PM me your postal address I'll happily send you a CD containing the DNG and JPG's I took of Chloe.

Sorry didn't shoot any of the other girls
They did get something and because we cancelled the pub quiz they each got a photo display book for their portfolios so not a major issue. It would just be nice for them to get a selection of images.