Two Infinity...


Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Me Dibble and Grubb
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my little boy had his second birthday this week and despite the absolutely atrocious weather (yet again), i did manage to capture a few shots.

there are a few shots of my little girl in here two, somehow, she managed get nearly as many presents as her brother and her birthday isn't for another 5 months!

all these were shot with the 135/f2.

c+c as always very welcome.












Bootiful, as usual.









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I hardly ever reply to the posts but like having a look, but every time you post pictures I am blown away. I can only hope to achieve anything near as good as this and capture my children growing up as well as you are doing with yours! Love the cake shot!
I'm going to stop looking at your threads Mark... so jealous of your work! :LOL:

I cant critique the pictures as they are great, so I will pull you up on your spelling. Its too not two :p :LOL:
Again excellent shots! I'm really trying not to buy the 135 f2 and you're not helping!!
Those are absolutely stunning, so clear and they are absolutely magnificent. The colours are so vivid - these are by far my favourite set so far on TP!

I cant critique the pictures as they are great, so I will pull you up on your spelling. Its too not two :p :LOL:

I'm really sorry if you were joking but first of all I think it was word play with what appears to be a 2nd birthday. Secondly it would be To not Too anyway...

That's another forum I have outed myself as a Grammar Nazi... Oops

Also, awesome photos and cute kids :)
there are a few shots of my little girl in here two, somehow, she managed get nearly as many presents as her brother and her birthday isn't for another 5 months!

I'm really sorry if you were joking but first of all I think it was word play with what appears to be a 2nd birthday. Secondly it would be To not Too anyway...

That's another forum I have outed myself as a Grammar Nazi... Oops

Also, awesome photos and cute kids :)

No, too :p :LOL:

And yes, I was joking :)
thanks again everyone for all your lovely comments, i really liked the cake shot too, i hope he enjoys it in years to come - it was shot at 6400 iso with bare minimal noise reduction, it came out much better than i was expecting.

i can indeed confirm the first misspelling of 'two' was intentional, the second.... a bishop's finger on an empty stomach :puke:

@jetpackjack i use a canon 5d3, the af really works well for kids that move around erratically!

i think the more i use the 135/f2, the more i love it. i really like the working distance, it lets you get out of your subject's face and play without being a being too imposing, also it means you're well out of the way when the kids decide to start flicking mud around :-(
5 & 8.. wow...
As most people have said Mark, a cracking set of images, but no.8 just knocks me out.

I think it is one of the best shots I have seen for a long while. To me anyway the bokeh is good for this type of shot. She's just in her own little world, more interested in the poppy she's holding than anything else.

Absolute stunner. (y)

No.11 ain't far behind either (y)
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i love number 8 mark, looks really dreamy i think as others have said she looks in her own wee world...amazing. The whole set is cracking to be honest well done.
More loveliness Mark, I do hope your kids don't get bored of you pointing a camera at the.
What a gorgeous set of images, but for me the absolute winner by MILES is #3.
The 2 of them strolling hand in hand...she' clutching her bunny and he holding woody by the leg.
I LOVE that image....I'd hang it and they're not even related to me!! :)
Stunning images, every time I have a look at your pics they inspire me to try and achieve the same quality in my own pics of my TWO girls.

Superb... all winners with 2 and 8 particularly standing out for me! :clap:
Another great set, but the cake shot really is the WOW one for me. Great stuff :)