wedding with a bang

Its a one off shot, hard to guess how big a sirework envelope is going to be - you made a pretty good estimate, smashing photo. The street lamps shape look very regular, did you use a filter?.
Its a one off shot, hard to guess how big a sirework envelope is going to be - you made a pretty good estimate, smashing photo. The street lamps shape look very regular, did you use a filter?.

I would imagine a very small aperture to increase the shutter length... Very small apertures tend to produce these kind of effects on lights.

That is a cracking photo, great colours, clipping the fireworls doesn't distract from the shot for me - love it (y)

Agree. Lovely shot (y)
Love it. Im a big fan of firework shots, when they are pulled off at this sort of quality. Like you said it would have been good to get the top if the fireworks in, but it really doesnt take anything away from the shot.
Fantastic photograph, one to remember, street lights puts the whole thing into perspective. Any wider lens would probably have spolit the effect.