weekly Week 31 - Mono

Hi there Everton & welcome to the madhouse (y)

Good to see you jumping straight in...drink & apples seem to be hot topics for this theme !

if only that were whiskey :crying: Good DOF & I like the BG...blends in but is separate , if you get my drift ?(y)
Clipped the bottom of the glass & bottle , couple of highlights but thats always an issue when shooting glass unless you're a god with lighting ( which I'm not by the way :LOL: ).
Maybe a shot from slightly further back , getting the whole bottle in ?

1 week down , 51 to go.....look forward to seeing your next shots...enjoy your project mister (y)
Hi there Everton & welcome to the madhouse (y)

Good to see you jumping straight in...drink & apples seem to be hot topics for this theme !

if only that were whiskey :crying: Good DOF & I like the BG...blends in but is separate , if you get my drift ?(y)
Clipped the bottom of the glass & bottle , couple of highlights but thats always an issue when shooting glass unless you're a god with lighting ( which I'm not by the way :LOL: ).
Maybe a shot from slightly further back , getting the whole bottle in ?

1 week down , 51 to go.....look forward to seeing your next shots...enjoy your project mister (y)

Hi Lynne and thanks for the feedback (y) can see joining this group is going to help me a lot
Nice shot Ev and have to agree with Lynne about the clipping of the bottom of the bottle

Looking forward to more
its your first shot Ev :) still a great shot :)
Well done Everton - in addition to the clipping of the bottoms, I'm also getting a slight lean to the right.

But the colours and exposure are good, and the emptiness of the bottle looks pretty sinful to my mind...... :naughty:
Well done Everton - in addition to the clipping of the bottoms, I'm also getting a slight lean to the right.

But the colours and exposure are good, and the emptiness of the bottle looks pretty sinful to my mind...... :naughty:

Thanks Graham, I'm looking forward to week 2 with the feedback Ive had to see how I can put some of it into practice (y)
Nice pic it's always a sin that you haven't drunk it all ;) I think I will be doing one like this with wisky (me sin over Xmas)
Thanks Graham, I'm looking forward to week 2 with the feedback Ive had to see how I can put some of it into practice (y)

Thats the spirit Everton (y)
C&C is given for this very reason, i particularly enjoyed the 52 2012 because of the support given throughout the year.

Good start to your 52, you've handled the lighting well. Photographing shiny/glass objects is challenging. Iain
Hiya :)

Sin - Seems all possible Crit has been covered above, so I won't repeat, a good choice for the theme, and well lit - A good start, look forward to seeing what you come up with next week :)

... I'm looking forward to week 2 with the feedback Ive had to see how I can put some of it into practice (y)
Perfect (y)

PS. don't forget to add a link under your photo in the 'Photo's only Thread' to direct people to your photo in this thread, as most people will just subscribe to that main thread to keep up with new images :)
Hi, Everton, good start for Sin and I've been quite guilty over the festive period :D

Look nice and sharp and on theme.

Crit...well you've clipped the bottom of the bottle and glass and I'd prefer a better BG.

Good start. Cheers.
Nice pic it's always a sin that you haven't drunk it all ;) I think I will be doing one like this with wisky (me sin over Xmas)

Hi Nicholas, thanks for the feedback, it wasn't for the want of trying, but definitely my sin over Chrismas / New Year
Thats the spirit Everton (y)
C&C is given for this very reason, i particularly enjoyed the 52 2012 because of the support given throughout the year.

Good start to your 52, you've handled the lighting well. Photographing shiny/glass objects is challenging. Iain

Thanks Iain (y)
Hiya :)

Sin - Seems all possible Crit has been covered above, so I won't repeat, a good choice for the theme, and well lit - A good start, look forward to seeing what you come up with next week :)

Perfect (y)

PS. don't forget to add a link under your photo in the 'Photo's only Thread' to direct people to your photo in this thread, as most people will just subscribe to that main thread to keep up with new images :)

Thank, and will try and get that link done (y)
Hi, Everton, good start for Sin and I've been quite guilty over the festive period :D

Look nice and sharp and on theme.

Crit...well you've clipped the bottom of the bottle and glass and I'd prefer a better BG.

Good start. Cheers.

Thanks for the feedback (y)
Agree with above comments, its all about learning though, so maybe a reshoot with a plain background with window light from the side and ensuring you capture the entire subject? Not sure it needs all that emptiness on the right either
Good start, hope this doesn't come over as too negative as it has potential
Agree with above comments, its all about learning though, so maybe a reshoot with a plain background with window light from the side and ensuring you capture the entire subject? Not sure it needs all that emptiness on the right either
Good start, hope this doesn't come over as too negative as it has potential

Hi Bruce, its great to get feedback, its going to help me improve (y)
Can only echo what everyone else is saying keep going you will improve
Hi Everton, I agree about the need to get the whole bottle in, and also the highlights, and would add that I'd like to see the negative space to the left of the subjects instead of the right as you have it. I have no idea why; it just feels a little unbalanced to me.

Great start though, bang on theme, and with a nice background.
Thanks for the feedback Allan, Mark and Paul,( and eveyone who done so so far) its been interesting reading everyone's take on this and has got the mind thinking on how I would like my set up to be for Week 2
Whole bottle would be great, I would also like to see that dead space on the right hand side actually on the left.

Hi Michael, Thanks for FD, have only joined just over a week and already learned so much, looking forward to week 2 (y)
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Good start with the focus and colours and welcome to TP. I might like to see a portrait shot of this that includes the top and bottom of the bottle and glass

Thanks for the FD Christine, taking on-board what everyone said and will be using it for my 2nd week (hoping I'm not putting myself under to much pressure)(y)
agree with above comments.. its a good take on the theme and hope you enjoy the project.. will be a miracle if I get to the end but will have a good try.. not putting yourself under any pressure is the way to go :)
agree with above comments.. its a good take on the theme and hope you enjoy the project.. will be a miracle if I get to the end but will have a good try.. not putting yourself under any pressure is the way to go :)

Thanks for the FB Michelle, Going to give it a dam good try to get to the end and Im sure you will too:wave:
Hi Everton :wave:

see immediately what you 've done here! like the way you've caught the colours of the pages too. Our argos catalogue is a lot more battered than yours though!! (2 kids).

Was going to ask if it were handheld - as there's a bit of blur on the Autumn / Winter - but at 15 seconds it couldn;t have been :LOL:


Need a link back to here from your post in the picture thread mate (y)
Hi Everton :wave:

see immediately what you 've done here! like the way you've caught the colours of the pages too. Our argos catalogue is a lot more battered than yours though!! (2 kids).

Was going to ask if it were handheld - as there's a bit of blur on the Autumn / Winter - but at 15 seconds it couldn;t have been :LOL:


Need a link back to here from your post in the picture thread mate (y)

Thanks Graham for the FB, think the link working now, tired to do something different from FB from week one(y)
Hi, Everton, it's on theme, but doesn't appeal to me really. It's a photograph of an Argos catalogue.

Perhaps a shallow DOF along the Autumn/winter would have added some interest, or perhaps a nice close macro?

Why 15 seconds?

I kind of agree with Posiview. I think a shallow depth of field would add something to the image here.

Just something to drown out the apparent catalogue link maybe.

Good effort though, keep at it (y)