Recent content by redcloud

  1. redcloud

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    Two of my Whippet Tye doing what a Whippet does second best (sleeping gets first place by a mile lol)
  2. redcloud

    Thunder storms?

    I managed to get a couple during a storm a few weeks ago whilst I was fishing, this one is my favourite out of them :D
  3. redcloud

    Simsling - 52 for 2011 Wk5 - Hard

    Nice idea and very well shot too:thumbs: I'm glad I've just eaten before I looked at this :D
  4. redcloud

    Riu's Photo 52 week 8 "Chaos added"

    Another vote for the B&W conversion here as the best of the two. I think you've made a good job of both of the shots though :thumbs:
  5. redcloud

    weekly Drodd's Photo52 for 2011 - Week 51, 52 and bonus: Light, Glass, Nature (post 1545)

    The second rose shot is lovely and the conversion works really well :thumbs:. The abstract I find very confusing :thinking: I can't settle my eye on anything really so it's not for me, sorry :|
  6. redcloud

    Marts 52 for 2011 Week 20-Promise - Another Added

    The sculpture shot is very good :thumbs: The sundial has gone from one extreme to the other as you say, I'd agree with the others on the second shot needing a tighter crop to hit the mark but that said it's a good well exposed shot as is, it would just give it that bit extra with the tighter...
  7. redcloud

    markelliot's 52. W44 Pair. Re Edited! W45 Safety Added... W38 Fun Added!

    Oh thats a fantastic shot, getting a soaking was well worth it, well done :thumbs:
  8. redcloud

    Emma90's 52. Wk 7 2011

    Well apart from the framing of the image chopping off the petal I'd be happy with that shot too, very nice :thumbs:
  9. redcloud

    Hippo's 52 -2011. Week 9 'FINISH' uploaded - Index on 1st page

    Agreed this one could do with being just a gnats brighter. Great Idea though and very well composed, :cool::cool:
  10. redcloud

    Dutchie's 52 updated with week 5

    Well composed and lit, I'm no technical expert but I like that shot, nice one :thumbs:
  11. redcloud

    Turbo Weasels 52 for 2011 - Week 8 - Chaos

    Nicely detailed shot there Ian, I was gonna suggest that a little fill flash might have improved the shot but now I'm thinking it might have flattened the detail too much, so have decided I like the shadows just the way they are :cool: I think you're ok with the background too, it's far enough...
  12. redcloud

    Sammck's 52 for 2011 - week 3 photo added

    Week 2, I like the second shot better than the original, good try on your fist attempts at macro. Week 3, This one works really well for me, nice simple idea with a good use of DOF. Well done :thumbs:
  13. redcloud

    feriso 2011.52.18 Power (mega catch up)

    Really liking that week 2 shot, it's got so much going for it, lovely feel to the shot, the black and white conversion really makes it I think. Week 3 is a nice idea, the high key works well but perhaps taken just a tad too far in pp as the whit bottle has completely blended with the...
  14. redcloud

    Imagemunky's Photo52 2011 - week 5 added

    Well as making an old style shot's concerned you've done a great job, until I read how you'd done it I was looking at the shot trying to figure how you'd done the dust and scratches, seems impatience can pay off then lol nice one :thumbs: