10.5 hours in the hide - 29TH JUNE ANOTHER BUZZARD ADDED

You've got some stunning photos from that hide of yours - good work.

Any chance of a couple [o]of[/i] the hide itself? Interested to see how you are setup as it's something I fancy trying myself.

Yep I will see if Brian can take some tomorrow for you and post them up as I am working :thumbsdown:

We actually are using Carp Bivvies for fishing as they have a little bit of comfort and room to move in them. I found the portable hides are a bit small when you have got Tripod etc in but then that is me, I like a bit of room and also you can keep warm , we have a little brew kit in each so hot drinks readily available if we are there for any length of time, and also a comfy chair is a must.!!! sometimes we are there at the same time or at different times. I am loking into a very small heater to put in mine as I can see it getting very cold on the sharp frosty, snowy mornings but am looking forward to that, getting Kite (and Buzzard) shots in the snow.

Lucky really as no one goes down there as it is my land so not disturbed at all.

We set them up, covered them in a camo net then got branches, twigs etc to blend in with the hedgeline and got this Jack Pyke Clear view netting to go over the door, it is a camo netting that only views one way. Brilliant stuff so long as the inner hide is a dark colour. Works a treat and when you are walking to the hide, down the field, you cannot pick them out no matter how hard you look.

The very small portable Hide (Porta Loo ) I have got has coem up tpo the field out the back of my house, alongside Fernfaces Oval fishing brolly and these have been camoed, s the kites use the trees here as roosting areas, and in time these will be replaced with a wooden permanent hide, hopefully will be set up before the real winter begins, but all takes time.

Any more info please give us a shout.
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Hi, couple of shots i took about a week ago, first one shows mine on the right and the P.... on the left (stands out a bit doesnt it):D. Bear in mind the door to mine is shown open and is not fully scrimmed (sorry Army speak:)), camouflaged up to the left and right of the door at this stage. The thin cam net is shown in the second pic on the floor, when occupied this covers the door completely. Shoot normally with door unzipped about 1ft at the top and from the left of the door. Nicki mentions comfort, i have spent literally months carp fishing (or blanking) as its known in the trade. You have to be comfortable to live on bankside for 3.-4 weeks at a time otherwise you cannot enjoy what you are doing. Protection from the wind is absolute, very stable (depends on type of bivvy you go for of course). Totally dry, with or without overwrap (which cuts out condensation). I have the two man version so plenty of space for me to mess up:D, and for my friend Fern(dog) to stretch out. Nicki now has similiar set up to mine now, so they both blend in to the local foliage etc.

Any other info, happy to supply:)
Perhaps Brian will take one tomorrow when they are both shut up for togging and then you can see what they really do look like.

Porta loo does stand out a bit but the kites etc seem not to worry about it though as it has been there long enough.

We MAY be open to negotiation :naughty: :naughty: if any one cares to spend a day here, :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I cannot guarantee what you will see though :D
Have to say, given their profile, i wouldnt like to be in one of them with a good force 7 blowing:), just my opinion of course.

Mine won't take off because the seats are built into it and so long as I am sitting down I am fairly safe, but not sure about these. May do as a shooting hide (not togging shooting, gun shooting) as another portable one !!!!
I don't know but my brother has been using my old one for years now without issue, they do peg down as well and seal up nicely
Felt sorry for Nicki today, as she was working. She missed a really good day from the hide. I managed to get not one bird but two to come down and feed 25ft from hide. Just need to get them another 5ft which will be just about perfect for the f2.8 70-200mm, i had a go:), this is - i think about a 25% crop from the latter lens.

Do you know what? you can sometimes really go off of people (y)

Nice shots, lovely, but it will be I that gets the buzzard :D
Do you know what? you can sometimes really go off of people (y)

Nice shots, lovely, but it will be I that gets the buzzard :D

Flaming hope you do, or i will definately be banished:D:D
Have just got back after a week away on hols and have been catching up on this fab thread. Reading the posts about the development of the hides and seeing the results so far is a great read.

This is the epitome of commitment to the hobby of photography and I reckon that buzzard shot will be there very soon guys (y) You deserve it.

Perseverence and patience always pays off and with a touch of luck you wont have to wait long, I'm sure.
Hope you are right Nigel :puke: (Have a nice time away?) still onwards and upwards.

Have a nice mixed bag for them tomorrow, chicken wing kebabs, and a bag of chicken guts, heads etc, yummmmmmmmmmm :puke: rabbits and a couple of tree rats thrown in so if that does not tempt them then nothing will.

Have not been there for 2 days (work and *** not) so going up early tomorrow for a bit of peace and quiet.

Buzzards were active here at home today and other half saw them catch a pheasant poult in the field (they have been released from the holding pens) so there is enough for them to eat at the moment, but when the cold weather sets in they will be looking for food.

Keep on watching and reading folks, and hope you are still enjoying this saga (y) :LOL:
More News, (y)

I have been invited to the Manor up the road where the young buzzards have been feeding regularly and so I think hide No 3 will soon be in place.

Nice and private, very quiet and secluded right by a huge lake also so I think this may take preferential treatment for a long while :D

Meanwhile there has been a varied amount of activity at the house field with lots of bait going so will have to keep a close eye on this one.

May have to think about moving all my hides around soon:thinking: for my winter comfort.

I also have access to 3 more static hides in the private woods so things are looking up.

Getting a bit bored with the kites now, not taking hardly any pictures of them, (I know :wacky:) need to up my challenge, and focus on the buzzards more.
Glad you are enjoying it and we are not boring you (y)

One thing I did learn today - anyone who is thinking of buying a portable hide - DON'T, useless in the wind :LOL: not waterproof, :shrug: great for the spring, summer but not for the rigours of Autumn or winter, defo go for a carp bivvy or something like it as very stable, warm and secure, not like my porta loo, nearly dissapeared only stopped from blowing away by the camo net over it.

You can pick up a bivvy 2nd hand for the price you can pay for a portable hide, so my advice don't waste your money. (y)
Well I had a few interrupted hours in the hide with loading lorries and one thing and another (Brian was there all the time:) a very quiet day until these 2 characters decided to trun up and put on this sort of show, did not know what to make of it really and took us totally unawares and I was in 1 shot :bang: as could not get settings changed quick enough, but Brian will be along later with a set also as he was on 6 FPS.

Any way though tyou would like to see what we witnessed it was very funny to watch and they were sort of "teasing" us as they had been sitting in the trees whistling for the last hour but were not hungry. Probably due to the fact that we have moved the bait in even closer to allo for the 70 - 200 shots but not yet. We had a couple of landings but nothing stayed to eat,

Oh well another day :shrug:








I wish I had, had the settings right :bang: oh well always another day I suppose.
As Nicki says we were just not set up for this, Isnt it always the way? Completely the wrong autofocus settings etc. But thought i would just put up two from a series.

Apart from this little episode yesterday and today total blank, not asking a lot just want some nice head shots, followed by some close in 70-200, then the sort of shots we got today (in correct focus mode), oh and then on to the buzzard. Think Nicki is going to get the buzzard now she is "to the manor born":D:D
Yep another day today, will try and get a couple of hours in if possible, farm work calls though, nearly finished all the combining just some linseed to go, but some still not ready :bang:

Lets hope the Kites and Buzzards play today.

Please not a blank day :thumbsdown:
After 9hrs it appeared that it was going to be a total blank today, then two birds appeared and this one happily landed and fed for about 20mins. Sadly Briony had left half and hour before.

I love this thread. Some amazing captures
Personally having a weekend off:D Back in hide tomorrow. Not been much about for the last two days, we think mainly due to ploughing going on in the area, which attracts loads of birds. Incidentally Briony has lost her internet connection for a week:thumbsdown: (u/s modem).

We did encounter a sort of problem, were leaving bait (rabbits) out in position, it seems we have a fox nicking it, sometime overnight! I am going to do a couple of nights in the hope of getting a shot of it, think its a competition between me and the gamekeeper in the adjacent fields!.

Did get a shot the other day which i think cropped quite well:

Still no buzzard:D
Hi Guys, :wave: back again Horaaaaaaaaaaayyyy

Still plugging on and trying to get time to visit the hide, but work getting busier and busier now up to Christmas.

I am suprised Brian has not told you about his little buzzard incident, :bang: :bang: I will check again and explain all if not told you.

I am still laughing about it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Well Monday afternoon I decided to move hides and come to the house field for the afternoon.

I had a text about 4p.m. from Brian saying,

" You will never guess what happened, I had had a blank day and was leaning forward to make a drink and saw something out of the corner of my eye, so glanced up to see a Buzzard sitting in the range of the 7- 200, and it then took off as must have heard me in the bivvy" :bang: :bang::bang:"

He feels robbed and cheated as we have waited all this time for one to land and this happens, to be quite honest I saw the funny side of it and still giggle to this day.

Then today I was sitting for a couple for hours this morning in my hide here at home and heard a thump on top of the hide and glanced up to see a squirrel looking at me through the mesh, I don't know who was more startled me or it, needless to say I did not get a shot as too close :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: but also saw a Treep creeper, Nuthatch, woodpecker, Muntjac etc but no shots as second body was in the house:bang: :bang: Never again.

Kites have been landing in home field so things are looking up here also. (y)

We do have these things happen to us,:shrug: as I type Brian is settled in his bivvy for the night - me- I like my home comforts too much for that:shrug: and his fox trap is set, hope it is not too cold though.

Will keep you all posted.

Over and out. (y)
Blank day today for me, Brian will be along later I think if he is awake, he was due to come for breakfast this morning I offered Bacon, sausages, eggs etc but did not show :shrug: he was still asleep :LOL: :LOL::LOL:

Gosh the service one gets around here is great. (y)
Well thats what it feels like. Two overnighters and no kites, and regards the Buzzard i have no comment:D:D Think Nicki has said it all, not only here but by text!! Only image taken this week:

About the only living thing to pass in front of the hide!! Still another day tomorrow, keep on keeping on:)
Nice pheasant Brian :LOL: :LOL: (y) lovely Buzzard bait though !

Buzzard would have been nicer :LOL: sorry could not resist that one.

Right new bait tomorrow not sure what time will get out :shrug: but I am telling myself even 1 hour a day is worth it.
Rain today - none flying anywhere, so staying put today, having a rest (y)
Hi Allan,

Thank you (y) hope to add some more photos in time to come, can't wait for the snow (well I can, but can't wait for the photos in the snow) getting geared up for it now.

Keep looking.(y) ;)
:D just cannot see it! You were cold in Aug!!!. Now looking for a 2nd hand bivvy to replace oval, even i would find it cold in the latter:D
I am loving this thread, my brother in law has a workshop on a farm just outside Bristol, when I visited a few weeks ago the place was teeming with buzzards
:D just cannot see it! You were cold in Aug!!!. Now looking for a 2nd hand bivvy to replace oval, even i would find it cold in the latter:D

That's all right you sit in your bivvy I will be comfy in my shed. :D

Bought Insulated boots yesterday, Snug pak is on order so getting ready !
I am loving this thread, my brother in law has a workshop on a farm just outside Bristol, when I visited a few weeks ago the place was teeming with buzzards

Can I come with you next time you visit your brother please :D Do they land near?