10.5 hours in the hide - 29TH JUNE ANOTHER BUZZARD ADDED

Right did a couple of hours in the field hide then got a text from my other half saying he had about 50 kites with him as he was discing on the other side of the farm.

I went over and there were about 100 kites milling around so got a few flight shots and low and behold there were 6, yes 6 buzzards around.

I did in fact get some ground shots of them but not good enough to put on here as very heavily cropped, but got these anyway.




Monday is going to be a different story if the weather is good and he is discing.
No go for a while as neighbours are ploughing so Kites/ buzzards have departed to find worms :shrug: never mind they will be back soon, will have to concentrate on the little birdies for a while.

Keep watching folks (y)
Well as it has been wet all ploughing and discing on hold (until I get a text saying he is going then will switch plans) so going down to hide this afternoon to see what that brings out in the sunny weather.

Hoping they are all hungry after the rain yesterday. (y)
Think Brian had a good day yesterday by all accounts (y) will wait to see what he got.

Me - I spent 6 hours getting out of London last night due to the Hammersmith flyover being shut, but met some nice people and had a feel of the 1 D very nice :naughty:

Hope the weather changes this week so I can get out a bit more. (y)
Had a short (5hrs) session in hide yesterday. 2 buzzards worming on far side of field, who then left to be replaced by 4 Red Kites. Eventually a RK landed, having found something further out than my offerings:bang:. But at least as i was fitted up with 70-200mm lens i was able to get all the wings in when the action came:D. Lone bird was joined by a second one, and almost immediately this happened

Going away hungry!

Have to admit to finding the kites just a little bit boring now, but this little scrap was very interesting to see:D Roll on a buzzard:D
Nice shots Brian, looks like they are dancing :LOL:

Nice bokeh by the way (y) :D (really must get that field sprayed soon !)

Beats my day anyway stuck in London traffic for 6 hours (turns out I did a 14 hour day at work :thumbsdown:) but did get to try a 1 D :D all in the name of work and very nice it was too.
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Nice shots Brian, looks like they are dancing :LOL:

Nice bokeh by the way (y) :D (really must get that field sprayed soon !)

Beats my day anyway stuck in London traffic for 6 hours (turns out I did a 14 hour day at work :thumbsdown:) but did get to try a 1 D :D all in the name of work and very nice it was too.

Whats a 1D, is it a new Nescafe type coffee:D:D
It is a more exclusive type of coffee rather than the second rate brand of coffee called "Nikon" :D :D :LOL:
Right did a couple of hours in the field hide then got a text from my other half saying he had about 50 kites with him as he was discing on the other side of the farm.

I went over and there were about 100 kites milling around so got a few flight shots and low and behold there were 6, yes 6 buzzards around.

I did in fact get some ground shots of them but not good enough to put on here as very heavily cropped, but got these anyway.




Monday is going to be a different story if the weather is good and he is discing.

Like the second one. What did you shoot it with? Given the jokey nature of some of the posters on this thread I feel I should say I'm talking about lenses not guns :nono:
Shot with the Sigma 120 - 400 not my bestest of in flight shots of a kite :shrug: I will say.
Doubt if there will be much going on from the bottom field hide today as other half is ploughing, so going to try the home field with the little birds etc and see what that throws at me today (y)
Got a call to say OH is going ploughing so I decided to go out and have a look, and it was fun, there must have been 100 kites circling above the plough and I did not take 1 piccy to busy watching them :D amazing site, quite an eerie site as no noise just soaring and landing.

Will have a go tomorrow if he goes again, depends on the weather.

Did an hour in the hide here and saw Goldcrest, tits, tree creeper, woodpecker, but all a bit fast for me to get camera focussed on them, :bang: as was set up for kites etc on the tripod, but will go up there with the aim to capture some of these enchanting little critters.
Decided to get some exercise today and go and watch the ploughing for an hour or two.

There must have been 60 kites milling around but as I was up the field they were down the field, I went down the field , they went up the field, this went on for about 1 hour, so I sat on the rather wet and soggy ground in a bush and this landed, yes I know it is out of focus and a fair way away (but look how close he is to the tractor and OH will not use a camera :bang:) but anyway to keep you all interested here is a ................... she plays a fanfare ...............



I am getting in the tractor tomorrow :LOL: :LOL:
I thought you had dunnit!!:D:D Bokeh me:D
Getting closer and closer I will do it, I will do it, never know, perhaps tomorrow

Got this Willow Tit (I think) from the hide today though.


These little guys move so fast how the heck are you supposed to capture them,


Anyone got any tips?
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Beautiful day today - OH has gone off to see if he can plough today and will keep me posted, make great piccys of in flight birds though as the sky is so blue here (y)

Here's hoping for my :cautious: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [SIZE="2"]buzzard :LOL:
Good Luck
Sum total of today is below thought it may have been a bit more exciting as OH was combining in the next field but I think everything was hiding as to cold:LOL:

Lovely Bokeh:D Nicki, one from me yesterday:

and sixteen red kites from mid-week

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Still can't put my finger on the pheasant Brian,:thinking: something about it that needs doing in my eyes, but as we said everyone is different in what they see and if we all saw the same thing life would be boring :shrug: ,
that was a crow chasing a kite today instead of the buzzard you saw :LOL: :LOL:

Must tell other half that was not a very straight line he was ploughing, not up to his usual standard:thumbsdown:
I once spent around 3 1/2 hours in a hide to photograph an aquatic warbler which din`t show ,it was only when I got back to the car that I remembered that I had brought my wife who didn`t speak to me for a week , so the day wasn`t a complete waste:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:...
No hide for me today decided to go and follow the plough, quite an eventful day really, Brian (Fernface) went to the hide and then I went and told him that we were going ploughing, so we then decided to set up camp either side of the field under the hedges, my first 45 mins were spent trying to work out why I could not see anything through the viewfinder and could not get rid of Live view then by sheer luck switched the switch that I had mistaken switched, back to camera from Video :bang: :bang::geek: as I had never used the video bit on the camera I had not got a clue what I had done and thought for an awful moment that my lens had broken as all I could here was a whirring and thought "that is it - broken" what a wally :LOL: :LOL:... missed some good shots as well while I was fumbling my way around this dam camera :LOL:

then text Brian to see if he had got some good shots - heard nothing and saw him wandering around the track - no camera, nothing, just a dog on a lead, and was wondering what he was doing, rang him - no reply so I headed of home only to be joined by Brian a bit later on and asked him what he was doing, and he was looking for his phone :geek: :wacky: which was where he was sitting all along, but could not see it, I think a visit to the opticians Brian is needed :LOL: :LOL: so between us a right pair or numpties today:help:..

Hopefully back on the trial of the Buzzard tomorrow or Wed so stay tuned folks (y)
No hide for me today decided to go and follow the plough, quite an eventful day really, Brian (Fernface) went to the hide and then I went and told him that we were going ploughing, so we then decided to set up camp either side of the field under the hedges, my first 45 mins were spent trying to work out why I could not see anything through the viewfinder and could not get rid of Live view then by sheer luck switched the switch that I had mistaken switched, back to camera from Video :bang: :bang::geek: as I had never used the video bit on the camera I had not got a clue what I had done and thought for an awful moment that my lens had broken as all I could here was a whirring and thought "that is it - broken" what a wally :LOL: :LOL:... missed some good shots as well while I was fumbling my way around this dam camera :LOL:

then text Brian to see if he had got some good shots - heard nothing and saw him wandering around the track - no camera, nothing, just a dog on a lead, and was wondering what he was doing, rang him - no reply so I headed of home only to be joined by Brian a bit later on and asked him what he was doing, and he was looking for his phone :geek: :wacky: which was where he was sitting all along, but could not see it, I think a visit to the opticians Brian is needed :LOL: :LOL: so between us a right pair or numpties today:help:..

Hopefully back on the trial of the Buzzard tomorrow or Wed so stay tuned folks (y)

Think I may rename this thread "The Krankies" :LOL: :LOL::LOL: :LOL::LOL:

Is there any hope :shrug: :D
I know this must be the naffiest shot you have seen but just wanted to show how this buzzard was taking the p**s by coming straight at me - little git, it is like it is playing a game:wacky:

I have decided to take some time out from the forum to try and figure some things out on my own and not ask such dumb questions.

Fernface will hopefully be adding some things to this thread.

In the meantime enjoy (y)
Have fun, I'll miss the updates, see you soon.
I have decided to take some time out from the forum to try and figure some things out on my own and not ask such dumb questions.

Fernface will hopefully be adding some things to this thread.

In the meantime enjoy (y)

Don't go for to long, you will be missed :D

Feel free to ask anything
I have decided to take some time out from the forum to try and figure some things out on my own and not ask such dumb questions.

Fernface will hopefully be adding some things to this thread.

In the meantime enjoy (y)

Cheers Nicki!!. Love to have something to add:D. I stayed overnight in the bottom field hide on Wed night, hoping for something at first light, apart from frost nothing appeared:D. Another 5 hours yesterday but apart from one "fly over" by a kite and a tree rat walking along a foot outside the hide-nothing. Strange thing but lately not so many kites/buzzards about. Just have to keep putting in the time, of which i have plenty!
Thought i would just add three shots taken late Sun in here. I arrived at hide approx 1200 and these did not appear until late afternoon. I overnighted and so wish they could have reappeard in the morning. Lovely white frosty field in front of me:D Got a text from Nicki asking if i was still alive as temp went down to -6:eek:

This bugger was testing the minimum focusing distance!! No crop!

Absolutely no Kites or Buzzards seen or heard!!

Hope you enjoy:)
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Tomorrow should be interesting day as OH going to cultivate the field next to the hide so should be plenty of action around the hide field. Have baited it up well to day with squirrels, pheasants and chickens so hopefully they should be feeding well.(y)

Now just off to see aht the weather is going to do :thinking:
That hare shot is a cracker Brian, though I cant help but think the WB has gone to far into the blue on the stubble and its rump