15ins. of snow here!!...now 18ins.!! now 21ins!!..was 24ins!!

All you beware, Sunday is going to be severe!!
It was clear dry and cold here during the day, now it's as windy as hell out there but I can't see no snow or rain.
Well, we were warned about it coming but I never expected it as bad as this!

Hope there are no more major snowfalls to come.

I hope is gone for next weekend as I'm planing on going to Alnwick for a couple of days.
I hope is gone for next weekend as I'm planing on going to Alnwick for a couple of days.

Free to get in the Alnwick Gardens just now and luckily for you open at weekends only:)
Snow settling here in Sleaford, i thought it was coming next week.
Oh well some photo oppertunities maybe.
I hope is gone for next weekend as I'm planing on going to Alnwick for a couple of days.

We are supposed to have this for 10 days............and now we have about 4" in a couple of hrs and the roads are packed snow but guess what hasnt been seen here in Scunny:thinking:
We are supposed to have this for 10 days............and now we have about 4" in a couple of hrs and the roads are packed snow but guess what hasnt been seen here in Scunny:thinking:

Gritters ? I think Lincs CC are holding onto their stockpile maybe because this has come too early !
Gritters ? I think Lincs CC are holding onto their stockpile maybe because this has come too early !

Yes and the roads will be in more of a state when it goes, the roads were bad enough before this......they were warned but still do bugger all :LOL:
Wouldn't mind about 6ins of snow to turn everything white and picturesque but 18ins is just tooooooooo much:)

We seem to have had almost as much (on Tyneside), i would say somewhere between 12" and 18". I'm told there is a bus parked sideways on the main road at the bottom of my road. So much for the council having gritting under control :thumbsdown:
Roll on next week - I'm getting double glazing installed in every window and new doors.

We don't have gas where I live but the coal bunker is almost full and I've tons of fire wood cut so I'm a bit more prepared than last year for power lines coming down or being snowed in.
Roll on next week - I'm getting double glazing installed in every window and new doors.

We don't have gas where I live but the coal bunker is almost full and I've tons of fire wood cut so I'm a bit more prepared than last year for power lines coming down or being snowed in.

Do you have coal CH thats hot and you cant beat an open fire(y)
We have a boiler that feeds our CH and its nice and comfy but has no real heart like a real fire
Do you have coal CH thats hot and you cant beat an open fire(y)
We have a boiler that feeds our CH and its nice and comfy but has no real heart like a real fire

I don't have central heating (y)

2 X open fires - 1 used to heat the water but that's done on the electric now. A few random storage heaters elsewhere.

With no gas - when the power lines go down (which is often due to trees in wind or snow) we're pretty much stuck with just the real fires.

Because I live up a hill, when the snow comes - the coal man can't get to us so it's just a case of being stocked up.
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I don't have central heating (y)

2 X open fires - 1 used to heat the water but that's done on the electric now. A few random storage heaters elsewhere.

With no gas - when the power lines go down (which is often due to trees in wind or snow) we're pretty much stuck with just the real fires.

Because I live up a hill, when the snow comes - the coal man can't get to us so it's just a case of being stocked up.

thats the good ol way to live, we lived like that when I was a youngun and the memories are fond............I am jealous (y).....none of this soft stuff, go to bed wearing socks was normal
thats the good ol way to live, we lived like that when I was a youngun and the memories are fond............I am jealous (y).....none of this soft stuff, go to bed wearing socks was normal

My kids are used to it but 2 or 3 years ago my sister was staying with her family for Hogmanay. The little ones were in bed and a couple of the older kids were staying up for the bells but the power went at about 11:00. Everybody ended up downstairs around the fire with candles for light and the radio on. Hot Chocolate or drams all round - they still say it was the best new year ever.
Bah, no snow this morning :(

We had it bad in Basingstoke last year so maybe were going to miss out this, I jus want oodles of snow to go play with :)

We were having snow ball fights with the Toyota Dealership accross the road last year :)
Roll on next week - I'm getting double glazing installed in every window and new doors.

We don't have gas where I live but the coal bunker is almost full and I've tons of fire wood cut so I'm a bit more prepared than last year for power lines coming down or being snowed in.

We do not have gas either, but have dual Calor gas/solid fuel c/h system and a log burning stove in the lounge.

Short on logs this year, but plenty scrap wood and about 20 tons of sea coal stockpiled, the tank is full but I only use the Calor c/h as a last resort as it is horrendously expensive to run!!
Just the lightest dusting of snow overnight here.
Starting to feel a bit left out now! :LOL:
Slight dusting in North Staffs. Heavy snow forecast for when essentials likely to run out. Bought more last week and snow forecasted didn't materialise. Will stock up again to see if it keeps away next lot :)

I also got a hob kettle in case of power cuts so I'm hoping that will stop any.

If it does snow it is endless entertainment as the road slopes slightly which seems to defeat the majority of drivers from ascending without wheel spinning like a right divvy.
I hope is gone for next weekend as I'm planing on going to Alnwick for a couple of days.

We are supposed to have this for 10 days............and now we have about 4" in a couple of hrs and the roads are packed snow but guess what hasnt been seen here in Scunny:thinking:

It's the Schools Cross Country cup finals at the Castle next weekend, but they are already taking about postponement. :(
This thread is useless with pictures!
My trip to Hartlepool is looking less likely by the hour
After David's post saying he had snow on the North coast, we were expecting a bit down here an hour or so later - not a flake! Colder than a witche's nurple outside still - cat not enjoying her toilet outings, so we're expecting litter tray usage later! Won't be surprised if we can't get out of the road later and I'm buggered if I'm going to be the kind hearted soul who grits it this year! (Last year, the council sent a small gritting team to do it who drove to the bottom of the cul-de-sac then slid all over the place on the way back up while the shovellers were trying to spread the grit...)
Woke up to a heavy snowfall here overnight.:|
Nothing here, blue skies, bright sunshine, a little chilly for those without a layer of blubber, but from inside it just looks like a summers morning.
Had a little bit of snow last night, but not much (probably only 1-2mm) and it's starting to melt again... We're forecast for snow on Tuesday&Wednesday though, so we'll see how it goes :)
South West Scotland - woke up to a small dusting in Argyll, but nothing ground breaking. We usually get it last or not at all, but who knows.
We had a heavy frost this morning, can barely call it snow.

More predicted for over the weekend and into Mon/Tues. Doubt we will get much though.

Still got the fire going though as its flippin cold. Running out of logs though, need to get a delivery in!