15ins. of snow here!!...now 18ins.!! now 21ins!!..was 24ins!!

There's a lot of guttering that's come crashing down here - the resulting avalanches are quite impressive. It's not the end of the world if my new plastic stuff comes down but the old cast iron guttering would be a pain.

It's the norm up here to have snow boards on house roofs above a conservertory - well worth considering if you dont have them already.

Our conservatory is adjoining a flat roof section of the property on 1 side but good advice and worth fitting one on the other side(y)

I have witnessed plastic guttering ripped off everywhere, it will be like a gold rush for jobbing builders and handymen as it is a simple repair replacing the broken clips and refitting the guttering which in most cases will be reusable.
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Our conservatory is adjoining a flat roof section of the property on 3 sides but good advice and worth fitting one on the 4th side(y)

I have witnessed plastic guttering ripped off everywhere, it will be like a gold rush for jobbing builders and handymen as it is a simple repair replacing the broken clips and refitting the guttering which in most cases will be reusable.

I think your better searching for 'snow guards' rather than 'snow boards' in this day and age otherwise you just get lots of winter sports stuff.
Well it's colder here than it has been all week, must be at least minus 5, streetlights even just a few blocks away are shimmering which is a sure sign that it's very cold. Most of the snow that's left is now solid ice, just went to the local supermarket to buy some beer and by the time i came back my hands were numb.

We're also supposed to get a really heavy snowfall tomorrow from 6am to 3pm...
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No fresh snow today but it's freezing rapidly. The car's not been up the hill for a few days now. Only consolation I'm getting fitter 'cos I have to walk the hill twice a day. (y)
No fresh snow today but it's freezing rapidly. The car's not been up the hill for a few days now. Only consolation I'm getting fitter 'cos I have to walk the hill twice a day. (y)

Plus your saving money on fuel! :p
My car seen here is parked about 10m from a main road which is more or less clear.... can I get it to that road? Can I hell.... every time I start digging it starts snowing.... it's actually quite funny now, although my poor aching arms don't think so.... :D

There is so much snow in Alnwick town centre and nowhere for it to go they have today started loading it on to wagons to dispose of elsewhere.
they could dump it in the sea

... or build a giant snowman!
Well I done ok.
Actually, I got home quicker than I normally do leaving the airport at 1700 due to there being sod all traffic on the M27 :woot:

My piccies of the airport weren't too great sadly (didn't get much time, due to clearing aprons and stands of snow).

But got a beauty when I got home:

bit of snow here again... nothing record breaking although the sky right now looks like it wants to drop a ton of snow on us. Whether it actually will or not is a whole 'nother story...
Constant snow here since about 9AM, however it's on the borderline now between snow and sleet... I think it's still mostly falling as snow but there's definitely a wee bit of rain in there too.

Half the town's filling stations are empty or nearly empty, the supermarket is looking a bit bare too, and I was supposed to get a delivery yesterday that I didn't get.
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tell me about it.. the only gloves ive got at the moment have the thumb and forefinger cut off so i can use my camera.. :LOL:

hurt a bit :crying:

Neil, Primark have 'texting gloves' they have full fingers but a little hole to pop fingers out of and back into, would be great for photography. In the ladys section by bags/hats etc.
it keeps snowing here but the sodding stuff just won't stick, we've been on 1 inch for the whole day!
Still nothing here again either :(

Although my 3 ton firewood delivery couldnt make it last night "beacuse of snow". He is based 10 miles down the road and I know for a fact there is nothing there either cos I drove past it yesterday.
Great so I have to freeze me bits off cos he couldnt be arsed to deliver.
I've just dug 'down' to my coal bunker and I reckon I've about 4 coal buckets worth left.

Coal man can't get anywhere near us so I'm having to ration ours.

I may have to keep a few lumps for the kids Christmas presents at this rate.
I've just dug 'down' to my coal bunker and I reckon I've about 4 coal buckets worth left.

Coal man can't get anywhere near us so I'm having to ration ours.

I may have to keep a few lumps for the kids Christmas presents at this rate.

Managed to extricate a few bags of coal today.

Still have my emergency tank of calor gas......I stress emergency!! as it is cheaper to have an electric fire in every room!.
Rain is washing away the snow fast here... I think it's over now. As per usual the whole "we'll be buried in snow" has been a false alarm :( Gah, living in the south west is so boring...
I've just dug 'down' to my coal bunker and I reckon I've about 4 coal buckets worth left.

Coal man can't get anywhere near us so I'm having to ration ours.

I may have to keep a few lumps for the kids Christmas presents at this rate.

Coal men still exist? Amazing; I'm surprised Health and Safety haven't stopped them due to lifting, etc. by now, or have they somehow managed to remove the manual labour from it?.... maybe the country still has a chance after all. A very slim one. :)
Nope, our next door neighbour has coal delivered cos he is elderly, and the bloke still carries the massive open bags on his back old skool style. He has some leather brace thing, but is still a pretty hefty job.

You'd squirm at some of the lifting and pushing of 50-300KG things I have to do at work.
Rain is washing away the snow fast here... I think it's over now. As per usual the whole "we'll be buried in snow" has been a false alarm :( Gah, living in the south west is so boring...

Rain.....:) bring it on :D
Coal men still exist? Amazing; I'm surprised Health and Safety haven't stopped them due to lifting, etc. by now, or have they somehow managed to remove the manual labour from it?.... maybe the country still has a chance after all. A very slim one. :)

Still the old style coal man - he carries the bags on his back just like the old days.(y)
Coal men still exist? Amazing; I'm surprised Health and Safety haven't stopped them due to lifting, etc. by now, or have they somehow managed to remove the manual labour from it?.... maybe the country still has a chance after all. A very slim one. :)

Yep, my dad was one for years, sold the business to the other coal company in the village about 20 years ago and worked for them for a good few years.
They still deliver. i can remember him coming home black as they come. I used to go out on the wagon with him in school holidays and loved every minute of it. I can remember him complaining once that the do gooders wanted to half the weight of the sacks due to health and safety. He always said he would prefer to carry the heavier weight but walk less distance rather than going backwards and forwards more times with less weight.

He now drives a tanker instead which is another horrible job in this weather. He's got stuck twice this week and had to dig out to get going again.

Its snowing again here now.
It's now chucking it down here. Rain though. If it's going to thaw this is definitely the best way. I can see there being quite a few accidents today as people rush out thinking it's all over and turn into a side road to find that the compacted snow hasn't washed away yet.
2 degrees above freezing and it feels tropical by comparison.
Didn't budge above -4oC according to the thermostat in the works car today - in Wolverhampton.

Too cold for taking photos, the freezing fog didn't help either though. :D

Took a walk in a park to get some foggy tree shots so I hope a couple of them are good, feet were numb at the end of the 45 minute walk (trainers and thin socks. D'oh.)...
Too cold for taking photos, the freezing fog didn't help either though. :D

Never! My best winter landscape was taken on an overcast day when the temperature was registering -7 in the car. In fact some of my better wildlife shots have been achieved at below -3!

Not th emost comfortable weather, but the results are often worth it :)
Yeah, the photos I took in the park do look pretty good after a chimping session on the back of my camera today.

As for the ones I had to take for work though, to show the surrounding area, the heavy fog made it impossible. Just couldn't see beyond 50m.

Was -9oC this morning but clear, perfect weather. :D