15ins. of snow here!!...now 18ins.!! now 21ins!!..was 24ins!!

Just been out to get some much needed winter shots for some projects in a rear wheel drive courtesy car...not fun! Think I got some nice shots though, just a shame I couldn't get back up the street when I returned due to a not overly steep little ramp being seemingly too much for the crappy BMW *grumble*
finally some snow here! it looked horrible today with blizzards all day but to my surprise it hasn't accumulated much... 2-3 inches at most... still snowing though..
Welcome thaw!

Not very welcome here, I live in a hilly area and the thaw has just turned things into an ice rink, all the water from the thaw has now started to freeze on the road! It's a nightmare on the steep roads, there are buses just stopped in the road because they can't negotiate the ice on the inclines.

Just heard all bus services are going to be halted now, last bus at 7pm.

I feel sorry for all the people who should be going to the Metro Arena tonight....
Welcome thaw!

That would be typical, as next weekend event at Alnwick was cancelled yesterday.

I remember back in my canoeing days, they cancelled a race the week before due to lack of water, yet on the day they would have cancelled it due to too much water, British weather.
I made a foolhardy attempt to get to Hartlepool on Monday, drove from here to the other side of Leeds without seeing any snow at all, got on the M1 and within about 5 miles it went to blizzard conditions so I thought sod that and went home.

I only went because I couldn't find anywhere that told me not to, given all the instant information that's supposed to be available I couldn't find any that said Do Not Travel

essential journeys tells me the road is open
Snowing all day pretty much at the airport.
So looks like them warnings were right after all!!!

Although it didn't really settle much. Just turned to water. Thankfully!!

Although when I left at 1700 if was coming down real heavy.

Getting a slight dusting in Havant now.
Had about 3 inches this morning, mostly thawed now, although my road is still an ice rink. Going to be one if those melted ice, refreezes ,thaws, refreezes type affairs.

Still, my Xtrail is amazingly good in this weather, so I love it!
Hope it snows again tonight!
That would be typical, as next weekend event at Alnwick was cancelled yesterday.

I remember back in my canoeing days, they cancelled a race the week before due to lack of water, yet on the day they would have cancelled it due to too much water, British weather.

Thaw was short lived.
Ventured into Anlwick town today, it was a nightmare finding somewhere to park with all the snow piled up on the roadside, and cars that were blocked in by the snow, the footpaths were dangerous as well with snow that had slid off the roofs.
Parts of Saisnbury, Homebase, and Lidl were cordoned off as the sheer weight of the snow had brought parts of the roof down, contractors were trying to remove what snow was left to prevent further damage.
Typical, the 110 is in for MOT, the forecasters said we wouldn't get any snow and we had about 4 inches last night. Pics to follow later.
Tried to get to work at 4:45am but not a chance, couldnt even get the car out of the garage so walked to the main road to find this


Sorry its a crappy phone pic and I was shivering a bit
Severe heavy show here for te past 4 days. Got up this morning to even more. Nothing has moved here for at least 2 days as the snow is that deep. It sitting about 14 " deep where the snow hasnt drifted but where it has its a few feet deep at least. In this area its actually worse than the weather from last year and that was bad.
Hmm? Scotter road Pete?
We work at Asda but thankfully I'm not in until friday, although my other half is a Home delivery driver and his shift starts at 3pm. Methinks there may not be many deliveries done today!
We are in rural Lincolnshire, and looking outside this morning, we are now quite literally snowed in. On/Off electric isnt helping either. Off to saw more logs
We are in rural Lincolnshire, and looking outside this morning, we are now quite literally snowed in. On/Off electric isnt helping either. Off to saw more logs

Yep! power lines are heavy with snow, it's been snowing for hours and no sign of stopping. It's been 6-10ins since last thursday here, We are up to 15ins in my garden now!
The tree in my neighbours drive has just lost a large branch due to the weight of the snow, just missed our car!!!
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Interesting drive to work at 5.30, still snowing heavily. Scooter went past as I cleared the snow off of my car :wacky:
We are in rural Lincolnshire, and looking outside this morning, we are now quite literally snowed in. On/Off electric isnt helping either. Off to saw more logs

Yep! power lines are heavy with snow, it's been snowing for hours and no sign of stopping. It's been 6-10ins since last thursday here, We are up to 15ins in my garden now!
The tree in my neighbours drive has just lost a large branch due to the weight of the snow, just missed our car!!!

Any idea what the roads are like. My son plans to drive up M11/A1(M) to Lincoln University this morning to visit his girlfriend.
Yep! power lines are heavy with snow, it's been snowing for hours and no sign of stopping. It's been 6-10ins since last thursday here, We are up to 15ins in my garden now!
The tree in my neighbours drive has just lost a large branch due to the weight of the snow, just missed our car!!!
lucky miss. Stay in warm and safe. Off to check on the old folk next door in a bit
Any idea what the roads are like. My son plans to drive up M11/A1(M) to Lincoln University this morning to visit his girlfriend.

Put it this way. Yesterday Lincoln had buses, today they are all cancelled. The A1 is shut, He wont get anywhere near the place. Get him cleaning the house or something useful
Any idea what the roads are like. My son plans to drive up M11/A1(M) to Lincoln University this morning to visit his girlfriend.

just been on viking fm that the A1 is shut in most parts all the east coast is very bad so also heard the uni is closed
Ventured into Anlwick town today, it was a nightmare finding somewhere to park with all the snow piled up on the roadside, and cars that were blocked in by the snow, the footpaths were dangerous as well with snow that had slid off the roofs.
Parts of Saisnbury, Homebase, and Lidl were cordoned off as the sheer weight of the snow had brought parts of the roof down, contractors were trying to remove what snow was left to prevent further damage.

Happy Birthday Mal! :clap:

Other half has just been to the local shop for milk and bread, they are nearly sold out and no deliveries have got through.
He says it's knee deep on the paths! :help:
well its been trying to snow overnight.. there was a slight dusting in the carpark this morning, i was going to take a photo but it turns out there was a lot of black ice too. went over on my wrist and hip, luckily no major damage done just a bit sore :(

go careful out there peops..
We've not been able to get milk or bread for two days.... and another 6" of snow last night. :bang:
I don't know what all the fuss is about :thinking:

Small jug of warm water to clear the windscreen and job's a good'un (y)
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pretty bad here in Kingston Upon Hull .... was already over 4 inch deep yesterday ... another 3 overnight ... and snowing pretty heavily now ..

tis global warming for you ... or is it global cooooooling .. :nuts:

here's the back garden this morning at 4am ... all christmassy and tranquil .. :)

pretty bad here in Kingston Upon Hull .... was already over 4 inch deep yesterday ... another 3 overnight ... and snowing pretty heavily now ..

tis global warming for you ... or is it global cooooooling .. :nuts:

here's the back garden this morning at 4am ... all christmassy and tranquil .. :)


Pahhh mere dusting:D
you havent seen Hacker's thread then? :LOL:

Yes, I have, and I said warm water. ;)

Been doing it for 25 years without a problem, just pour it slowly over the windscreen and allow the glass to warm up gently.

Just took this outside of the front door. Here's our winter weather :LOL:

We have had more snow but what had already fell compacted slightly during a brief thaw so thankfully is not as deep as it could have been but still 2ft deep!!
I have two huge mountains of snow either side of the drive now.
Yes, I have, and I said warm water. ;)

Been doing it for 25 years without a problem, just pour it slowly over the windscreen and allow the glass to warm up gently.

Just took this outside of the front door. Here's our winter weather :LOL:


How strange that looks without snow :D

Oh how I wish it were the same here.
-2 here this morning not so much as frost on the car.. No ice or anything... Light dusting at around 11 last night and I thought this morning would be white.. But nothing of the sort...

Feels like I am missing out now...