52 From Dark Star - 52/52 Texture :) (Phew!)

Lovely grunge shot John... that's a superbly narrow DOF... and spot on for the theme...

Sorry to drift off topic slightly.. Apart from in the Harbour... roughly whereaways ? I went to school in Ramsgate... (lived in Margate :D)

I note you've also gone green and italicised... congrats John.
Hi John, Season, I don't think the high ISO hurts it at all, and the detail on the wood is superb. I guess I would have liked the grinder a little more to the right but I wouldn't have got up and moved it either :D

Grunge, that's my kind of picture. DoF spot on and love the colour and detail of the rust :clap::clap:

Now get your finger out and start commenting again or I'll send the boys around with JG :bat::bat: :LOL:

Just cos you've gone green doesn't let you off sir.

And I hope the diet's going well, I know how hard it is but the hardest part is actually deciding to do it so well done you!
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:eek: That doesn't look very safe! I hope you didn't lean on it.

Yes it's definitely grungey, but for a picture of grunge there's some amazing colours in this shot. I love the combination of the oranges and greens. It just shows that grunge can have colour (y)

Very nice DoF. I love the rail fading out into the background to lead your eye in and the oof wall works very well.
Perhaps a touch too much oof foreground for me though. I think that it could do with a crop just above the bit of protruding rust on the support.

i agree with all of that apart from the last bit, i dont think it needs a crop :)
Thank you all for your comments - I'm bloody late on this project - some little things got in the way: work, home, Princess Anne and my first 'wedding' :) (well not quite but similar :D )

And last Wednesday I found myself in A&E at Rugby Hospital! Foolishly trying to remove an avocado stone with a steak knife it slipped and sliced open my finger severing an artery - boy did that bleed :D A dash to A&E (thank you neighbours) and 6 stitches later I was on my way home! It still hurts a bit and it'll be quite a scar I think but I can still use it and its still attached :D Small blessings eh?

Anyway (and thanks to Jill for a nudge in this direction) here is my respect (3 weeks late :() This is the very knife that did the damage (well okay I did the damage, I know :))

And it deserves Respect :)

(and I could've used a bit more dof but this was a one handed operation - thats my excuse :D)

I was wondering where you had got to... hope the wound heals and take more care in future! Great shot the shallow dof works really well
Catch up time again...

Season - Obviously a bit of a grab shot but it fits the theme and you've handled the difficult lighting well. Not your most inspiring shot but as Sarah said, there is only so much you can do with salt and pepper!

Grunge - Shot of the week I'd say. Why? Because you have taken something grungy and managed to bring out some beautiful colours and texture. Nice composition and DOF as well. I like! :clap:

Respect - So you going on a diet resulted in a severed artery? This is why I don't diet! What are you going to say happened when people ask about the scar? Some kind of shark related narrow escape rather than "Well I was preparing an avocado salad..." maybe? :D

Seriously - hope it heals up ok and doesn't hurt too much. Not sure you should be allowed to carry on messing around with knives but I love the DOF on the shot (y)
I was wondering where you had got to... hope the wound heals and take more care in future! Great shot the shallow dof works really well

Thanks Mark - I'm beginning to like this one more each time I view it :)

Catch up time again...

Season - Obviously a bit of a grab shot but it fits the theme and you've handled the difficult lighting well. Not your most inspiring shot but as Sarah said, there is only so much you can do with salt and pepper!

Grunge - Shot of the week I'd say. Why? Because you have taken something grungy and managed to bring out some beautiful colours and texture. Nice composition and DOF as well. I like! :clap:

Respect - So you going on a diet resulted in a severed artery? This is why I don't diet! What are you going to say happened when people ask about the scar? Some kind of shark related narrow escape rather than "Well I was preparing an avocado salad..." maybe? :D

Seriously - hope it heals up ok and doesn't hurt too much. Not sure you should be allowed to carry on messing around with knives but I love the DOF on the shot (y)

Wow thanks for that feedback Fi - much appreciated - had I been serious about my diet that night I wouldn't have been eating avocados :D and would never have managed to lose weight by removing my digit :D

It looks horrible but is clean and on the mend thanks :D
Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!!!
That sounds really serious. I hope it heals soon.

That knife definitely deserves respect . . . and I'm relieved that we just got a shot of the offending weapon and not the resulting wound to illustrate the point :puke: ;)

Yet more great dof from you in this shot . . . personally I think you've got it spot on.
What I really like though, is the way that you've captured the shadow. It shows up that lethal serrated blade fantastically, but it also adds to the strong vertical composition. (y) (y) (y)
OW!!!!!! Bet that smarted... although it may not have done being a good sharp knife... there's not enough weight loss from bits of finger to make it a worthwhile dieting practice John ... Hope it heals up quickly and cleanly.

I think the DOF in that shot has worked a treat and helps to show a sense of respect of the knife. As Sarah said, the shadow adds superbly to it. (y)
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OW!!!!!! Bet that smarted... although it may not have done being a good sharp knife... there's not enough weight loss from bits of finger to make it a worthwhile dieting practice John ... Hope it heals up quickly and cleanly.

I think the DOF in that shot has worked a treat and helps to show a sense of respect of the knife. As Sarah said, the shadow adds superbly to it. (y)

Cheers John and it hurts more now than it did then :)

Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!!!
That sounds really serious. I hope it heals soon.

That knife definitely deserves respect . . . and I'm relieved that we just got a shot of the offending weapon and not the resulting wound to illustrate the point :puke: ;)

Yet more great dof from you in this shot . . . personally I think you've got it spot on.
What I really like though, is the way that you've captured the shadow. It shows up that lethal serrated blade fantastically, but it also adds to the strong vertical composition. (y) (y) (y)

Thanks Sarah - I do have a wound shot but maybe later eh? :puke:

That dof issue I'm growing to like :)

Did nt you have an "avocado knife" handy then ;)

part of me wants the focus point to be the tip of the knife...but maybe that would be too cliche

I know what you mean Jeff but I think I'm kinda happy (finally) with the end result :)

Off to Sains to seek an 'avocado knife' :D
John, I know you're a totally dedicated photographer, who will scale mountains, swim rapids and fight sabre-toothed tigers for your art. But, honestly - a severed artery and 6 stitches. Respect, indeed. :D

That photo's making my hair stand on end, knowing what happened. :eek::eek::eek:

It's a right royal shot, blue blooded to the core, and has certainly earned my Respect.


Love the DoF on this and the serrated edge makes my blood run cold :eek:

But at least it wasn't your trigger finger ;)

Hope it's on the mend by now, and for heaven's sake don't try oysters :LOL:

Or buy some reinforced gloves :shrug:
John, I know you're a totally dedicated photographer, who will scale mountains, swim rapids and fight sabre-toothed tigers for your art. But, honestly - a severed artery and 6 stitches. Respect, indeed. :D

That photo's making my hair stand on end, knowing what happened.

It's a right royal shot, blue blooded to the core, and has certainly earned my Respect.


haha some neat references there Jean ;) I have spilt my own blood for images before - but this wasn't one such occasion I have to say :) and the evidence is that my blood is far from blue ;) It was very very red :D

Love the DoF on this and the serrated edge makes my blood run cold :eek:

But at least it wasn't your trigger finger ;)

Hope it's on the mend by now, and for heaven's sake don't try oysters :LOL:

Or buy some reinforced gloves :shrug:

Thanks Jill - its getting better thanks :) and no need for gloves - I'll just steer clear of the steak knife/avocado combo I think :D
Hi John I was wondering where you got too...:)

I thought there's not many who have been doing these 52s from the start and was hoping you would make it to the end...(y)

Anyway good to have you back...:wave:

Respect it a scary looking knife mate and my first thoughts were oh no he's over done the focus, but it's a slow burner for me and a couple of more looks and I'm starting to see what everybody saw first time...:LOL:

and it's a great shot for a one armed man...:LOL:
Thanks Marcus - trust me I'm seeing this through to the bitter end :)
Well I'm still catching up and here, at last, is friendship

Close and trusted friends are hard to come by I reckon - I've met them through work, school, the kids school among other places. But of late I've met some through this place - Talk Photography. Too many to name check really :) Perhaps I'll write a poem again :D

Anyway my friendship shot touches on friends I've made here - I received two cards from TPers - both, coincidentally, hand made :) I won't embarrass the senders by naming them but it still amazes me that friendships can blossom simply by talking to people and not even meeting them these days :)

To all the friends I've made on here - thanks :D

Aww - lucky you to get such lovely cards!

I really like the sentiment of this shot. A lot of people laugh at the idea of "online" friends but I don't see why it's any less legitimate that striking up a friendship with someone you happen to meet through work or wherever. At least on a site like this you are getting to know people with a common interest. I think forums / online gaming and all the rest can be a great way of bringing people together and your cards are a testiment to that (y)
I really like the sentiment behind this shot.
The mobile phone shots that we saw on some of the other 52's made me think how isolated we sometimes are and how sad it is that we tend to Email / text friends rather than speaking to them . . . this is the complete opposite side of the coin. There are so many great people that I've met online that I would never have met under other circumstances.

BTW Happy belated Birthday!
Hi DarkStar - happy birthday.

Really love the Respect shot - if not so much the story behind it. That knife really does show some menace!! I love the shadow which grounds the shot on the page for me. Nice one.

Great sentiment in the Friendship shot, and it therefore matches the brief to a tee. I've only just started my '52', but can already feel the luurve within the group og 52ers!

My birthday's in a few weeks, but I'll remind everyone well in time for everyone to get making cards...:geek:

Cheers, Keri.
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What a simple shot for Friendship, and an interpretaion I would never have thought of :clap::clap::clap:

And now I'm off to pack for the Convention :banana: :woot:
Oh very well done there John. Spot on for the theme, and what great cards you've received to.

When did you clear 10000 posts ?
Thanks all for your comments on this one....I'm not sure 'photographically' its that stunning or original but its the sentiment on this one that counted for me :) Thanks for your birthday wishes too & John I hit 10,000 in July sometime :)
Ok I've finally caught up with my shots and I will catch up on my comments later today I hope :)

These two both foxed me for a while but heres how I ended up with these two....

Fresh Start - I had a few ideas - breakfast (already done for 'Easy'), Juices shots (done so well by others already), plants and flowers (nope just couldn't get up early enough for those dew shots :)) and then, as my daughter was clearing some junk from her room she pulled out a chess set and it reminded me of the great feeling of anticipation when a game is started afresh with that first move Pawn to K4 :)

So here is my Fresh Start



Well again this had me thinking: Passion Flower I thought - John beat me to it :), Music - I've done that already, Photography....hmmm maybe thet'll be done by someone else then I remembered a big big passion of mine.

In the late 70s I was an enthusiastic Frisbee player: every waking hour up the park with the team, regional competitions, tour of the States - it was a real Passion (who said 'geek' :D?). I have about 90 discs in and around the house and I tried a couple of collection shots but couldn't get 'em to work so I've settled on this.

Its a 141 gram World Class disc circa 1978 - a lovely piece of plastic :D

Friendship - Happy Birthday! And what a lovely shot with nice sentiment

Fresh Start - I like this one, lovely colours[not that you could change them anyway :p and nice DOF

Passion - too much DOF for my liking, but I like the idea.
:clap: Well done on catching back up. I hope the finger's better.

I really love fresh start. Chessboards were one of the first things that I photographed.
Tough theme and this is a great interpretation (y)
Lovely dof and there are some beautiful tones in the wood.

One slight niggle. I'm not sure that the edge of the board in the foreground is adding anything. I'd be tempted to crop it away.

90 Frisbees????? (or should that be discs in expert speak? :D)
The colours and angle in this one are really working for me. Not too sure about the dof though. I think I'd like to see all the letters in "Frisbee" in focus.
Friendship - Happy Birthday! And what a lovely shot with nice sentiment

Fresh Start - I like this one, lovely colours[not that you could change them anyway :p and nice DOF

Passion - too much DOF for my liking, but I like the idea.

Thanks there Shorty - I'm torn about the dof - I'm getting a bit carried away with it I think :)

:clap: Well done on catching back up. I hope the finger's better.

I really love fresh start. Chessboards were one of the first things that I photographed.
Tough theme and this is a great interpretation (y)
Lovely dof and there are some beautiful tones in the wood.

One slight niggle. I'm not sure that the edge of the board in the foreground is adding anything. I'd be tempted to crop it away.

90 Frisbees????? (or should that be discs in expert speak? :D)
The colours and angle in this one are really working for me. Not too sure about the dof though. I think I'd like to see all the letters in "Frisbee" in focus.

Fingers on the mend thanks Sarah - take your point about the board!

Discs is the word :) Only 'Wham-O' make Frisbees :)

Here's an alternative take...any better? :shrug:

Well done on a great catch up. No 'filler shots' and all good takes on the theme. (y)

Fresh start: as Sarah said, lovely tones and colours in the wood and I like the sentiment behind the shot: the anticipation at the point of starting a new game with all to play for. I've no criticisms at all (and that's not intended to be damming with faint praise) but the chess pieces themselves are interesting, and I wonder if a slightly more overhead view would show the details better. :shrug:

Passion: I can't decide which of these 2 versions I like best - they both work for me. Again, the sentiment behind the shots is great and it's amazing what you can learn on TP - I didn't know Frisbee was a brand name (like Hoover for a vacuum?)

Fresh Start - Love this. Both the photo and how it fits the theme really work for me! (y)

Passion - 2 good photos. I can understand where Sarah is coming from in regards to the colours and DOF. For me I think the strange DOF in the first works better, because it adds something interesting in the photo that the second one might be lacking. Still thinking about this though :thinking:
I'll start with Passion - really like the personal nature of this and I definately prefer the second shot. Angle and DOF are spot on with this one (y)

Now... Fresh Start. Cracking idea but I'm not sure the angle of view or the DOF are working as well as they could. I'm wondering if a view point from behind the chess peices of the player who has made the first move would work. With the focus placed on the peice that has made the first move. Could make the opposing peices seem more formidable?

I do like the shot though - as others have said there are lovely tones and colours.
I agree with DS on Fresh Start. A very good idea, but it just doesn't quite mesh for me... I like DS's suggestion..

Passion, I prefer the second one there, I think I agree with Sarah. If the word is a key element, it needs to be in focus. (I'm with you on the DoF though John... I've been guilty of overdoing it a few times :D). Interesting bit of trivia that, that Frisbee is a brand name... Cool.
Fresh start - like the pic, but for me the DOF is a little too narrow, otherwise (y)

Passion - how can you get passionate over a bit of plastic, not a geek , an ANORACK says I ;) again a good composition. DOF again a little too narrow :clap:
Nice take on the Passion theme. Really like the colours and DoF. Cant say much more than that.