52 Week

Not sure what it is to be honest but it is certainly mechanical (y)

A very nice image but looks a little muted. That's probably true for everything at this time of year though :shake:

Have you thought about converting to black and white and having a play with the brightness, contrast or channel sliders?
great picture! certainly fits the theme well in my eyes! doesnt seem to have been used for a very long time
Hello and welcome to the 52 glad to see some new people joining in with the fun (madness):wacky:hope you will enjoy being part of this on going task to improve our photography well that is how I look at it.
Your picture fits the Mechanical bill (y)it looks like it has been in that field for a good few years not quite sure what purpose it served when it was operational your probably right with the potato idea. onto the picture I think it may have been improved it it was framed at a different angle and with a slight boost in contrast, apart from that nice to see something different from the usual engine= mechanical theme :clap:
Do like the increased saturation on the second shot as it makes it so vibrant ( if a pic of an old bit of farm machinery could be described as such).
The black and white conversion is a little "grey" for my taste and may benefit from some further TLC!
:wave: and welcome to the 52's. I like the B&W the most out of your 3 versions, it's a great choice for the theme.

Nice pic, I would have liked to see a bit more around the "implement" to give some context though. Have you though about aging the image a bit? Maybe a sepia with some of the original colour left in?

Welcome aboard - you'll have a lot of fun! :wave:

Goodness knows what it is but if fits the theme perfectly. I like the B/W version best - perhaps it could stand even a touch more contrast?

Fantastic subject :) I can't quite work it out either, I'm guessing the circular bit on the side would fold down level with the ground and be spun by the pto shaft.....and from there I'm stalled :D

I'm not sure which image I prefer although I do like Ambermile's idea.
Welcome to the madhouse. Whilst generally a loevr of b&w I think the colour edit does it for me. Brings a bit of vibrancy to what has been a dull week (for em)
A good shot Lizbeth, I think it needs a tweak of contrast, rather than a belt of saturation. The camera and lens combo is a cracking combination, but I find I always need to boost the contrast.
I now like this one the best - it has a great vintage look.
Possibly could benefit from a contrast adjustment but that is picky.:clap:
Welcome to the fun!

I think I prefer the last shot to be honest. It works very well with the subject you've chosen.

Nice work!

Welcome to the 52 Lizbeth. Good start and preferring your last conversion the most. The colouring really adds some age to the whole image now.
Hi Lizbeth and welcome aboard!

Good shot to start with and well done for taking the points on board and posting a few different versions.

Personally the last one is my favourite - I like the extra space and I like the muted, aged tones in it (y)
For my personal taste it could do with a touch more contrast . . . but if you prefer it the way it is, then that's a matter of personal taste rather than right or wrong.
Good shot - pretty sharp. Not the best of hands though:|
Play is good and sharp, What programme did you use to edit out background?.
Crikey, that's two people saying it looks sharp, and my comment was going to say it looks a bit soft. Must be my eyesight/monitor.

Anyway, I like your subject choice and it's well composed and lit. Natural light? playing cards can be a bit reflective, so you've done a good job with that.

Nice one.

Crikey, that's two people saying it looks sharp, and my comment was going to say it looks a bit soft. Must be my eyesight/monitor.

Anyway, I like your subject choice and it's well composed and lit. Natural light? playing cards can be a bit reflective, so you've done a good job with that.

Nice one.


LOL. I agree with you Ian. I think it could be sharpened slightly.

I like this Lizbeth. I especially like the black background so that nothing detracts from the cards.

Can happen to anyone!

Yes this one is much sharper which I like very much:clap:
I really like your mechanical shot, the last edit is definitely the winner for me, both with the little bit of extra space and the edit, I seem to be a big fan of desaturated images at the moment, I think it's rescued a few of the shot's I've been taking recently especially with the way light and colours are at this time of year.

The second edit of Play is so much better, the masking has been well done and the lighting's effective as well with no reflections on the cards. Hmmm I've never played whist...wanders off to Wikipedia

Two thumbs up from me (y)(y)