Ambermile's 2010 Fifty Two - Produce - Week 12

Thanks for looking in - yes, she's a gerat dog and that pic, though candid, pretty much sums her up!

Onwards and upwards... as many people may have noticed I am tending to lok on the darker side of things lately and I am afraid that this week there's no let up! I was thinking about this Produce theme - and living in Norfolk I had planned to do the "side of the road house/garden produce" type thing but you know, the more I thought about it the more I didn't want to let you all off so lightly...

Whatever, I still wanted to do the side of the road produce but also wanted to make it current - what do we *all* really only notice as we drive around? What has our society produced for us to enjoy as we move around this green and pleasant land? What have we added ourselves to produce the current "picturesque" countryside?


Produced by someone else, enjoyed by everyone

I really will try and cheer up soon, honest!
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That's rather clever :D
I'm unsure as to the background though. Perhaps it's because it's not your 'usual' triptych.

Non the less I like the idea, it's very profound.
Not really one for the wall is it?

Don't get the link between what's above and "Produce." Sorry. Reading what you wrote I think I more or less understand where you're coming from, but if you wanted to have Blott's on the Landscape as what Man has produced to ruin the views of this "green and pleasant land" - there's a lot worse than a speed camera and a bag of rubbish in a layby - all within about 15 miles of here as well! Quarry at the A47/a140 Junction, any pikey camp and Great Yarmouth for 3! :)

On a more constructive level I believe (and this is only my opinion - but I'm usually right... ;)) a triptych only really works if 3 images are the same size or say one large image balanced by two smaller identically shaped images off to the side. Maybe a plainer dark background would help as well, as I'm sitting here thinking "Has he hid a dead rabbit up behind that left hand picture?" :thinking:

Just my tuppence worth......
Thanks Lynton - but it's more a statement than a shout, and I do believe it's actually not a triptych either as it's all inside the same frame - that'd make it a collage. Not one for the wall no, but we can't make pretty sunset pictures all the time can we?

Yes, it is a dead rabbit though :LOL:

well I now know the difference between a triptych and a collage.(I blame RobC though he said it was a tryp! :LOL:) ...... technically you could submit it for this weeks 52 as well, as 4 images there if you include the dead rabbit background..... ..... I must confess to being a saddo and trying to work out where 2 and 3 are (the speed camera ones are) as I am now quite familiar with the speed camera location's of this part of the world (yes heavy right foot syndrome, and 6 points :puke: what do points make? o I need to be aware of SPECS average speedies now as well? )

Regarding the "pretty sunsets" - to me, a photograph doesn't have to be pretty, nor is a good image, any time of day specific (I like to think I have a few nice dawn ones as well!) but it has to have interest and draw you in to it. Classic examples that springsto mind are some of the stuff Rob (Arkady - am sure he won't mind me mentioning him), has posted up on here during his latest tour in Afghanistan. Now a lot of the pics he posted I wouldn't describe as pretty - may have been a sunset or two, - but wow - what pics - tack sharp, total interaction between the "locals" and the lens, such vibrancy and feel, and almost makes me feel I was there!

Yup, right again Lynton, Arkady's stuff is awesome (even the baby shots :D ) - but this is Norfolk not Afghanistan, I am shooting to a theme not for a living, and like it or not any sort of imagery is subjective to the viewer. It's not about blots on the landscape, it's about what modern society has produced around itself, (the urgency to get somewhere, the need for fast travel, the lack of respect for the surroundings, the callousness of our nature, the individuality overpowering our natural greagariousness), and what it has lost in the process (community, time to stop and look around, respect for nature, contempt for the laws of the land). OK so you don't like it - move on :LOL:
but this is Norfolk not Afghanistan

- No s*** Sherlock,:) I guess that explains why I couldn't find any Burkha's in M&S or Top Shop today! :LOL: The lack of AK47's and Apache gunships was noticable as well - though we did have a couple of them fly over the golf course last week.

The point I was trying to make, but appears to have been missed, was that (in my opinion ;) a Photograph doesn't have to have a "pretty" content for it to work, (and quite often Reportage style is far from pretty) but it needs to have something interesting to draw your attention to it. My opinion was that this picture did nothing for me from a pictorial point of view. Sorry. I did also give my reasons for not liking it. But I am sure others will like it. It's good we all have different preferences and likes.

Surely whether it is paid work or an amateur is irrelevant. :thinking:

One thing you may be willing to help with though, as I have tried a few times, (admittedly with different subjects) is photographing from within a moving car. I always seem to get a bit of blur both camera shake and motion blur (even with fast shutter speeds) and inevitably reflection from the windscreen. The middle picture of yours, appears to be taking from within a moving car, :shrug: and unless you have a LHD - the drivers side???, the sun is high and to the right, judging by the shadows, yet no motion blur, razor sharp and no windscreen reflections. :clap: Go on, tell me your secrets. :) Also where is it? Have we got nasty SPECS cameras round here now as well????

As requested, I shall now move on............ :exit:
Well, cut to the chase - the middle pic was shot going through the road works on the A14 at Ipswich, the speed camera is in Loddon. The moving shot through the windscreen was taken with the Ixus mounted on a suction mount on the windscreen, it's hit and miss and this one was a hit. It will not fire if it cannot focus so you usually get something even if it takes a couple of seconds to get it right. The other two were with the D70 and the 18-200 Sigma, pretty mundane really!


PS - the dead rabbit's in Seething :LOL:
Hi Arthur,

A little bit behind with your thread sorry.
You say that your work has been dark and gloomy lately, but I have to disagree with that on your candid shot. I think the words behind are simply inspiring and heartwarming – it reminds me of how much our furry friends give to us and how they keep us going.

You’ve already pointed out the flaws with the image, but I actually really like it despite the flaws (or maybe because of them)
Shila is a beautiful dog and you’ve really caught the essence of her in that shot.
No it’s not technically perfect, but emotionally it’s pretty damn close and for me that’s far more important in this context.
(p.s. Love the water trails ;))

Produce : I can empathise with the message behind this and you’ve certainly got all the elements there to get the message across.
The composition is well balanced with the left and right images matching in size and shape and I like the way that you’ve the fourth image as a subtle background.

But it’s the background image that I keep being drawn to. (I could see that it was a dead something – couldn’t quite make out that it was a rabbit). I can see why you’ve used it as a background . . . the way that you’ve used it contributes to the telling of the story and the grass actually works well as a textured backdrop from an aesthetic POV.
I can’t help feeling that this is the strongest, most emotive image of the set though and somehow I’d like it to be given more prominence - it just feels a little too lost at the moment.
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:LOL: Loving the bleak Produce shot :LOL: Unusual way of framing them with the leafy background over the typical side by side triptych.
I took a similar shot of a duck trying to get some crisps out of a bag on the side of a lake last year. So sad.
Candid is very good, it's got the no's you mention, but it works...

Produce, that's a very different and dark take on the theme. It works and conveys the message.
Any updates forthcoming soon Arthur?

Hi Ian - sorry but no. Kind of sick of fielding inane comments from the local mob. Maybe next year.

Arthur - now expecting *more* crap... I am not looking :D