Ambermile's 2010 Fifty Two - Produce - Week 12


A Whole Lot of Sparkle..
Edit My Images
Not sure I am doing this right as most everyone else looks to be set for a new thread each week... but I will keep all mine in this one thread I think so I don't lose them all :D

Looking to be totally different each week I hope, rather than staying where I am comfortable and working from there.

Here is the current picture - for Week Twelve - Theme is "Produce", link to picture discussion here


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Just signed up for the 52 also, so looking forward to seeing lots of different interpretations of the weekly themes.

I am also looking to do a combined thread, but I think I saw something on here that suggested that active threads can't last longer than 6 months, unless I was reading it wrong... so you could end up with a Part 1 and Part 2.

I'm not normally one for posting images, although this project will force me to :)

Look forward to seeing your images, have fun!
Hi D (hi... ) Maybe I'll go for the first few and see how it goes, if the rules mean I can't do it this way then I can always alter it later! Good luck with your set - and you make sure you get some fun in there too!

So, on now to the first shot of the 52 set then. The more I thought about this theme, the more I was not sure whether I was going to shoot something curved, or something that had been curved. I decided the latter, curves are everywhere but finding interesting things that are no longer straight rather than just curved would be a bit more fun. Or, so I thought at least... it was only this morning, walking big dog through the woods after the light snowfall yesterday that I came upon the subject for this week's entry... poor old branches weighed down with the weight of all that snow. Looking around half-heartedly (got days left yet, right?) I noticed the sun coming through the trees onto the this one - looked like it was on fire.

Took two shots of this subject in RAW with the D1x, Sigma 28-200 at 68mm on manual focus, f/5.6 1/160th sec, ISO 125 and +0.3EV. Having figured out that Photo Impct X3 is pants at handling RAW files, I now use LightRoom for pre-processing and PI for final messing about. Anyway, on with the show - here it is then:


This was a close one to call, the following picture was almost chosen instead, taken same time with pretty much the same settings, but the way the Sun made the ice look like it was on fire won me over... so here is the "nearly-won" shot as well:


I would appreciate any comments - that is why we do this after all!

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I would appreciate any comments

Ooo, now I like that first one! Love the light on the branch/twig and the hairy feeling to the snow. Lovely stuff, and a different twist on the theme. (y)
Well 68 said it all, looks like a heating element running all the way along the twig.
Hi Arthur, the first one stands out more for me, as you have said the sun light makes the twig look like it's on fire.
Cool shots! You can really see the fractal effect of the frost.
#1 is a great picture
composition and exposure absolutely spot-on :clap:
but is it "curved" - not sure
#1 is a great picture
composition and exposure absolutely spot-on :clap:
but is it "curved" - not sure

Thanks Mike - I can relax in the knowledge that it's not straight atleast - and for me yes, it is curved in the sense I was after - the stems with no snow were pretty much straight out.

Great take on the theme and lovely shots. Well exposed and fresh

Thanks Chris (though I did have to peg it back 1/3 stop!) - indeed thanks to everyone for commenting so far, I (and all the other 52-ers) really do appreciate the C+C, and also the support that it implies for what we are doing :D

Brilliant Arthur, both work very well but I prefer number 2. The light and colour work great.:)
Hi Arthur,

If this runs the same as last year we all keep one thread for all our posts. Of course it's up to you how you decide to run yours, but I think it's neater this way. Last year most 52ers ended up with 2 threads, because after 6 months you can no longer update post no.1 to alter the thread title for the week no. and theme.

Good to see you on board and two great shots to start off with.
I think I prefer No.1 . . . no No.2 . . . or maybe No.1 :thinking:
I don't know! Absolutely love both of them if I'm honest :LOL:

Beautiful effect of the sun on the ice and great detail in them. A great start to your 52.
Thanks again, and thanks Sarah for explaining how the nuts and bolts work.

Might I just say that were it not for this thread...

and indeed others of the same vein, these image ideas would not have even entered my head - OK, they may have entered it but because I had yet to get a decent RAW image through my processing stage they would have fallen by the wayside. One more example of the improvements made just by being here and working through stuff with people that know about these things. :D

1st one is a winner.

Plain and simple, lovely contrast and the DOF is spot on (IMHO)

Thanks again - much more of this and it'll be me starting to glow!

A very simple interpretation Arthur, yet it's a very good one. Love the sun shining on the snow giving it that glow.
Really like the first choice, great capture. The sun definitely makes the shot what it is.
Once more many thanks - I am going to get rather embarrassed soon! It seems I have much to live up to for the Poetry theme, here's hoping I don't let you all down... I have my poem, simple, yet straight to the point. No idea how I am going to picture it yet - actually I lie, I have just as I type had a major flash...

Thanks Dave - appreciated :D

I think I am back to struggling here - my favourite McGough poem is also very short, very succinct, yet full of possibilities, and I cannot think of one that I can actually (realistically) get down to am image, dammit! No surrender, giving in, them's the rules I signed up for though and I am not changing the poem because it's getting tough

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Thanks Chris, Ed - much appreciated. Here's looking to the next one :D

As I said above, I do like Roger McGough and I was so tempted with:

A nun, in a supermarket,
stands in the queue.
Wonders what it's like
to buy
vegetables for two....

Dunno if I quoted it correctly, but what a shot that conjures up! I don't think I dare though, but he's such a vivid and down to earth man, his verse is perfect for this theme. Even so, my choice (and I am going to stick with it) is forcing me to think long and hard.

This theme I thought I had wrapped up with a reasonably easy choice from a couple of my fave poems from Roger McGough, but circumstances conspired to change plans quite a bit actually... so on to the picture.

As I took this picture late one evening I was very cold, very tired and just wanting to go home. Making no excuses, the initial shot was underexposed and taken RAW. First look at the RAW was not good but pushing it made such a wonderful sky appear that I knew this image was the one I would use. Several poems sprung to mind but seemd to be sort of cold and blue rather than the cold yet optimistic for the warmth to come feeling I wanted to convey.

In the end, I chose Winter, by Walter de le Mare. In it's simplicity it says just what I want it to, he implies warmth to come but that is so far only an illusion. Whatever, not going to be to everyone's taste but here's the final image:



Clouded with snow
The cold winds blow,
And shrill on leafless bough
The robin with its burning breast
Alone sings now.

The rayless sun,
Day's journey done,
Sheds its last ebbing light
On fields in leagues of beauty spread
Unearthly white.

Thick draws the dark,
And spark by spark,
The frost-fires kindle, and soon
Over that sea of frozen foam
Floats the white moon.

Walter de la Mare
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This theme I thought I had wrapped up with a reasonably easy choice from a couple of my fave poems from Roger McGough, but circumstances conspired to change plans quite a bit actually... so on to the picture.

As I took this picture late one evening I was very cold, very tired and just wanting to go home. Making no excuses, the initial shot was underexposed and taken RAW. First look at the RAW was not good but pushing it made such a wonderful sky appear that I knew this image was the one I would use. Several poems sprung to mind but seemd to be sort of cold and blue rather than the cold yet optimistic for the warmth to come feeling I wanted to convey.

In the end, I chose Winter, by Walter de le Mare. In it's simplicity it says just what I want it to, he implies warmth to come but that is so far only an illusion. Whatever, not going to be to everyone's taste but here's the final image:


Winter by Walter de la Mare
Clouded with snow
The cold winds blow,
And shrill on leafless bough
The robin with its burning breast
Alone sings now.

The rayless sun,
Day's journey done,
Sheds its last ebbing light
On fields in leagues of beauty spread
Unearthly white.

Thick draws the dark,
And spark by spark,
The frost-fires kindle, and soon
Over that sea of frozen foam
Floats the white moon.

Walter de la Mare
Beautiful - what more can be said.

Curves - I prefer your chosen image. I like the sun burning in the snow, I like the sharpness and I also like that extra bit of texture to the background.

Poetry - I think this is a delightful image that goes so well with the poem. I like the cold/warm contrast you have managed to convey.
Wouldn't look out of place on the shelves of Clintons or Hallmark.
Thanks for that Rob and Terran, it's great to know that others are able to see the same things you do when you look at a picture.

Arthur :D
Fantastic image Arthur. I wondered if someone would go for a snow poem in the end! I chickened out of that after it was suggested in the original week 2 thread but you have done a nice job there.
Good combination, love the warm colours against the snow with plenty of detail in the sky.
Thanks Chris, I had not planned to do this but as I sat down and looked I just knew it had to be the one - and Mr de la Mare does know his stuff when it comes to painting with words.

Scott, thanks - got a thing for cold and hot so far, I hope I can break away from it for the next theme! This shot was taken with the Nikon and I'm still in Canon mode if I don't stop to think... that's why I think the sky was metered for and not the scene, which in this case turned out rather well. A happy mistake shall we say?
