Any fishkeepers out there?

brad131987 said:
Has any one ever had gold fish babies?

Never bred goldfish but I suspect they would be quite easy to raise, I've bred Cory's , plecs, discus, various cichlids and dwarf cichlids, platies, guppys, and swordtails. Lol.

dinners said:
Will do but it's been fine.

In terms of stock - it's very sparse.

3 X Ghost Catfish - They just like to shimmer in the flow around mid level

3 X Zebra Danio - Pretty much stay up top

3 X Peppered Cory - the bottom feeders 2 little males and 1 big female that spawns

Corys breed like wildfire after a cold water change. Did you manage to test your water?
I have had a 60ltr tank for about 2 years. 1 Dwarf Gourami, 5 Harlequin Rasbora and 1 Platy.

Excuse the poor pictures they were from my phone.


This was my tank. 5ft 400ltr, fully planted, had discus in there, breeding corys, breeding L no's, breeding apistogramma, various tetras etc.


Also had it like this


And this



I think it's safe to say I used to rescape the tank quite often!
Corys breed like wildfire after a cold water change. Did you manage to test your water?

Not yet Matt

I thought I had some of those Tetra 6 in 1 test strips but I've none left.

I'll have to wait till I can go to Perth.
Has any one ever had gold fish babies?

This thread is killing me, I want a tank but no can do :(

We had goldfish just breed in our pond (3 little uns from 4 adults) but all gone now as is the pond :(
I've just ordered a 4ft tank to be delivered in 2 weeks :D

I'm going to set it up as a planted freshwater tropical.

15 years ago I ran a 4ft freshwater and 4ft marine tank :eek:

Things have certainly changed in the world of fishkeeping between now and then :)

As much as I'm excited about setting up a tank again, I'm also really looking forward to combining keeping fish with photographing them. It's going to give my photography, which has been sadly lacking of late, a bit more focus (pun intended ;))
Grendel said:
I've just ordered a 4ft tank to be delivered in 2 weeks :D

I'm going to set it up as a planted freshwater tropical.

15 years ago I ran a 4ft freshwater and 4ft marine tank :eek:

Things have certainly changed in the world of fishkeeping between now and then :)

As much as I'm excited about setting up a tank again, I'm also really looking forward to combining keeping fish with photographing them. It's going to give my photography, which has been sadly lacking of late, a bit more focus (pun intended ;))

Sounds good, are you going for a tropical community or cichlids?
Definitely community fish Matt. I'm going to be planting quite heavily so aiming for small to medium fish to (hopefully) look beautiful swimming through and around the foliage.

I have to say, the photos you posted above are fantastic! You've had some gorgeous set ups. The 6 footer you're aiming for is going to be something else! (y)
I've just set the wheels in motion to bring my old tank, electrics and bog wood etc back from my parents. Need to get the unit sorted in the next few weeks, and then collect the tank when I next pop up there (mid/late september)

its 48 x 12 x 18 and will be set up as a community Tropical tank with (like paul) some heavy planting.

Looking forward to it, it's been far too long since I had a tank setup.
Grendel said:
Definitely community fish Matt. I'm going to be planting quite heavily so aiming for small to medium fish to (hopefully) look beautiful swimming through and around the foliage.

I have to say, the photos you posted above are fantastic! You've had some gorgeous set ups. The 6 footer you're aiming for is going to be something else! (y)

Thanks for the comments about the tank, in regards to your set up, you can still have some cichlids in there that will not rip up your plants, dwarf cichlids mainly or like I had discus , have a look at the apistogramma species , start with A.cacatuoides, also are you dosing your plants with Ferts and carbon??

I do quite fancy a pair of ramirezi cichlids. I had them previously and they made lovely community fish :)

I'm going to be running a JBL pressurised Co2 injection system and will definitely use ferts, although unsure which yet as there are so many to choose from! I'm still undecided on substrate choice too. Currently thinking of putting a base layer of aquarium compost and covering it with a good couple of inches of black 1.5mm quartz gravel.
Used to be avid fish keeper, to the point of whole shed full of tanks. Mainly was into Tanganyika chiclids, must calmer and not so nasty as the Malawi chiclids. But house move put an end to it all, still miss my fish so much. Best fish was by far the Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis Blue Neon a chiclid which spawns in upper/middle water and mouth broods. Lovely fish and when get in optimum conditions stunning colours and reasonably easy to breed.
OMG shows how long it has been meant cichlid not chiclids lol
Grendel said:
I do quite fancy a pair of ramirezi cichlids. I had them previously and they made lovely community fish :)

I'm going to be running a JBL pressurised Co2 injection system and will definitely use ferts, although unsure which yet as there are so many to choose from! I'm still undecided on substrate choice too. Currently thinking of putting a base layer of aquarium compost and covering it with a good couple of inches of black 1.5mm quartz gravel.

Sounds good, If you have a base layer of sand then the gravel there's no need for the compost, try, they have a starter kit where you make your own plant foods,cheaper and easier
That's interesting Matt, re sand under the gravel. Thanks for the link, will have a look now (y)
Unit built, Tank being collected this weekend and Heater and pump have just been ordered!

Now let the fun begin :D

Getting the idea of how I want it to look from my head and into the physical tank may take some time :LOL:
as my forum name suggests I breed whiptails and bristle noses and, inadvertently, swordtails. I don't do anything special whatsoever to encourage breeding but the following points have proved useful:

bristle-noses - perfer to live in vertical caves so eggs are more likely when those lil cave things are placed at an upright angle

whiptails - just need to ensure there's nothing in the tank that likes to eat babies (we put them in their own tank when we want babies) - bristle nose will eat the whiptail eggs. The baby whiptails in our tanks survive best on potato peelings!

swordtails - more chance of babies surviving if the top of the tank is covered with plants - the babies can hide in it - but even better to store them in a breeding cube until they're bigger
I've just had a phone call from the aquarium to say that my tank is ready to be collected :D

So this weekend I can start putting this lot in :woot: :banana:

Now THAT is some supplies there Paul! Going to look impressive I reckon! (y)

Well, I collected my tank at the weekend (a mere 500 mile round trip :LOL:) and water tested it. Once I was happy, everything was moved inside and into position. The pump and heater are on my desk next to me at work, ready to be positioned tonight, and the sand will be collected at lunchtime. The evenings this week and no doubt all weekend will be spent washing sand, and tinkering with setup before buying some plants next week. Once the tank's been running happily for a week or so, I'll be off for some fish!!

Then I'll relax and watch them (or most likely continue to tinker :LOL:)
Similar story here Andrew. Picked up the tank early on Saturday morning, although it was a mere 20 mile round trip ;)

I spent all of yesterday setting up the hardware - it's surprising how long it takes!

Next weekend the substrate goes in and then the water. I'll give it a week to settle then plant it up. Then the following week I'll put a few fish in :D
Can't wait to see the fishes, look up my mate on eBay , ste12000, he breeds, sells and imports all kinds of fish
"Fish in" Cycling now well under way and levels seem to have stabalised well.

Now looking towards the bigger picture and exactly which fish I'm going populate it with.

I've currently got 4 Bolivian Rams and will be sticking with fish from South America. The plan was for a couple of Blue Acara's (as I had previously many years ago) but having spoken to several people who keep Discus themselves in "select" community tanks, I'm contemplating a couple of those instead (and therefore limiting the number of other fish given their eventual size)

A few Corydoras will be added in the coming weeks, and then I'll have a month or so to contemplate Acara's Vs Discus :LOL:
Blue accaras will grow massive and can become very aggressive especially when spawning, I had 4 all grow to around 5" if not bigger, stunning cichlid non the less, you will not be able to keep anything smaller than the accaras mouth size otherwise it will be eaten lol.

I would say discus but not for the amateur fish keeper, they are very sensitive fish, they require lots of water changes, constant water parameters , they prefer soft acidic water and do not do well with other big cichlids.

Any help then just inbox me,

Look forward to seeing this develop.

Cheers Matt,

I've got to say I'm tending to lean towards the Discus at the moment (partly the "Been-there-Done-That" factor with the Acara's). I appreciate both grow to a fair size, I was fortunate that My Acara's weren't aggressive, but they were kept with other fair sized fish, the Acara's were about 4" or so.

I've downloaded a kindle book on Discus which I'll get read before I make any final decisions. I spent a good while chatting to the guy in the local aquatics centre about discus (he keeps them himself in a community tank) and this certainly answered a few of the ill-informed impressions I had about them. I was always under the impression they should be in a near empty tank with little to no tank mates, but it would appear that this belief is somewhat outdated, thankfully.

Once again, many thanks for the info, and I may well PM you in the future (y)
It's taken a few weeks of preparation but the tank now has water, wood and plants in :D

(Sorry about the poor quality iPhone photos, hopefully I'll get some proper shots soon)


The cave for the red tail shark to make his home :)


The left side


This weekend the first fish will be going in (y)
Grendel said:
It's taken a few weeks of preparation but the tank now has water, wood and plants in :D

(Sorry about the poor quality iPhone photos, hopefully I'll get some proper shots soon)

The cave for the red tail shark to make his home :)

The left side

This weekend the first fish will be going in (y)

Looking good mate, those Lilly's grow massive
AndrewA123 said:
Cheers Matt,

I've got to say I'm tending to lean towards the Discus at the moment (partly the "Been-there-Done-That" factor with the Acara's). I appreciate both grow to a fair size, I was fortunate that My Acara's weren't aggressive, but they were kept with other fair sized fish, the Acara's were about 4" or so.

I've downloaded a kindle book on Discus which I'll get read before I make any final decisions. I spent a good while chatting to the guy in the local aquatics centre about discus (he keeps them himself in a community tank) and this certainly answered a few of the ill-informed impressions I had about them. I was always under the impression they should be in a near empty tank with little to no tank mates, but it would appear that this belief is somewhat outdated, thankfully.

Once again, many thanks for the info, and I may well PM you in the future (y)

No probs mate, I know plenty of breeders of discus so if you need out let me know, saves you paying stupid shop prices and these are all quality fish, non will be stunted, something you need to watch for with discus
It's taken a few weeks of preparation but the tank now has water, wood and plants in :D

Looking great Paul (y)

No probs mate, I know plenty of breeders of discus so if you need out let me know, saves you paying stupid shop prices and these are all quality fish, non will be stunted, something you need to watch for with discus

Cheers Matt (y)
Thanks guys :) I've had those lilies before Matt - Tiger Lotus I believe they're called. They make a stunning feature plant.

Just getting the CO2 balance right at the moment. Almost there. It's amazing seeing the plants "breathing". There are thousands of tiny oxygen bubbles on the surface of the leaves. The Amazon Sword is giving off a constant stream of bubbles!

Water conditions are almost ready for some fishes now! :D
Grendel said:
Thanks guys :) I've had those lilies before Matt - Tiger Lotus I believe they're called. They make a stunning feature plant.

Just getting the CO2 balance right at the moment. Almost there. It's amazing seeing the plants "breathing". There are thousands of tiny oxygen bubbles on the surface of the leaves. The Amazon Sword is giving off a constant stream of bubbles!

Water conditions are almost ready for some fishes now! :D

Very good sign, it's called pearling.
Looking good grendel!

after seeing matts tank a couple of weeks ago I started looking around at planted tanks and was astonished by how gorgeous they are. I rushed off and bought a second hand corner tank (rubbish for taking photos). I have a couple of diy CO2 generators in but im on the lookout for any second hand co2 injection systems. Its 10 days old now and everything is looking good apart from the dwarf grass, its struggling for some reason, maybe not enough light. The first fishless cycle is complete (with the help of a filter squeeze), the shrimp are loving it and a few cardinals will go in shortly.

burrachaga said:
Looking good grendel!

after seeing matts tank a couple of weeks ago I started looking around at planted tanks and was astonished by how gorgeous they are. I rushed off and bought a second hand corner tank (rubbish for taking photos). I have a couple of diy CO2 generators in but im on the lookout for any second hand co2 injection systems. Its 10 days old now and everything is looking good apart from the dwarf grass, its struggling for some reason, maybe not enough light. The first fishless cycle is complete (with the help of a filter squeeze), the shrimp are loving it and a few cardinals will go in shortly.

That is looking very nice, that grass may die down but come back twice as strong, it also grows like mad once it gets going and you can pull it up, cut in half, and replant.

As a second co2 injection try liquid carbon, not the cheapest of stuff but very very good.

cheers matt,

do you know what type of grass it is? I guess the larger grass is e. tenellus but im not sure on the dwarf grass.


and what are the shoots for? seeds, flowers??