Anyone else use 500px?

i use it, i find that there are fewer group spammers or morons on there :D mainly because there are no groups which i think flickr is better for

anyway, here i am
Has anyone else upgraded to the "awesome" account, do the Paypal bit, then been left staring at a message that says "We are almost there, any second now..."? I've been waiting about 10 minutes now. Makes me wonder if the upgrade was successful or not. Oh, well, I can always email them to make sure.
garryknight said:
Has anyone else upgraded to the "awesome" account, do the Paypal bit, then been left staring at a message that says "We are almost there, any second now..."? I've been waiting about 10 minutes now. Makes me wonder if the upgrade was successful or not. Oh, well, I can always email them to make sure.

Yes mine did. I closed it down and it had all gone though ok.
just gone through and updated my following list..

should really add some photos now, i'll try and sort that tonight. trouble is i get distracted and/or depressed at how many great photos there are.. :LOL:
I think I will give this a go, looks very slick. Problem is the feelings of inadequacy when looking at the standard of images on there. Oh well, ever onward and upward I suppose.

I've had a look at 500px and the images there are very impressive. Far too high a standard for me to post anything there! (at the present time!)

I have a question though.

I don't remember when Flickr started and wondered if anyone here can recall that. Were the first images posted on Flickr of a similar standard to what's on 500px now? I guess what i'm trying to say is will 500px become more and more popular until the quality of the images becomes diluted and more like Flickr is now?
I guess what i'm trying to say is will 500px become more and more popular until the quality of the images becomes diluted and more like Flickr is now?

Probably. That's what I'm doing as we speak. :D

Join if you want undiluted content. :cool: I've only submitted one image on there, and it was rejected by the curators within a couple of days, unsurprisingly.
I've had a look at 500px and the images there are very impressive. Far too high a standard for me to post anything there! (at the present time!)

I have a question though.

I don't remember when Flickr started and wondered if anyone here can recall that. Were the first images posted on Flickr of a similar standard to what's on 500px now? I guess what i'm trying to say is will 500px become more and more popular until the quality of the images becomes diluted and more like Flickr is now?

I think when 500px started, the pictures were heavily moderated - you used to submit your pictures, and only if they were considered good enough, would they be hosted. Since they went over to being a commercial entity, obviously, nobody would pay for hosting, if someone else had the final veto of what could go online, so they lost the entry moderation and went for voting for the good shots instead. I know that there are a bunch of shots on my portfolio that I love, but nobody else likes, and I'm feeling

a) depressed that nobody likes them


b) like I should take them back offline.

so maybe it's working. :shrug:
Just spent an hour and a half following everyone who's posted a link so far. Anyone else who's thinking of joining: please post the link to your site, not just your user name; I can search for you but some people might not bother.

One good thing about 500px not having groups or forums is that we have our own forum here. Maybe someone should start a general "500px members" thread in the main Talk Photography forum. Just so that we can discuss the site there rather than here, and use this thread to introduce ourselves.
Here's my link.

I'll start adding the good folks on this list later today. I must say the standard is very high but adding full res images rather than the low res versions on here for example makes a big difference. Even some of my stuff looks half alright on there.

Right I think I've added everyone on here now.

Thanks to all the people which has added me to 500 too :) look forward to seeing all your pics and sharing my own!
definitely something to run alongside my website & flickr accounts. The quality is stunning, I use it as much for inspiration as anything else
How do you add people? By clicking on the Follow button?

EDIT: Answered my own question there.
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Think I am following most on this thread now. I say most just in case I missed any. Thanks to those who have reciprocated.
You might all like to follow 500px on Twitter. They've been tweeting about some of the upcoming features such as a Lightroom upload plugin, an Android app, and the ability to rearrange photos on your community pages (as opposed to in your portfolio).
You might all like to follow 500px on Twitter. They've been tweeting about some of the upcoming features such as a Lightroom upload plugin, an Android app, and the ability to rearrange photos on your community pages (as opposed to in your portfolio).

Hadn't seen those, but they do tweet a hell of a lot! The lightroom plugin will be handy, and an iPhone and android app would be nice too as I do about 50% of my web browsing on my android phone/ipod touch.
jamesoliverstone said:
What a shame I don't get commission on referrals :LOL:

You do. Oh wait you forgot to sign up for that!?


Ok I am lying :)
Made a free account today after a few weeks of snooping around, some amazing shots on the site that can only serve to inspire.
Only put up one pic so far , mainly to see how easy it was and how if at all it altered the image.